{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {- ParseSyntaxFiles.hs processes a directory containing Kate XML syntax highlighting definitions. For each xml file in the directory, it creates a syntax highlighting parser Text/Highlighting/Kate/Syntax/(name).hs. Finally, it creates a module Text/Highlighting/Kate/Syntax.hs with a wrapper around all these modules. Usage: runghc ParseSyntaxFiles.hs xml Requires HXT. -} module Main where import Text.XML.HXT.Core import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower, isAlphaNum) import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.FilePath import Text.PrettyPrint import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.Char (ord) import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Types import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString, toString) import Text.Regex.Posix ((=~)) data SyntaxDefinition = SyntaxDefinition { synLanguage :: String , synAuthor :: String , synVersion :: String , synLicense :: String , synExtensions :: String , synCaseSensitive :: Bool , synLists :: [(String, [String])] , synContexts :: [SyntaxContext] , synItemDatas :: [(String, String)] , synKeywordAttr :: SyntaxKeywordAttr } deriving (Read, Show) data SyntaxKeywordAttr = SyntaxKeywordAttr { keywordCaseSensitive :: Bool , keywordDelims :: [Char] } deriving (Read, Show) data SyntaxContext = SyntaxContext { contName :: String , contAttribute :: String , contLineEndContext :: String , contLineBeginContext :: String , contFallthrough :: Bool , contFallthroughContext :: String , contDynamic :: Bool , contParsers :: [SyntaxParser] } deriving (Read, Show) data SyntaxParser = SyntaxParser { parserType :: String , parserAttribute :: String , parserContext :: String , parserLookAhead :: Bool , parserIncludeAttrib :: Bool , parserFirstNonSpace :: Bool , parserColumn :: Maybe Int , parserDynamic :: Bool , parserString :: String -- could be a regex , parserChar :: Char , parserChar1 :: Char , parserChildren :: [SyntaxParser] } deriving (Read, Show) -- | Converts a list of files (ending in .xml) and directories containing -- .xml files into a list of .xml files. argFiles :: [String] -> IO [String] argFiles [] = error "Specify paths of xml files and/or directories." argFiles args = do let isXmlFile x = isSuffixOf ".xml" x let (files, dirs) = partition isXmlFile args dirContents <- forM dirs $ \dir -> do dc <- getDirectoryContents dir return $ map (combine dir) $ filter isXmlFile dc return $ nub (files ++ concat dirContents) libraryPath :: FilePath libraryPath = joinPath ["Text", "Highlighting", "Kate"] destDir :: FilePath destDir = joinPath [libraryPath, "Syntax"] main :: IO () main = do files <- getArgs >>= argFiles destDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist destDir unless destDirExists $ createDirectory destDir mapM_ processOneFile files names <- (sort . map dropExtension . filter (isSuffixOf ".hs")) `fmap` (getDirectoryContents destDir) writeSyntaxFile names writeCabalFile names writeSyntaxFile :: [String] -> IO () writeSyntaxFile names = do let syntaxFile = combine libraryPath (addExtension "Syntax" "hs") putStrLn $ "Writing " ++ syntaxFile -- Get all syntax files, not only the newly generated ones. let imports = unlines $ map (\name -> "import qualified Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax." ++ name ++ " as " ++ name) names let cases = unlines $ map (\name -> show (map toLower name) ++ " -> " ++ name ++ ".highlight") names let languageExtensions = "[" ++ (intercalate ", " $ map (\name -> "(" ++ show name ++ ", " ++ name ++ ".syntaxExtensions)") names) ++ "]" let languageFullNames = "[" ++ (intercalate ", " $ map (\name -> "(" ++ show name ++ ", " ++ name ++ ".syntaxName)") names) ++ "]" syntaxFileTemplate <- liftM toString $ B.readFile (syntaxFile <.> "in") let filledTemplate = fillTemplate 0 [("imports",imports), ("languages",show names), ("supportedlanguages", intercalate ", " $ map (\x -> "@" ++ map toLower x ++ "@") names), ("languageExtensions",languageExtensions), ("languageFullNames",languageFullNames), ("cases",cases)] syntaxFileTemplate B.writeFile syntaxFile $ fromString filledTemplate writeCabalFile :: [String] -> IO () writeCabalFile names = do copyFile "highlighting-kate.cabal" "highlighting-kate.cabal.orig" cabalLines <- lines `fmap` readFile "highlighting-kate.cabal.orig" let (front,rest) = break (=~ "Text\\.Highlighting\\.Kate\\.Syntax\\.") cabalLines let end = dropWhile (=~ "Text\\.Highlighting\\.Kate\\.Syntax\\.") rest let toMod n = replicate 21 ' ' ++ "Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax." ++ n let newCabalLines = front ++ (map toMod names) ++ end writeFile "highlighting-kate.cabal" $ unlines newCabalLines putStrLn "Modified highlighting-kate.cabal." putStrLn "Backed up original as highlighting-kate.cabal.orig." isIncludeRules :: SyntaxParser -> Bool isIncludeRules p = parserType p == "IncludeRules" && "##" `isInfixOf` parserContext p includeLangs :: SyntaxDefinition -> [String] includeLangs syntax = nub $ map (takeLang . parserContext) $ filter isIncludeRules $ concatMap contParsers $ synContexts syntax takeLang :: String -> String takeLang [] = [] takeLang ('#':'#':xs) = xs takeLang (_:xs) = takeLang xs processOneFile :: FilePath -> IO () processOneFile src = do [syntax] <- runX $ application src let name = nameFromPath src let outFile = joinPath [libraryPath, "Syntax", addExtension name "hs"] -- let includeLangs = nub $ filter (/= name) $ map (drop 2 . parserContext) $ -- filter isIncludeRules $ concatMap contParsers $ synContexts syntax let includeImports = map (("import qualified " ++) . langNameToModule) (filter (/= name) $ includeLangs syntax) putStrLn $ "Writing " ++ outFile B.writeFile outFile $ fromString $ "{- This module was generated from data in the Kate syntax\n\ \ highlighting file " ++ (takeFileName src) ++ ", version " ++ synVersion syntax ++ ", by " ++ synAuthor syntax ++ " -}\n\n" ++ "module Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax." ++ name ++ "\n " ++ "(highlight, parseExpression, syntaxName, syntaxExtensions)" ++ "\nwhere\n\ \import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Types\n\ \import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Common\n" ++ unlines includeImports ++ "import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State)\n\ \import Control.Monad.State\n\ \import Data.Char (isSpace)\n" ++ (if null (synLists syntax) then "\n" else "import qualified Data.Set as Set\n\n") ++ render (mkParser syntax) ++ "\n" labelFor :: SyntaxDefinition -> String -> TokenType labelFor syntax attr' = case lookup attr' (synItemDatas syntax) of Just "dsKeyword" -> KeywordTok Just "dsDataType" -> DataTypeTok Just "dsDecVal" -> DecValTok Just "dsBaseN" -> BaseNTok Just "dsFloat" -> FloatTok Just "dsConstant" -> ConstantTok Just "dsChar" -> CharTok Just "dsSpecialChar" -> SpecialCharTok Just "dsString" -> StringTok Just "dsVerbatimString" -> VerbatimStringTok Just "dsSpecialString" -> SpecialStringTok Just "dsImport" -> ImportTok Just "dsComment" -> CommentTok Just "dsDocumentation" -> DocumentationTok Just "dsAnnotation" -> AnnotationTok Just "dsCommentVar" -> CommentVarTok Just "dsOthers" -> OtherTok Just "dsFunction" -> FunctionTok Just "dsVariable" -> VariableTok Just "dsControlFlow" -> ControlFlowTok Just "dsOperator" -> OperatorTok Just "dsBuiltIn" -> BuiltInTok Just "dsExtension" -> ExtensionTok Just "dsPreprocessor" -> PreprocessorTok Just "dsAttribute" -> AttributeTok Just "dsRegionMarker" -> RegionMarkerTok Just "dsInformation" -> InformationTok Just "dsWarning" -> WarningTok Just "dsAlert" -> AlertTok Just "dsError" -> ErrorTok _ -> NormalTok mkParser :: SyntaxDefinition -> Doc mkParser syntax = let name = text "-- | Full name of language." $$ text "syntaxName :: String" $$ text ("syntaxName = " ++ show (synLanguage syntax)) exts = text "-- | Filename extensions for this language." $$ text "syntaxExtensions :: String" $$ text ("syntaxExtensions = " ++ show (synExtensions syntax)) withAttr = text "withAttribute attr txt = do" $$ (nest 2 $ text "when (null txt) $ fail \"Parser matched no text\"" $$ text "updateState $ \\st -> st { synStPrevChar = last txt" $$ text " , synStPrevNonspace = synStPrevNonspace st || not (all isSpace txt) }" $$ text "return (attr, txt)") parseExpression = text "-- | Parse an expression using appropriate local context." $$ text "parseExpression :: Maybe (String,String)" $$ text " -> KateParser Token" $$ text "parseExpression mbcontext = do" $$ (nest 2 $ text "(lang,cont) <- maybe currentContext return mbcontext" $$ text ("result <- parseRules (lang,cont)") $$ text "optional $ do eof" $$ text " updateState $ \\st -> st{ synStPrevChar = '\\n' }" $$ text " pEndLine" $$ text "return result") -- defaultAttributes = text $ "defaultAttributes = " ++ (show $ map (\cont -> ((synLanguage syntax, contName cont), labelFor syntax $ contAttribute cont)) $ synContexts syntax) -- Note: lineBeginContexts seems not to be used in any of the xml files -- lineBeginContexts = -- text $ "lineBeginContexts = " ++ (show $ map (\cont -> (contName cont, contLineBeginContext cont)) $ synContexts syntax) startingContext = head (synContexts syntax) -- contextNull = text $ "parseRules \"\" = parseRules " ++ show (synLanguage syntax, contName startingContext) -- includeLangs = nub $ map (drop 2 . parserContext) $ -- filter isIncludeRules $ -- concatMap contParsers $ synContexts syntax foreignContexts = vcat $ map (\l -> text ("parseRules (" ++ show l ++ ", _) = " ++ langNameToModule l ++ ".parseExpression Nothing")) (includeLangs syntax) contextCatchAll = text $ "parseRules x = parseRules " ++ show (synLanguage syntax, contName startingContext) ++ " <|> fail (\"Unknown context\" ++ show x)" contexts = map (mkRules syntax) $ synContexts syntax initialContextStack = [(synLanguage syntax, contName startingContext)] initState = text $ "startingState = " ++ show defaultSyntaxState{ synStContexts = initialContextStack , synStKeywordCaseSensitive = keywordCaseSensitive (synKeywordAttr syntax) } mainFunction = text $ "-- | Highlight source code using this syntax definition.\n\ \highlight :: String -> [SourceLine]\n\ \highlight input = evalState (mapM parseSourceLine $ lines input) startingState" lineParser = text $ "parseSourceLine :: String -> State SyntaxState SourceLine\n\ \parseSourceLine = mkParseSourceLine (parseExpression Nothing)" endLineParser = text "pEndLine = do" $$ (nest 2 $ text "updateState $ \\st -> st{ synStPrevNonspace = False }" $$ text "context <- currentContext" $$ text "contexts <- synStContexts `fmap` getState" $$ text "st <- getState" $$ text "if length contexts >= 2" $$ text " then case context of" $$ (nest 4 $ text "_ | synStContinuation st -> updateState $ \\st -> st{ synStContinuation = False }") $$ (nest 4 $ (vcat $ map (\cont -> text (show (synLanguage syntax, contName cont)) <> text " -> " <> switchContext (synLanguage syntax, contLineEndContext cont) (<> text " >> ") <> if "#pop" `isPrefixOf` (contLineEndContext cont) then text "pEndLine" else text "return ()") $ synContexts syntax) $$ (text $ "_ -> return ()")) $$ text " else return ()") {- text "pushContext (synLanguage syntax, fromMaybe \"#stay\" $ lookup context lineBeginContexts)" $$ -} -- we use 'words "blah blah2 blah3"' to keep ghc from inlining the list, which makes compiling take a long time listDef (n, list) = text $ listName n ++ " = Set.fromList $ words $ " ++ show (if keywordCaseSensitive (synKeywordAttr syntax) then unwords list else map toLower (unwords list)) lists = vcat $ map listDef $ synLists syntax regexDef re = text $ compiledRegexName re ++ " = compileRegex " ++ show (synCaseSensitive syntax) ++ " " ++ show re regexes = vcat $ map regexDef $ nub $ [parserString x | x <- concatMap contParsers (synContexts syntax), parserType x == "RegExpr", parserDynamic x == False] in vcat $ intersperse (text "") $ [name, exts, mainFunction, lineParser, parseExpression, initState, endLineParser, withAttr, lists, regexes {- ,defaultAttributes , lineBeginContexts -}] ++ contexts ++ [foreignContexts, contextCatchAll] mkAlternatives :: [Doc] -> Doc mkAlternatives docs = let contents = vcat $ intersperse (text "<|>") docs in if length docs > 1 then char '(' <> contents <> char ')' else contents mkRules :: SyntaxDefinition -> SyntaxContext -> Doc mkRules syntax context = let ctx = (synLanguage syntax, contName context) fallthroughParser = if contFallthrough context then [parens (switchContext (synLanguage syntax, contFallthroughContext context) (<> text " >> ") <> text "currentContext >>= parseRules")] else [parens $ text $ "currentContext >>= \\x -> guard (x == " ++ show ctx ++ ") >> pDefault >>= withAttribute " ++ show (labelFor syntax (contAttribute context))] in text ("parseRules " ++ show ctx ++ " =") $$ if null (contParsers context) && null fallthroughParser then nest 2 (text "pzero") else nest 2 $ mkAlternatives $ (map (mkSyntaxParser syntax context) $ contParsers context) ++ fallthroughParser mkSyntaxParser :: SyntaxDefinition -> SyntaxContext -> SyntaxParser -> Doc mkSyntaxParser syntax context parser = let attr' = case parserAttribute parser of "" -> labelFor syntax $ contAttribute context x -> labelFor syntax x mainParser = text $ case parserType parser of "DetectChar" -> "pDetectChar " ++ show (parserDynamic parser) ++ " " ++ show (parserChar parser) "Detect2Chars" -> "pDetect2Chars " ++ show (parserDynamic parser) ++ " " ++ show (parserChar parser) ++ " " ++ show (parserChar1 parser) "AnyChar" -> "pAnyChar " ++ show (parserString parser) "StringDetect" -> "pString " ++ show (parserDynamic parser) ++ " " ++ show (parserString parser) "RegExpr" -> if parserDynamic parser then "pRegExprDynamic " ++ show (parserString parser) else "pRegExpr " ++ compiledRegexName (parserString parser) "keyword" -> "pKeyword " ++ show (keywordDelims $ synKeywordAttr syntax) ++ " " ++ list where list = case lookup string (synLists syntax) of Just _ -> listName string Nothing -> "Set.empty" string = parserString parser "Int" -> "pInt" "Float" -> "pFloat" "HlCOct" -> "pHlCOct" "HlCHex" -> "pHlCHex" "HlCStringChar" -> "pHlCStringChar" "HlCChar" -> "pHlCChar" "RangeDetect" -> "pRangeDetect " ++ show (parserChar parser) ++ " " ++ show (parserChar1 parser) "LineContinue" -> "pLineContinue" "IncludeRules" -> case break (=='#') $ parserContext parser of (cont,'#':'#':lang) -> langNameToModule lang ++ ".parseExpression (" ++ show (Just (lang, cont)) ++ if parserIncludeAttrib parser || attr' == NormalTok then ")" else ") >>= ((withAttribute " ++ show attr' ++ ") . snd)" (cont,_) -> "parseRules " ++ show (synLanguage syntax, cont) "DetectSpaces" -> "pDetectSpaces" "DetectIdentifier" -> "pDetectIdentifier" _ -> "pUnimplemented" parserDoc = char '(' <> (case (parserColumn parser) of Just c -> text $ "pColumn " ++ show c ++ " >> " _ -> empty) <> (if parserFirstNonSpace parser then text "pFirstNonSpace >> " else empty) <> if parserType parser == "IncludeRules" then mainParser <> char ')' else if parserLookAhead parser then text "lookAhead (" <> mainParser <> char ')' <> switchContext (synLanguage syntax, parserContext parser) (text " >> " <>) <> text " >> currentContext >>= parseRules)" else mainParser <> text " >>= withAttribute " <> text (show attr') <> char ')' <> switchContext (synLanguage syntax, parserContext parser) (text " >>~ " <>) childParsers = parserChildren parser in char '(' <> (if null childParsers then parserDoc else text "withChildren " <> parserDoc <> char ' ' <> (mkAlternatives $ map (mkSyntaxParser syntax context) childParsers)) <> char ')' switchContext :: Context -> (Doc -> Doc) -> Doc switchContext (lang,next) finalizer = case next of x | "#pop" `isPrefixOf` x -> finalizer $ char '(' <> text (concat $ intersperse " >> " $ replicate (length (filter (=='#') x)) "popContext") <> char ')' "#stay" -> empty "" -> empty x -> finalizer $ text ("pushContext " ++ show (lang,x)) langNameToModule :: String -> String langNameToModule str = "Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax." ++ case str of "Alerts" -> "Alert" "Alerts_indent" -> "Alert_indent" "C++" -> "Cpp" "CSS" -> "Css" "Doxygen" -> "Doxygen" "HTML" -> "Html" "Javadoc" -> "Javadoc" "JavaScript" -> "Javascript" "SQL (MySQL)" -> "SqlMysql" "DoxygenLua" -> "Doxygenlua" "reStructuredText" -> "Restructuredtext" "ISO C++" -> "Isocpp" "GCCExtensions" -> "Gcc" x -> x listName :: String -> String listName n = "list_" ++ normalize n compiledRegexName :: String -> String compiledRegexName n = "regex_" ++ normalize n normalize :: String -> String normalize "" = "" normalize (x:xs) | isAlphaNum x = x : normalize xs normalize (' ':xs) = '_':normalize xs normalize (x:xs) = printf "'%2x" (ord x) ++ normalize xs capitalize :: String -> String capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs capitalize [] = [] nameFromPath :: FilePath -> String nameFromPath = concat . map capitalize . words . (map (\c -> if c == '-' then ' ' else c)) . takeFileName . dropExtension application :: String -> IOSArrow b SyntaxDefinition application src = readDocument [withValidate no, withInputEncoding utf8] src >>> multi (hasName "language") >>> extractSyntaxDefinition extractSyntaxDefinition :: IOSArrow XmlTree SyntaxDefinition extractSyntaxDefinition = proc x -> do lang <- getAttrValue "name" -< x author <- getAttrValue "author" -< x version <- getAttrValue "version" -< x license <- getAttrValue "license" -< x sources <- getAttrValue "extensions" -< x caseSensitive <- getAttrValue "casesensitive" -< x itemdatas <- getItemDatas -< x lists <- getLists -< x contexts <- getContexts -< x keywordAttr <- getKeywordAttrs -< x returnA -< SyntaxDefinition { synLanguage = lang , synAuthor = author , synVersion = version , synLicense = license , synExtensions = sources , synCaseSensitive = vBool True caseSensitive , synLists = lists , synContexts = contexts , synItemDatas = itemdatas , synKeywordAttr = if null keywordAttr then defaultKeywordAttr else head keywordAttr } getItemDatas :: IOSArrow XmlTree [(String,String)] getItemDatas = multi (hasName "itemDatas") >>> (listA $ getChildren >>> hasName "itemData" >>> getAttrValue "name" &&& getAttrValue "defStyleNum") getLists :: IOSArrow XmlTree [(String, [String])] getLists = listA $ multi (hasName "list") >>> getAttrValue "name" &&& getListContents getListContents :: IOSArrow XmlTree [String] getListContents = listA $ getChildren >>> hasName "item" >>> getChildren >>> getText >>> arr stripWhitespace getContexts :: IOSArrow XmlTree [SyntaxContext] getContexts = listA $ multi (hasName "context") >>> proc x -> do name <- getAttrValue "name" -< x attribute <- getAttrValue "attribute" -< x lineEndContext <- getAttrValue "lineEndContext" -< x lineBeginContext <- getAttrValue "lineBeginContext" -< x fallthrough <- getAttrValue "fallthrough" -< x fallthroughContext <- getAttrValue "fallthroughContext" -< x dynamic <- getAttrValue "dynamic" -< x parsers <- getParsers -< x returnA -< SyntaxContext { contName = name , contAttribute = attribute , contLineEndContext = if null lineEndContext then "#stay" else lineEndContext , contLineBeginContext = if null lineBeginContext then "#stay" else lineBeginContext , contFallthrough = vBool False fallthrough , contFallthroughContext = if null fallthroughContext then "#stay" else fallthroughContext , contDynamic = vBool False dynamic , contParsers = parsers } getParsers :: IOSArrow XmlTree [SyntaxParser] getParsers = listA $ getChildren >>> proc x -> do name <- getName -< x attribute <- getAttrValue "attribute" -< x context <- getAttrValue "context" -< x char0 <- getAttrValue "char" -< x char1 <- getAttrValue "char1" -< x str <- getAttrValue "String" -< x includeAttrib <- getAttrValue "includeAttrib" -< x lookahead <- getAttrValue "lookAhead" -< x firstNonSpace <- getAttrValue "firstNonSpace" -< x column <- getAttrValue "column" -< x dynamic <- getAttrValue "dynamic" -< x children <- getParsers -< x let tildeRegex = name == "RegExpr" && length str > 0 && head str == '^' returnA -< SyntaxParser { parserType = name , parserAttribute = attribute , parserContext = context , parserLookAhead = vBool False lookahead , parserIncludeAttrib = vBool False includeAttrib , parserFirstNonSpace = vBool False firstNonSpace , parserColumn = if tildeRegex then Just 0 else if null column then Nothing else Just (read column) , parserDynamic = vBool False dynamic , parserString = if tildeRegex then drop 1 str else str -- Note, some xml files have "\\" for a backslash, -- others have "\". Not sure what the rules are, but -- this covers both bases: , parserChar = case char0 of [c] -> c _ -> read $ "'" ++ char0 ++ "'" , parserChar1 = case char1 of [c] -> c _ -> read $ "'" ++ char1 ++ "'" , parserChildren = children } getKeywordAttrs :: IOSArrow XmlTree [SyntaxKeywordAttr] getKeywordAttrs = listA $ multi $ hasName "keywords" >>> proc x -> do caseSensitive <- getAttrValue "casesensitive" -< x weakDelim <- getAttrValue "weakDeliminator" -< x additionalDelim <- getAttrValue "additionalDeliminator" -< x returnA -< SyntaxKeywordAttr { keywordCaseSensitive = vBool True caseSensitive , keywordDelims = (standardDelims ++ additionalDelim) \\ weakDelim } standardDelims :: [Char] standardDelims = " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" defaultKeywordAttr :: SyntaxKeywordAttr defaultKeywordAttr = SyntaxKeywordAttr { keywordCaseSensitive = True , keywordDelims = standardDelims } stripWhitespace :: String -> String stripWhitespace = reverse . stripWhitespaceLeft . reverse . stripWhitespaceLeft where stripWhitespaceLeft = dropWhile isWhitespace isWhitespace x = x `elem` [' ', '\t', '\n'] vBool :: Bool -> String -> Bool vBool defaultVal value = case value of z | z `elem` ["true","yes","1"] -> True z | z `elem` ["false","no","0"] -> False _ -> defaultVal -- | Fill template. The template variables in the source text are -- surrounded by @'s: e.g., @myvar@. fillTemplate :: Int -> [(String,String)] -> String -> String fillTemplate _ _ [] = [] fillTemplate _ [] lst = lst fillTemplate _ subs ('\n':xs) = '\n' : fillTemplate 0 subs xs fillTemplate n subs ('@':xs) = let (pref, suff) = break (=='@') xs in if length pref > 0 && all isAlphaNum pref && length suff > 0 then case lookup pref subs of Just v -> intercalate ('\n':replicate n ' ') (lines v) ++ fillTemplate (n + length v) subs (tail suff) Nothing -> '@' : fillTemplate (n+1) subs xs else '@' : fillTemplate (n+1) subs xs fillTemplate n subs (x:xs) = x : fillTemplate (n+1) subs xs