{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
  {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Graphics.Image.Processing.Binary
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2016
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <lehins@yandex.ru>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Graphics.Image.Processing.Binary (
  -- * Construction
  toImageBinaryUsing, toImageBinaryUsing2,
  thresholdWith, compareWith,
  -- * Bitwise operations
  (.&&.), (.||.), invert,
  -- * Thresholding
  -- * Binary Morphology
  -- $morphology
  erode, dialate, open, close
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (map, zipWith)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Graphics.Image.Interface
import Graphics.Image.ColorSpace
import Graphics.Image.Processing.Convolution

import qualified Data.Foldable as F

infix  4  .==., ./=., .<., .<=., .>=., .>.
infixr 3  .&&.
infixr 2  .||.

-- | 'Thresholding' contains a convenient set of functions for binary image
-- construction, which is done by comparing either a single pixel with every
-- pixel in an image or two same size images pointwise. For example:
-- >>> frog <- readImageY VU "images/frog.jpg"
-- >>> frog .==. PixelY 0    -- (or: PixelY 0 .==. frog)
-- >>> frog .<. flipH frog   -- (or: flipH frog .>. frog)
class Array arr Binary Bit => Thresholding a b arr | a b -> arr where
  (.==.) :: (Eq (Pixel cs e), Array arr cs e)  => a cs e -> b cs e -> Image arr Binary Bit
  (./=.) :: (Eq (Pixel cs e), Array arr cs e)  => a cs e -> b cs e -> Image arr Binary Bit
  (.<.)  :: (Ord (Pixel cs e), Array arr cs e) => a cs e -> b cs e -> Image arr Binary Bit
  (.<=.) :: (Ord (Pixel cs e), Array arr cs e) => a cs e -> b cs e -> Image arr Binary Bit
  (.>.)  :: (Ord (Pixel cs e), Array arr cs e) => a cs e -> b cs e -> Image arr Binary Bit
  (.>=.) :: (Ord (Pixel cs e), Array arr cs e) => a cs e -> b cs e -> Image arr Binary Bit

instance Array arr Binary Bit => Thresholding (Image arr) (Image arr) arr where
  (.==.) = toImageBinaryUsing2 (==)
  {-# INLINE (.==.) #-}
  (./=.) = toImageBinaryUsing2 (/=)
  {-# INLINE (./=.) #-}
  (.<.)  = toImageBinaryUsing2 (<)
  {-# INLINE (.<.) #-}
  (.<=.) = toImageBinaryUsing2 (<=)
  {-# INLINE (.<=.) #-}
  (.>.)  = toImageBinaryUsing2 (>)
  {-# INLINE (.>.) #-}
  (.>=.) = toImageBinaryUsing2 (>=)
  {-# INLINE (.>=.) #-}

instance Array arr Binary Bit => Thresholding Pixel (Image arr) arr where
  (.==.) !px = toImageBinaryUsing (==px)
  {-# INLINE (.==.) #-}
  (./=.) !px = toImageBinaryUsing (/=px)
  {-# INLINE (./=.) #-}
  (.<.)  !px = toImageBinaryUsing (< px)
  {-# INLINE (.<.) #-}
  (.<=.) !px = toImageBinaryUsing (<=px)
  {-# INLINE (.<=.) #-}
  (.>.)  !px = toImageBinaryUsing (> px)
  {-# INLINE (.>.) #-}
  (.>=.) !px = toImageBinaryUsing (>=px)
  {-# INLINE (.>=.) #-}

instance Array arr Binary Bit => Thresholding (Image arr) Pixel arr where
  (.==.) !img !px = toImageBinaryUsing (==px) img
  {-# INLINE (.==.) #-}
  (./=.) !img !px = toImageBinaryUsing (/=px) img
  {-# INLINE (./=.) #-}
  (.<.)  !img !px = toImageBinaryUsing (< px) img
  {-# INLINE (.<.) #-}
  (.<=.) !img !px = toImageBinaryUsing (<=px) img
  {-# INLINE (.<=.) #-}
  (.>.)  !img !px = toImageBinaryUsing (> px) img
  {-# INLINE (.>.) #-}
  (.>=.) !img !px = toImageBinaryUsing (>=px) img
  {-# INLINE (.>=.) #-}

-- | Pixel wise @AND@ operator on binary images. 
(.&&.) :: Array arr Binary Bit =>
          Image arr Binary Bit -> Image arr Binary Bit -> Image arr Binary Bit
(.&&.) = zipWith (*)
{-# INLINE (.&&.) #-}

-- | Pixel wise @OR@ operator on binary images.
(.||.) :: Array arr Binary Bit =>
          Image arr Binary Bit -> Image arr Binary Bit -> Image arr Binary Bit
(.||.) = zipWith (+)
{-# INLINE (.||.) #-}

-- | Complement each pixel in a binary image
invert :: Array arr Binary Bit => Image arr Binary Bit -> Image arr Binary Bit
invert = map complement
{-# INLINE invert #-}

-- | Construct a binary image using a predicate from a source image.
toImageBinaryUsing :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr Binary Bit) =>
                      (Pixel cs e -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate
                   -> Image arr cs e -- ^ Source image.
                   -> Image arr Binary Bit
toImageBinaryUsing !f = map (fromBool . f)
{-# INLINE toImageBinaryUsing #-}

-- | Construct a binary image using a predicate from two source images.
toImageBinaryUsing2 :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr Binary Bit) =>
                       (Pixel cs e -> Pixel cs e -> Bool) -- ^ Predicate
                    -> Image arr cs e -- ^ First source image.
                    -> Image arr cs e -- ^ Second source image.
                    -> Image arr Binary Bit
toImageBinaryUsing2 !f =  zipWith (((.).(.)) fromBool f)
{-# INLINE toImageBinaryUsing2 #-}

-- | Threshold a source image with an applicative pixel.
-- >>> yield <- readImageRGB VU "images/yield.jpg"
-- >>> writeImageExact PNG [] "images/yield_bin.png" $ thresholdWith (PixelRGB (>0.55) (<0.6) (<0.5)) yield
-- <<images/yield.jpg>> <<images/yield_bin.png>>
thresholdWith :: (Applicative (Pixel cs), Foldable (Pixel cs),
                  Array arr cs e, Array arr Binary Bit) =>
                 Pixel cs (e -> Bool)
                 -- ^ Pixel containing a thresholding function per channel.
              -> Image arr cs e -- ^ Source image.
              -> Image arr Binary Bit
thresholdWith !f = map (fromBool . F.and . (f <*>))
{-# INLINE thresholdWith #-}

-- | Compare two images with an applicative pixel. Works just like
-- 'thresholdWith', but on two images.
compareWith :: (Applicative (Pixel cs), Foldable (Pixel cs),
                Array arr cs e1, Array arr cs e2, Array arr Binary Bit) =>
               Pixel cs (e1 -> e2 -> Bool)
               -- ^ Pixel containing a comparing function per channel.
            -> Image arr cs e1 -- ^ First image.
            -> Image arr cs e2 -- ^ second image.
            -> Image arr Binary Bit
compareWith !f = zipWith (\ !px1 !px2 -> fromBool . F.and $ (f <*> px1 <*> px2))
{-# INLINE compareWith #-}

{- $morphology In order to demonstrate how morphological operations work, a
/binary source image/ = __B__ constructed here together with a /structuring element/
= __S__ will be used in examples that follow. Origin of the structuring
element is always at it's center, eg. @(1,1)@ for the one below.

figure :: Image VU Binary Bit
figure = fromLists [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
struct :: Image VU Binary Bit
struct = fromLists [[0,1,0],[1,1,0],[0,1,0]]

-- | Erosion is defined as: __{E = B ⊖ S = {m,n|Sₘₙ⊆B}__
-- >>> writeImageExact PNG [] "images/figure_erode.png" $ pixelGrid 10 $ fromImageBinary $ erode struct figure
-- <<images/figure.png>> eroded with <<images/struct.png>> is <<images/figure_erode.png>>
erode :: Array arr Binary Bit =>
         Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Structuring element.
      -> Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Binary source image.
      -> Image arr Binary Bit
erode !struc !img = invert $ convolve (Fill on) struc (invert img)
{-# INLINE erode #-}

-- | Dialation is defined as: __{D = B ⊕ S = {m,n|Sₘₙ∩B≠∅}__
-- >>> writeImageExact PNG [] "images/figure_dialate.png" $ pixelGrid 10 $ fromImageBinary $ dialate struct figure
-- <<images/figure.png>> dialated with <<images/struct.png>> is <<images/figure_dialate.png>>
dialate :: Array arr Binary Bit =>
           Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Structuring element.
        -> Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Binary source image.
        -> Image arr Binary Bit
dialate !struc !img = convolve (Fill off) struc img
{-# INLINE dialate #-}

-- | Opening is defined as: __{B ○ S = (B ⊖ S) ⊕ S}__
-- >>> writeImageExact PNG [] "images/figure_open.png" $ pixelGrid 10 $ fromImageBinary $ open struct figure
-- <<images/figure.png>> opened with <<images/struct.png>> is <<images/figure_open.png>>
open :: Array arr Binary Bit =>
        Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Structuring element.
     -> Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Binary source image.
     -> Image arr Binary Bit
open struc = dialate struc . erode struc
{-# INLINE open #-}

-- | Closing is defined as: __{B ● S = (B ⊕ S) ⊖ S}__
-- >>> writeImageExact PNG [] "images/figure_close.png" $ pixelGrid 10 $ fromImageBinary $ close struct figure
-- <<images/figure.png>> closed with <<images/struct.png>> is <<images/figure_close.png>>
close :: Array arr Binary Bit =>
         Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Structuring element.
      -> Image arr Binary Bit -- ^ Binary source image.
      -> Image arr Binary Bit
close struc = erode struc . dialate struc
{-# INLINE close #-}