{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Git.Object
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unix
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.Git.Object
	( ObjectLocation(..)
	, ObjectType(..)
	, ObjectHeader
	, ObjectData
	, ObjectPtr(..)
	, Object(..)
	, Tree(..)
	, Commit(..)
	, Blob(..)
	, Tag(..)
	, DeltaOfs(..)
	, DeltaRef(..)
	, ObjectInfo(..)
	, objectWrap
	, objectToType
	, objectTypeMarshall
	, objectTypeUnmarshall
	, objectTypeIsDelta
	, objectIsDelta
	, objectToTree
	, objectToCommit
	, objectToTag
	, objectToBlob
	-- * parsing function
	, treeParse
	, commitParse
	, tagParse
	, blobParse
	, objectParseTree
	, objectParseCommit
	, objectParseTag
	, objectParseBlob
	-- * writing function
	, objectWriteHeader
	, objectWrite
	, objectHash
	) where

import Data.Git.Ref
import Data.Git.Delta

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Data.Attoparsec.Lazy
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as P
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as PC
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), many)
import Control.Monad

import Data.Word
import Text.Printf

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString

-- | location of an object in the database
data ObjectLocation = NotFound | Loose Ref | Packed Ref Word64
	deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | represent one entry in the tree
-- (permission,file or directory name,blob or tree ref)
-- name should maybe a filepath, but not sure about the encoding.
type TreeEnt = (Int,ByteString,Ref)

-- | an author or committer line
-- has the format: name <email> time timezone
-- FIXME: should be a string, but I don't know if the data is stored
-- consistantly in one encoding (UTF8)
type Name = (ByteString,ByteString,Int,Int)

-- | type of a git object.
data ObjectType =
	| TypeBlob
	| TypeCommit
	| TypeTag
	| TypeDeltaOff
	| TypeDeltaRef
	deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Delta objects points to some others objects in the database
-- either as offset in the pack or as a direct reference.
data ObjectPtr = PtrRef Ref | PtrOfs Word64 deriving (Show,Eq)

type ObjectHeader = (ObjectType, Word64, Maybe ObjectPtr)

type ObjectData = L.ByteString

-- | Raw objects infos have an header (type, size, ptr),
-- the data and a pointers chains to parents for resolved objects.
data ObjectInfo = ObjectInfo
	{ oiHeader :: ObjectHeader
	, oiData   :: ObjectData
	, oiChains :: [ObjectPtr]
	} deriving (Show,Eq)

class Objectable a where
	getType :: a -> ObjectType
	getRaw  :: a -> L.ByteString
	isDelta :: a -> Bool

	toCommit :: a -> Maybe Commit
	toCommit = const Nothing
	toTree   :: a -> Maybe Tree
	toTree = const Nothing
	toTag    :: a -> Maybe Tag
	toTag = const Nothing
	toBlob   :: a -> Maybe Blob
	toBlob = const Nothing

-- | describe a git object, that could of 6 differents types:
-- tree, blob, commit, tag and deltas (offset or ref).
-- the deltas one are only available through packs.
data Object = forall a . Objectable a => Object a

objectWrap :: Objectable a => a -> Object
objectWrap a = Object a

data Tree = Tree { treeGetEnts :: [TreeEnt] } deriving (Show,Eq)
data Blob = Blob { blobGetContent :: L.ByteString } deriving (Show,Eq)
data Commit = Commit
	{ commitTreeish   :: Ref
	, commitParents   :: [Ref]
	, commitAuthor    :: Name
	, commitCommitter :: Name
	, commitMessage   :: ByteString
	} deriving (Show,Eq)
data Tag = Tag
	{ tagRef        :: Ref
	, tagObjectType :: ObjectType
	, tagBlob       :: ByteString
	, tagName       :: Name
	, tagS          :: ByteString
	} deriving (Show,Eq)
data DeltaOfs = DeltaOfs Word64 Delta
	deriving (Show,Eq)
data DeltaRef = DeltaRef Ref Delta
	deriving (Show,Eq)

objectToType :: Object -> ObjectType
objectToType (Object a) = getType a

objectTypeMarshall :: ObjectType -> String
objectTypeMarshall TypeTree   = "tree"
objectTypeMarshall TypeBlob   = "blob"
objectTypeMarshall TypeCommit = "commit"
objectTypeMarshall TypeTag    = "tag"
objectTypeMarshall _          = error "deltas cannot be marshalled"

objectTypeUnmarshall :: String -> ObjectType
objectTypeUnmarshall "tree"   = TypeTree
objectTypeUnmarshall "blob"   = TypeBlob
objectTypeUnmarshall "commit" = TypeCommit
objectTypeUnmarshall "tag"    = TypeTag
objectTypeUnmarshall _        = error "unknown object type"

objectTypeIsDelta :: ObjectType -> Bool
objectTypeIsDelta TypeDeltaOff = True
objectTypeIsDelta TypeDeltaRef = True
objectTypeIsDelta _            = False

objectIsDelta :: Object -> Bool
objectIsDelta (Object a) = isDelta a

objectToTree :: Object -> Maybe Tree
objectToTree (Object a) = toTree a

objectToCommit :: Object -> Maybe Commit
objectToCommit (Object a) = toCommit a

objectToTag :: Object -> Maybe Tag
objectToTag (Object a) = toTag a

objectToBlob :: Object -> Maybe Blob
objectToBlob (Object a) = toBlob a

-- | the enum instance is useful when marshalling to pack file.
instance Enum ObjectType where
	fromEnum TypeCommit   = 0x1
	fromEnum TypeTree     = 0x2
	fromEnum TypeBlob     = 0x3
	fromEnum TypeTag      = 0x4
	fromEnum TypeDeltaOff = 0x6
	fromEnum TypeDeltaRef = 0x7

	toEnum 0x1 = TypeCommit
	toEnum 0x2 = TypeTree
	toEnum 0x3 = TypeBlob
	toEnum 0x4 = TypeTag
	toEnum 0x6 = TypeDeltaOff
	toEnum 0x7 = TypeDeltaRef
	toEnum n   = error ("not a valid object: " ++ show n)

octal :: Parser Int
octal = B.foldl' step 0 `fmap` takeWhile1 isOct where
	isOct w = w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x37
	step a w = a * 8 + fromIntegral (w - 0x30)

skipChar :: Char -> Parser ()
skipChar c = PC.char c >> return ()

referenceHex = fromHex <$> P.take 40
referenceBin = fromBinary <$> P.take 20

-- | parse a tree content
treeParse = (Tree <$> parseEnts) where
	parseEnts = atEnd >>= \end -> if end then return [] else liftM2 (:) parseEnt parseEnts
	parseEnt = liftM3 (,,) octal (PC.char ' ' >> takeTill ((==) 0)) (word8 0 >> referenceBin)
-- | parse a blob content
blobParse = (Blob <$> takeLazyByteString)

-- | parse a commit content
commitParse = do
	tree <- string "tree " >> referenceHex
	skipChar '\n'
	parents   <- many parseParentRef
	author    <- string "author " >> parseName
	committer <- string "committer " >> parseName
	skipChar '\n'
	message <- takeByteString
	return $ Commit tree parents author committer message
		parseParentRef = do
			tree <- string "parent " >> referenceHex
			skipChar '\n'
			return tree
-- | parse a tag content
tagParse = do
	object <- string "object " >> referenceHex
	skipChar '\n'
	type_ <- objectTypeUnmarshall . BC.unpack <$> (string "type " >> takeTill ((==) 0x0a))
	skipChar '\n'
	tag   <- string "tag " >> takeTill ((==) 0x0a)
	skipChar '\n'
	tagger <- string "tagger " >> parseName
	skipChar '\n'
	signature <- takeByteString
	return $ Tag object type_ tag tagger signature

parseName = do
	name <- B.init <$> PC.takeWhile ((/=) '<')
	skipChar '<'
	email <- PC.takeWhile ((/=) '>')
	_ <- string "> "
	time <- PC.decimal
	_ <- string " "
	timezone <- PC.signed PC.decimal
	skipChar '\n'
	return (name, email, time, timezone)

objectParseTree = objectWrap <$> treeParse
objectParseCommit = objectWrap <$> commitParse
objectParseTag = objectWrap <$> tagParse
objectParseBlob = objectWrap <$> blobParse

-- header of loose objects, but also useful for any object to determine object's hash
objectWriteHeader :: ObjectType -> Word64 -> ByteString
objectWriteHeader ty sz = BC.pack (objectTypeMarshall ty ++ " " ++ show sz ++ [ '\0' ])

objectWrite :: Object -> L.ByteString
objectWrite (Object a) = getRaw a

treeWrite (Tree ents) = L.fromChunks $ concat $ map writeTreeEnt ents where
	writeTreeEnt (perm,name,ref) =
		[ BC.pack $ printf "%o" perm
		, BC.singleton ' '
		, name
		, B.singleton 0
		, toBinary ref

commitWrite (Commit tree parents author committer msg) =
	L.fromChunks [BC.unlines ls, B.singleton 0xa, msg]
		ls = [ "tree " `BC.append` (toHex tree) ] ++
		     map (BC.append "parent " . toHex) parents ++
		     [ writeName "author" author
		     , writeName "committer" committer ]

tagWrite (Tag ref ty tag tagger signature) =
	L.fromChunks [BC.unlines ls, B.singleton 0xa, signature]
		ls = [ "object " `BC.append` (toHex ref)
		     , "type " `BC.append` (BC.pack $ objectTypeMarshall ty)
		     , "tag " `BC.append` tag
		     , writeName "tagger" tagger ]

blobWrite (Blob bData) = bData

instance Objectable Blob where
	getType _ = TypeBlob
	getRaw    = blobWrite
	isDelta   = const False
	toBlob t  = Just t

instance Objectable Commit where
	getType _  = TypeCommit
	getRaw     = commitWrite
	isDelta    = const False
	toCommit t = Just t

instance Objectable Tag where
	getType _ = TypeTag
	getRaw    = tagWrite
	isDelta   = const False
	toTag t   = Just t

instance Objectable Tree where
	getType _ = TypeTree
	getRaw    = treeWrite
	isDelta   = const False
	toTree t  = Just t

instance Objectable DeltaOfs where
	getType _ = TypeDeltaOff
	getRaw    = error "delta offset cannot be marshalled"
	isDelta   = const True

instance Objectable DeltaRef where
	getType _ = TypeDeltaRef
	getRaw    = error "delta ref cannot be marshalled"
	isDelta   = const True

objectHash :: ObjectType -> Word64 -> L.ByteString -> Ref
objectHash ty w lbs = hashLBS $ L.fromChunks (objectWriteHeader ty w : L.toChunks lbs)

-- used for objectWrite for commit and tag
writeName label (name, email, time, tz) =
	B.concat [label, " ", name, " <", email, "> ", BC.pack (show time), " ", BC.pack (showtz tz)]
	where showtz i = (if i > 0 then "+" else "") ++ show i