Greetings! I'm pleased to announce hinotify 0.1, a library to inotify[1] which has been part of the Linux kernel since 2.6.13. inotify provides file system event notification, simply add a watcher to a file or directory and get an event when it is accessed or modified. The API basically consists of: inotify_init :: IO INotify inotify_add_watch :: INotify -> [EventVariety] -- different events to listen on -> FilePath -- file/directory to watch -> (Event -> IO ()) -- event handler -> IO WatchDescriptor inotify_rm_watch :: INotify -> WatchDescriptor -> IO () A sample program: > import System.Directory > import System.IO > > import System.INotify > > main :: IO () > main = do > inotify <- inotify_init > print inotify > home <- getHomeDirectory > wd <- inotify_add_watch inotify > [Open,Close,Access,Modify,Move] > home > print > print wd > putStrLn "Listens to your home directory. Hit enter to terminate." > getLine > inotify_rm_watch inotify wd The code is available via www: and via darcs: darcs get The API is available at: The library is very young and I'm most grateful for feedback on the API, and what else you might have to suggest. Cheers, Lennart Kolmodin [1]