{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Graphics.Image.IO.Formats.Netpbm
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2016
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <lehins@yandex.ru>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Graphics.Image.IO.Formats.Netpbm (
  PBM(..), PGM(..), PPM(..)
  ) where

import Graphics.Image.ColorSpace
import Graphics.Image.Interface hiding (map)
import Graphics.Image.Interface.Vector
import Graphics.Image.IO.Base
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString)
import qualified Graphics.Netpbm as PNM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V

-- | Netpbm: portable bitmap image with @.pbm@ extension.
data PBM = PBM

instance ImageFormat PBM where
  data SaveOption PBM

  ext _ = ".pbm"

-- | Netpbm: portable graymap image with @.pgm@ extension.
data PGM = PGM

instance ImageFormat PGM where
  data SaveOption PGM

  ext _ = ".pgm"

-- | Netpbm: portable pixmap image with @.ppm@ extension.
data PPM = PPM

instance ImageFormat PPM where
  data SaveOption PPM

  ext _ = ".ppm"

instance ImageFormat [PBM] where
  data SaveOption [PBM]

  ext _ = ".pbm"

instance ImageFormat [PGM] where
  data SaveOption [PGM]

  ext _ = ".pgm"

instance ImageFormat [PPM] where
  data SaveOption [PPM]

  ext _ = ".ppm"

-- Converting to and from Netpbm -----------------------------------------------

-- -> Y (Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PbmPixel (Pixel Y Double) where
  convert (PNM.PbmPixel bool) = PixelY $ if bool then 0 else 1
instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel8 (Pixel Y Double) where
  convert (PNM.PgmPixel8 w8) = PixelY $ toDouble w8

instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel16 (Pixel Y Double) where
  convert (PNM.PgmPixel16 w16) = PixelY $ toDouble w16

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 (Pixel Y Double) where
  convert (PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 r g b) = toPixelY . fmap toDouble $ PixelRGB r g b

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 (Pixel Y Double) where
  convert (PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 r g b) = toPixelY . fmap toDouble $ PixelRGB r g b

-- -> YA (Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PbmPixel (Pixel YA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PbmPixel -> Pixel Y Double)
instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel8 (Pixel YA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PgmPixel8 -> Pixel Y Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel16 (Pixel YA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PgmPixel16 -> Pixel Y Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 (Pixel YA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 -> Pixel Y Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 (Pixel YA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 -> Pixel Y Double)

-- -> RGB (Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PbmPixel (Pixel RGB Double) where
  convert = toPixelRGB . (convert :: PNM.PbmPixel -> Pixel Y Double)
instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel8 (Pixel RGB Double) where
  convert = toPixelRGB . (convert :: PNM.PgmPixel8 -> Pixel Y Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel16 (Pixel RGB Double) where
  convert = toPixelRGB . (convert :: PNM.PgmPixel16 -> Pixel Y Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 (Pixel RGB Double) where
  convert (PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 r g b) = fmap toDouble $ PixelRGB r g b

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 (Pixel RGB Double) where
  convert (PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 r g b) = fmap toDouble $ PixelRGB r g b

-- -> RGBA (Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PbmPixel (Pixel RGBA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PbmPixel -> Pixel RGB Double)
instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel8 (Pixel RGBA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PgmPixel8 -> Pixel RGB Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel16 (Pixel RGBA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PgmPixel16 -> Pixel RGB Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 (Pixel RGBA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 -> Pixel RGB Double)

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 (Pixel RGBA Double) where
  convert = addAlpha 1 . (convert :: PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 -> Pixel RGB Double)

---- Exact precision conversions

instance Convertible PNM.PbmPixel (Pixel Binary Bit) where
  convert (PNM.PbmPixel bool) = fromBool bool
instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel8 (Pixel Y Word8) where
  convert (PNM.PgmPixel8 w8) = PixelY w8

instance Convertible PNM.PgmPixel16 (Pixel Y Word16) where
  convert (PNM.PgmPixel16 w16) = PixelY w16

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 (Pixel RGB Word8) where
  convert (PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 r g b) = PixelRGB r g b

instance Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 (Pixel RGB Word16) where
  convert (PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 r g b) = PixelRGB r g b

-- Decoding images using Netpbm ------------------------------------------------

-- BMP Format Reading (general)

instance Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PBM where
  decode _ = fmap (ppmToImageUsing (pnmDataToImage id) . head) . decodePnm

instance Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PGM where
  decode _ = fmap (ppmToImageUsing (pnmDataToImage id) . head) . decodePnm

instance Array arr Y Double => Readable (Image arr Y Double) PPM where
  decode _ = fmap (ppmToImageUsing (pnmDataToImage id) . head) . decodePnm

instance Array arr YA Double => Readable (Image arr YA Double) PPM where
  decode _ = fmap (ppmToImageUsing (pnmDataToImage (addAlpha 1)) . head) . decodePnm

instance Array arr RGB Double => Readable (Image arr RGB Double) PPM where
  decode _ = fmap (ppmToImageUsing (pnmDataToImage id) . head) . decodePnm

instance Array arr RGBA Double => Readable (Image arr RGBA Double) PPM where
  decode _ = fmap (ppmToImageUsing (pnmDataToImage (addAlpha 1)) . head) . decodePnm

-- BMP Format Reading (exact)

instance Readable (Image VS Binary Bit) PBM where
  decode _ = either Left (ppmToImageUsing pnmDataPBMToImage . head) . decodePnm

instance Readable (Image VS Y Word8) PGM where
  decode _ = either Left (ppmToImageUsing pnmDataPGM8ToImage . head) . decodePnm

instance Readable (Image VS Y Word16) PGM where
  decode _ = either Left (ppmToImageUsing pnmDataPGM16ToImage . head) . decodePnm

instance Readable (Image VS RGB Word8) PPM where
  decode _ = either Left (ppmToImageUsing pnmDataPPM8ToImage . head) . decodePnm

instance Readable (Image VS RGB Word16) PPM where
  decode _ = either Left (ppmToImageUsing pnmDataPPM16ToImage . head) . decodePnm

instance Readable [Image VS Binary Bit] [PBM] where
  decode _ = pnmToImagesUsing pnmDataPBMToImage

instance Readable [Image VS Y Word8] [PGM] where
  decode _ = pnmToImagesUsing pnmDataPGM8ToImage

instance Readable [Image VS Y Word16] [PGM] where
  decode _ = pnmToImagesUsing pnmDataPGM16ToImage

instance Readable [Image VS RGB Word8] [PPM] where
  decode _ = pnmToImagesUsing pnmDataPPM8ToImage

instance Readable [Image VS RGB Word16] [PPM] where
  decode _ = pnmToImagesUsing pnmDataPPM16ToImage

pnmToImagesUsing :: (Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String b)
                 -> B.ByteString -> Either String [b]
pnmToImagesUsing conv =
  fmap (map (either error id . ppmToImageUsing conv)) . decodePnm

getPx :: (Storable a, Convertible a b) => V.Vector a -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> b
getPx v w (i, j) = convert (v V.! (i * w + j))

pnmDataToImage :: (Array arr cs e, Convertible PNM.PbmPixel px,
                   Convertible PNM.PgmPixel16 px, Convertible PNM.PgmPixel8 px,
                   Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB16 px, Convertible PNM.PpmPixelRGB8 px) =>
                  (px -> Pixel cs e) -> Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Image arr cs e
pnmDataToImage conv w h (PNM.PbmPixelData v)      = makeImage (h, w) (conv . getPx v w)
pnmDataToImage conv w h (PNM.PgmPixelData8 v)     = makeImage (h, w) (conv . getPx v w)
pnmDataToImage conv w h (PNM.PgmPixelData16 v)    = makeImage (h, w) (conv . getPx v w)
pnmDataToImage conv w h (PNM.PpmPixelDataRGB8 v)  = makeImage (h, w) (conv . getPx v w)
pnmDataToImage conv w h (PNM.PpmPixelDataRGB16 v) = makeImage (h, w) (conv . getPx v w)

  :: (Storable a, Array VS cs e)
  => (Int, Int) -> V.Vector a -> Image VS cs e
makeImageUnsafe sz = fromStorableVector sz . V.unsafeCast

pnmDataPBMToImage :: Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String (Image VS Binary Bit)
pnmDataPBMToImage w h (PNM.PbmPixelData v) = Right $ makeImageUnsafe (h, w) v
pnmDataPBMToImage _ _ d                    = pnmCSError "Binary (Pixel Binary Bit)" d

pnmDataPGM8ToImage :: Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String (Image VS Y Word8)
pnmDataPGM8ToImage w h (PNM.PgmPixelData8 v) = Right $ makeImageUnsafe (h, w) v
pnmDataPGM8ToImage _ _ d                     = pnmCSError "Y8 (Pixel Y Word8)" d

pnmDataPGM16ToImage :: Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String (Image VS Y Word16)
pnmDataPGM16ToImage w h (PNM.PgmPixelData16 v) = Right $ makeImageUnsafe (h, w) v
pnmDataPGM16ToImage _ _ d                      = pnmCSError "Y16 (Pixel Y Word16)" d

pnmDataPPM8ToImage :: Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String (Image VS RGB Word8)
pnmDataPPM8ToImage w h (PNM.PpmPixelDataRGB8 v) = Right $ makeImageUnsafe (h, w) v
pnmDataPPM8ToImage _ _ d                        = pnmCSError "RGB8 (Pixel RGB Word8)" d

pnmDataPPM16ToImage :: Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String (Image VS RGB Word16)
pnmDataPPM16ToImage w h (PNM.PpmPixelDataRGB16 v) = Right $ makeImageUnsafe (h, w) v
pnmDataPPM16ToImage _ _ d                         = pnmCSError "RGB16 (Pixel RGB Word16)" d

ppmToImageUsing :: (Int -> Int -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> t) -> PNM.PPM -> t
ppmToImageUsing conv PNM.PPM {PNM.ppmHeader = PNM.PPMHeader {PNM.ppmWidth = w
                                                            ,PNM.ppmHeight = h}
                             ,PNM.ppmData = ppmData} = conv w h ppmData

decodePnm :: B.ByteString -> Either String [PNM.PPM]
decodePnm = pnmResultToImage . PNM.parsePPM where
  pnmResultToImage (Right ([], _))   = pnmError "Unknown"
  pnmResultToImage (Right (ppms, _)) = Right ppms
  pnmResultToImage (Left err)        = pnmError err

pnmError :: String -> Either String a
pnmError err = Left ("Netpbm decoding error: "++err)

pnmCSError :: String -> PNM.PpmPixelData -> Either String a
pnmCSError cs ppmData =
  pnmError $
  "Input image is in " ++
  pnmShowData ppmData ++ ", cannot convert it to " ++ cs ++ " colorspace."

pnmShowData :: PNM.PpmPixelData -> String
pnmShowData (PNM.PbmPixelData _)      = "Binary (Pixel Binary Bit)"
pnmShowData (PNM.PgmPixelData8 _)     = "Y8 (Pixel Y Word8)"
pnmShowData (PNM.PgmPixelData16 _)    = "Y16 (Pixel Y Word16)"
pnmShowData (PNM.PpmPixelDataRGB8 _)  = "RGB8 (Pixel RGB Word8)"
pnmShowData (PNM.PpmPixelDataRGB16 _) = "RGB8 (Pixel RGB Word8)"