{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Data.Json.Serialiser
    ( -- * Serialising to different types
      serialiseJsonBs, serialiseJsonBsl, serialiseJsonT
      -- * Description how to serialise JSON from a Haskell type
    , ToJson(..)
      -- * DSL to easily create serialiser for custom Haskell types
    , runSerSpec, SerSpec(..), (.<-), KeyedSerialiser, SerObjSpec(..)
    , SpecKey, (.:), (.:?)
      -- * Low level JSON serialising helpers
    , ObjectBuilder, emptyObject, Value, (.=), (.=#), row, array, nullValue

import Data.BufferBuilder.Json
import Data.Int
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T

instance (ToJson a, ToJson b) => ToJson (Either a b) where
    toJson x =
        case x of
          Left y -> toJson y
          Right z -> toJson z

instance (ToJson a, ToJson b) => ToJson (a,  b) where
    toJson (x, y) = toJson [ toJson x, toJson y ]

instance ToJson Int64 where
    toJson i =
        let j :: Int
            j = fromIntegral i
        in toJson j

-- | A json key and a getter
data SpecKey k t
   = SpecKey
   { k_key :: !T.Text
   , k_getVal :: !(k -> Maybe t)

-- | Construct a 'SpecKey' mapping a json key to a getter function
(.:) :: (ToJson t, Typeable t) => T.Text -> (k -> t) -> SpecKey k t
k .: getter = SpecKey k (Just . getter)
{-# INLINE (.:) #-}

-- | Construct a 'SpecKey' mapping a json key to a getter function of
-- a 'Maybe' type. This allows to omit the key when generating json instead of
-- setting it to null.
(.:?) :: (ToJson t, Typeable t) => T.Text -> (k -> Maybe t) -> SpecKey k (Maybe t)
k .:? getter =
    SpecKey k $ \obj ->
        let val = getter obj
        in case val of
             Nothing -> Nothing
             Just _ -> Just val
{-# INLINE (.:?) #-}

newtype KeyedSerialiser k
    = KeyedSerialiser { unKeyedSerialiser :: Value }

-- | Associate a JSON key with a serialiser
(.<-) :: ToJson a => T.Text -> a -> KeyedSerialiser k
a .<- b = KeyedSerialiser $ toJson (a .= b)
{-# INLINE (.<-) #-}

-- | Parser specification. Use 'OnlyConstr' for normal types and 'FirstConstr'/'NextConstr' for sum types
data SerSpec k where
    SingleConstr :: SerObjSpec k ts -> SerSpec k
    MultiConstr :: (k -> KeyedSerialiser k) -> SerSpec k

runSerSpec :: SerSpec k -> k -> Value
runSerSpec spec input =
    case spec of
      SingleConstr fullSpec -> runSerObjSpec fullSpec input
      MultiConstr getVal -> unKeyedSerialiser $ getVal input
{-# INLINE runSerSpec #-}

-- | List of 'SpecKey's defining the serialisation of values to json
data SerObjSpec k (ts :: [*]) where
    SerObjSpecNil :: SerObjSpec k '[]
    (:&&&:) :: (ToJson t, Typeable t) => !(SpecKey k t) -> !(SerObjSpec k ts) -> SerObjSpec k (t ': ts)

infixr 5 :&&&:

-- | Convert a 'SerObjSpec' into an 'Value' for defining 'ToJson' instances
runSerObjSpec :: SerObjSpec k ts -> k -> Value
runSerObjSpec spec input = toJson (buildSpec spec input)
{-# INLINE runSerObjSpec #-}

buildSpec :: SerObjSpec k ts -> k -> ObjectBuilder
buildSpec spec input =
    case spec of
      SerObjSpecNil -> mempty
      (SpecKey key getVal :&&&: xs) ->
          case getVal input of
            Nothing -> buildSpec xs input
            Just val -> key .= getVal input <> buildSpec xs input

-- | Serialise json to a strict 'BS.ByteString'
serialiseJsonBs :: ToJson a => a -> BS.ByteString
serialiseJsonBs = encodeJson
{-# INLINE serialiseJsonBs #-}

-- | Serialise json to a lazy 'BSL.ByteString'
serialiseJsonBsl :: ToJson a => a -> BSL.ByteString
serialiseJsonBsl = BSL.fromStrict . serialiseJsonBs
{-# INLINE serialiseJsonBsl #-}

-- | Serialise json to a strict 'T.Text'
serialiseJsonT :: ToJson a => a -> T.Text
serialiseJsonT = T.decodeUtf8 . serialiseJsonBs
{-# INLINE serialiseJsonT #-}