{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- |
-- Module     : Data.Histogram
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009, Alexey Khudyakov <alexey.skladnoy@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Alexey Khudyakov <alexey.skladnoy@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- Immutable histograms. This module export same APi as
-- 'Data.Histogram.Generic' but specialzed to unboxed vectors. Refer
-- aforementioned module for documentation.
module Data.Histogram ( -- * Immutable histogram
    -- * Data type
  , module Data.Histogram.Bin
  , histogram
  , histogramUO
  , HistIndex(..) 
  , histIndex
    -- * Read histograms from string
  , readHistogram
  , readFileHistogram
    -- * Accessors
  , bins
  , histData
  , underflows
  , overflows
  , outOfRange
    -- ** Convert to other data types
  , asList
  , asVector
     -- * Modification
  , map
  , bmap
  , zip
  , zipSafe
    -- ** Type conversion
  , convertBinning
    -- * Folding
  , foldl
  , bfoldl
    -- * Slicing & rebinning
  , slice
  , rebin
  , rebinFold
    -- * 2D histograms
    -- ** Slicing
  , sliceAlongX
  , sliceAlongY
  , listSlicesAlongX
  , listSlicesAlongY
    -- ** Reducing along axis
  , reduceX
  , reduceY
    -- * Lift histogram transform to 2D
  , liftX
  , liftY
  ) where

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed    as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Unbox,Vector)

import qualified Data.Histogram.Generic as H
import Data.Histogram.Generic (HistIndex(..),histIndex)
import Data.Histogram.Bin

import Prelude hiding (map,zip,foldl)

-- | Immutable histogram. Histogram consists of binning algorithm,
--   optional number of under and overflows, and data. 
type Histogram bin a = H.Histogram U.Vector bin a

histogram :: (Unbox a, Bin bin) => bin -> Vector a -> Histogram bin a
histogram = H.histogram

histogramUO :: (Unbox a, Bin bin) => bin -> Maybe (a,a) -> Vector a -> Histogram bin a
histogramUO = H.histogramUO

-- Instances & reading histograms from strings 

readHistogram :: (Read bin, Read a, Bin bin, Unbox a) => String -> Histogram bin a
readHistogram = H.readHistogram

readFileHistogram :: (Read bin, Read a, Bin bin, Unbox a) => FilePath -> IO (Histogram bin a)
readFileHistogram = H.readFileHistogram

-- Accessors & conversion

bins :: Histogram bin a -> bin
bins = H.bins

histData :: Histogram bin a -> Vector a
histData = H.histData

underflows :: Histogram bin a -> Maybe a
underflows = H.underflows

overflows :: Histogram bin a -> Maybe a
overflows = H.overflows

outOfRange :: Histogram bin a -> Maybe (a,a)
outOfRange = H.outOfRange

asList :: (Unbox a, Bin bin) => Histogram bin a -> [(BinValue bin, a)]
asList = H.asList

asVector :: (Bin bin, Unbox a, Unbox (BinValue bin), Unbox (BinValue bin,a)) 
         => Histogram bin a -> Vector (BinValue bin, a) 
asVector = H.asVector

-- Modify histograms

map :: (Unbox a, Unbox b) => (a -> b) -> Histogram bin a -> Histogram bin b
map = H.map

bmap :: (Unbox a, Unbox b, Bin bin)
     => (BinValue bin -> a -> b) -> Histogram bin a -> Histogram bin b
bmap = H.bmap

zip :: (Bin bin, BinEq bin, Unbox a, Unbox b, Unbox c) 
    => (a -> b -> c) -> Histogram bin a -> Histogram bin b -> Histogram bin c
zip = H.zip
zipSafe :: (Bin bin, BinEq bin, Unbox a, Unbox b, Unbox c)
        => (a -> b -> c) -> Histogram bin a -> Histogram bin b -> Maybe (Histogram bin c)
zipSafe = H.zipSafe

convertBinning :: (ConvertBin bin bin', Unbox a)
               => Histogram bin a -> Histogram bin' a
convertBinning = H.convertBinning

-- Folding

foldl :: (Bin bin, Unbox a) => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Histogram bin a -> b
foldl = H.foldl

bfoldl :: (Bin bin, Unbox a) => (b -> BinValue bin -> a -> b) -> b -> Histogram bin a -> b
bfoldl = H.bfoldl

-- Slicing and reducing histograms

slice :: (SliceableBin bin, Unbox a)
      => HistIndex bin          -- ^ Lower inclusive bound
      -> HistIndex bin          -- ^ Upper inclusive bound
      -> Histogram bin a      -- ^ Histogram to slice
      -> Histogram bin a
slice = H.slice

rebin :: (MergeableBin bin, Unbox a)
      => CutDirection
      -> Int      
      -> (a -> a -> a)          -- ^ Accumulation function
      -> Histogram bin a
      -> Histogram bin a
rebin = H.rebin
-- {-# INLINE rebin #-}

-- | Rebin histogram
rebinFold :: (MergeableBin bin, Unbox a, Unbox b)
          => CutDirection
          -> Int      
          -> (b -> a -> b)          -- ^ Accumulation function
          -> b                      -- ^ Initial value
          -> Histogram bin a
          -> Histogram bin b
rebinFold = H.rebinFold
-- {-# INLINE rebinFold #-}

-- 2D histograms

sliceAlongX :: (Unbox a, Bin bX, Bin bY)
            => Histogram (Bin2D bX bY) a -- ^ 2D histogram
            -> HistIndex bY                -- ^ Position along Y axis
            -> Histogram bX a
sliceAlongX = H.sliceAlongX

sliceAlongY :: (Unbox a, Bin bX, Bin bY)
            => Histogram (Bin2D bX bY) a -- ^ 2D histogram
            -> HistIndex bX                -- ^ Position along X axis
            -> Histogram bY a
sliceAlongY = H.sliceAlongY

listSlicesAlongX :: (Unbox a, Bin bX, Bin bY)
                 => Histogram (Bin2D bX bY) a
                 -> [(BinValue bY, Histogram bX a)]
listSlicesAlongX = H.listSlicesAlongX

listSlicesAlongY :: (Unbox a, Bin bX, Bin bY)
                 => Histogram (Bin2D bX bY) a
                 -> [(BinValue bX, Histogram bY a)]
listSlicesAlongY = H.listSlicesAlongY

reduceX :: (Unbox a, Unbox b, Bin bX, Bin bY)
        => (Histogram bX a -> b)      -- ^ Function to reduce single slice along X axis
        ->  Histogram (Bin2D bX bY) a -- ^ 2D histogram
        ->  Histogram bY b
reduceX = H.reduceX

reduceY :: (Unbox a, Unbox b, Bin bX, Bin bY)
        => (Histogram bY a -> b)     -- ^ Function to reduce histogram along Y axis
        -> Histogram (Bin2D bX bY) a -- ^ 2D histogram
        -> Histogram bX b
reduceY = H.reduceY

liftX :: (Bin bX, Bin bY, Bin bX', BinEq bX', Unbox a, Unbox b)
      => (Histogram bX a -> Histogram bX' b)
      -> Histogram (Bin2D bX  bY) a
      -> Histogram (Bin2D bX' bY) b
liftX = H.liftX

liftY :: (Bin bX, Bin bY, Bin bY', BinEq bY', Unbox a, Unbox b)
      => (Histogram bY a -> Histogram bY' b)
      -> Histogram (Bin2D bX bY ) a
      -> Histogram (Bin2D bX bY') b
liftY = H.liftY