module LatLong ( LatLong , latitude , longitude , Lat , Long , NorthSouth(..) , EastWest(..) , LatLongD , LatLongSize , latToDegMinSec , longToDegMinSec , latLongFromSecs , latLongToSecs , latLongFromDegMinSec , latLongFromDoubleDegs , metresPerSecAt , latShowUser , longShowUser , latLongShowUser , zeroDelta , deltaFromSecs , deltaToSecs , deltaFromTo , addD , subD , scaleD , zeroSize , sizeFromCorners , sizeToSecs , sizeFromSecs , addSize , subSize , scaleSize , deltaQuotSize , sizeQuotSize , sizeInMetres , parseLatLong , parseDelta , parseSize ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T -- Latitude newtype Lat = Lat Int deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show Lat where show lat = "mkLat (" ++ show ns ++ "," ++ show latd ++ "," ++ show latm ++ "," ++ show lats ++ ")" where (ns, latd, latm, lats) = latToDegMinSec lat data NorthSouth = North | South deriving (Eq, Show) latShowUser :: Lat -> String latShowUser lat = showUserDMS d m s ++ case ns of North -> "N" South -> "S" where (ns, d, m, s) = latToDegMinSec lat showUserDMS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> String showUserDMS d m s = concat [ show d, "-", show m, "-", show s ] mkLat :: (NorthSouth, Int, Int, Int) -> Lat mkLat (ns, d, m, s) = fromMaybe (error "mkLat: latitude out of range") (latFromSecs v) where v = withSign (d * 3600 + m * 60 + s) withSign = case ns of North -> id South -> negate latFromSecs :: Int -> Maybe Lat latFromSecs s | s > 90*3600 || s < (-90*3600) = Nothing | otherwise = Just (Lat s) latToDegMinSec :: Lat -> (NorthSouth, Int, Int, Int) latToDegMinSec (Lat s) = ( if s < 0 then South else North, abs s `div` 3600, (abs s `div` 60) `rem` 60, abs s `rem` 60 ) -- Longitude newtype Long = Long Int deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show Long where show long = "mkLong (" ++ show ew ++ "," ++ show longd ++ "," ++ show longm ++ "," ++ show longs ++ ")" where (ew, longd, longm, longs) = longToDegMinSec long data EastWest = East | West deriving (Eq, Show) longShowUser :: Long -> String longShowUser long = showUserDMS d m s ++ case ew of East -> "E" West -> "W" where (ew, d, m, s) = longToDegMinSec long mkLong :: (EastWest, Int, Int, Int) -> Long mkLong (ew, d, m, s) = longFromSecs v where v = withSign (d * 3600 + m * 60 + s) withSign = case ew of East -> id West -> negate longFromSecs :: Int -> Long longFromSecs s = Long normalised where normalised = (s + minVal) `mod` rangeSize - minVal minVal = 180*60*60 - 1 -- arbitrarily have 180-0-0 be east, not west rangeSize = 360*60*60 longToDegMinSec :: Long -> (EastWest, Int, Int, Int) longToDegMinSec (Long s) = ( if s < 0 then West else East, abs s `div` 3600, (abs s `div` 60) `rem` 60, abs s `rem` 60 ) -- Latitude-and-longitude data LatLong = LatLong { latitude :: Lat, longitude :: Long } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) latLongShowUser :: LatLong -> String latLongShowUser (LatLong lat long) = latShowUser lat ++ " " ++ longShowUser long latLongFromSecs :: (Int, Int) -> Maybe LatLong latLongFromSecs (lats, longs) = do lat <- latFromSecs lats let long = longFromSecs longs return $ LatLong lat long -- TODO handle mkLat failure better latLongFromDegMinSec :: (NorthSouth, Int, Int, Int) -> (EastWest, Int, Int, Int) -> Maybe LatLong latLongFromDegMinSec lat long = Just $ LatLong (mkLat lat) (mkLong long) latLongFromDoubleDegs :: Int -> (Double, Double) -> Maybe LatLong latLongFromDoubleDegs secMult (latDeg, longDeg) = latLongFromSecs (multLatSec, multLongSec) where latSec = round (latDeg * 3600) longSec = round (longDeg * 3600) multLatSec = (latSec `quot` secMult) * secMult multLongSec = (longSec `quot` secMult) * secMult latLongToSecs :: LatLong -> (Int, Int) latLongToSecs (LatLong (Lat lats) (Long longs)) = (lats, longs) parseLatLong :: String -> Maybe LatLong parseLatLong s = do let txt = T.pack s let parts = T.split (== ',') . T.filter (not . isSpace) $ txt guard (length parts == 2) let [latPart, longPart] = parts latDeg <- maybeReadText latPart longDeg <- maybeReadText longPart latLongFromSecs (degToArcsec latDeg, degToArcsec longDeg) degToArcsec :: Double -> Int degToArcsec d = round (d * 3600) secToRad :: Int -> Double secToRad s = deg * ( pi / 180 ) where deg = fromIntegral s / 3600 -- Deltas data LatLongD = LatLongD !Int !Int deriving Show deltaFromSecs :: (Int, Int) -> LatLongD deltaFromSecs (a, o) = LatLongD a o zeroDelta :: LatLongD zeroDelta = LatLongD 0 0 deltaToSecs :: LatLongD -> (Int, Int) deltaToSecs (LatLongD a o) = (a, o) addD :: LatLong -> LatLongD -> Maybe LatLong addD ll (LatLongD latd longd) = latLongFromSecs (lat + latd, long + longd) where (lat, long) = latLongToSecs ll subD :: LatLong -> LatLongD -> Maybe LatLong subD ll (LatLongD latd longd) = addD ll (LatLongD (negate latd) (negate longd)) deltaFromTo :: LatLong -> LatLong -> LatLongD deltaFromTo x y = deltaFromSecs (ylat - xlat, ylong - xlong) where (xlat, xlong) = latLongToSecs x (ylat, ylong) = latLongToSecs y scaleD :: (Int, Int) -> LatLongD -> LatLongD scaleD (slat, slong) (LatLongD latd longd) = LatLongD (slat*latd) (slong*longd) parseDelta :: String -> Maybe LatLongD parseDelta s = case (reads latPart, reads longPart) of ( [(lat, [])], [(lon, [])] ) -> Just (deltaFromSecs (lat, lon)) _ -> Nothing where (latPart, rest) = break (== ',') s longPart = drop 1 rest -- Sizes newtype LatLongSize = LatLongSize LatLongD deriving Show zeroSize :: LatLongSize zeroSize = LatLongSize zeroDelta sizeFromSecs :: (Int, Int) -> LatLongSize sizeFromSecs = LatLongSize . deltaFromSecs -- TODO won't work across 180 line sizeFromCorners :: LatLong -> LatLong -> LatLongSize sizeFromCorners x y = sizeFromSecs (abs (laty - latx), abs (longy - longx)) where (latx, longx) = latLongToSecs x (laty, longy) = latLongToSecs y addSize :: LatLong -> LatLongSize -> Maybe LatLong addSize ll (LatLongSize d) = addD ll d subSize :: LatLong -> LatLongSize -> Maybe LatLong subSize ll (LatLongSize d) = subD ll d scaleSize :: (Int, Int) -> LatLongSize -> LatLongSize scaleSize (slat, slong) (LatLongSize d) | slat < 0 || slong < 0 = error "scaleSize: negative scale" | otherwise = LatLongSize (scaleD (slat, slong) d) deltaQuotSize :: LatLongD -> LatLongSize -> (Int, Int) deltaQuotSize (LatLongD dlat dlong) (LatLongSize (LatLongD slat slong)) = (dlat `quot` slat, dlong `quot` slong) sizeQuotSize :: LatLongSize -> LatLongSize -> (Int, Int) sizeQuotSize (LatLongSize d) = deltaQuotSize d sizeToSecs :: LatLongSize -> (Int, Int) sizeToSecs (LatLongSize d) = deltaToSecs d sizeInMetres :: LatLong -> LatLongSize -> (Double, Double) sizeInMetres refPoint s = ( mPerLatSec * fromIntegral latSecs, mPerLongSec * fromIntegral longSecs ) where (mPerLatSec, mPerLongSec) = metresPerSecAt (latitude refPoint) (latSecs, longSecs) = sizeToSecs s parseSize :: String -> Maybe LatLongSize parseSize s = case (reads latPart, reads longPart) of ( [(lat, [])], [(lon, [])] ) -> Just (sizeFromSecs (lat, lon)) _ -> Nothing where (latPart, rest) = break (== 'x') s longPart = drop 1 rest -- Formulae are from -- -- metresPerSecAt :: Lat -> (Double, Double) metresPerSecAt (Lat latSec) = (mPerLatSec, mPerLongSec) where theta = secToRad latSec oneSecInRad = pi / (180*3600) mPerLatSec = (oneSecInRad * a * ( 1 - eccSquared )) / (1 - eccSquared * sinThetaSquared)**(3/2) mPerLongSec = (oneSecInRad * a * cos theta) / sqrt(1 - eccSquared * sinThetaSquared) eccSquared = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) sinThetaSquared = sin theta ^ (2 :: Int) (a, b) = (wgs84maj, wgs84min) wgs84maj, wgs84min :: Double wgs84maj = 6378137.0 wgs84min = 6356752.3142 -- parsing helper maybeReadText :: Read a => T.Text -> Maybe a maybeReadText s = case reads (T.unpack s) of [(x, [])] -> Just x _ -> Nothing