-- |
-- Module      : Data.Git.Storage.Pack
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unix
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Data.Git.Storage.Pack
        ( PackedObjectInfo(..)
        , PackedObjectRaw
        -- * Enumerators of packs
        , packEnumerate
        -- * Helpers to process packs
        , packOpen
        , packClose
        -- * Command for the content of a pack
        , packReadHeader
        , packReadMapAtOffset
        , packReadAtOffset
        , packReadRawAtOffset
        , packEnumerateObjects
        -- * turn a packed object into a
        , packedObjectToObject
        , packObjectFromRaw
        ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad

import Filesystem.Path.Rules
import Filesystem.Path
import Filesystem

import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

import Data.Attoparsec (anyWord8)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec as A
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as AL

import Data.Git.Internal
import Data.Git.Path
import Data.Git.Storage.Object
import Data.Git.Delta
import Data.Git.Ref
import Data.Git.Types
import Data.Git.Storage.FileReader

import Data.Word
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)

type PackedObjectRaw = (PackedObjectInfo, L.ByteString)

data PackedObjectInfo = PackedObjectInfo
        { poiType       :: ObjectType
        , poiOffset     :: Word64
        , poiSize       :: Word64
        , poiActualSize :: Word64
        , poiExtra      :: Maybe ObjectPtr
        } deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Enumerate the pack refs available in this repository.
packEnumerate repoPath = map onlyHash . filter isPackFile . map (encodeString posix . filename) <$> listDirectory (repoPath </> "objects" </> "pack")
        isPackFile :: String -> Bool
        isPackFile x = ".pack" `isSuffixOf` x
        onlyHash = fromHexString . takebut 5 . drop 5
        takebut n l = take (length l - n) l

-- | open a pack
packOpen :: FilePath -> Ref -> IO FileReader
packOpen repoPath packRef = openFile (packPath repoPath packRef) ReadMode >>= fileReaderNew False

-- | close a pack
packClose :: FileReader -> IO ()
packClose = fileReaderClose

-- | return the number of entries in this pack
packReadHeader repoPath packRef =
        withFileReader (packPath repoPath packRef) $ \filereader ->
                fileReaderParse filereader parseHeader
        where parseHeader = do
                packMagic <- be32 <$> A.take 4
                when (packMagic /= 0x5041434b) $ error "not a git packfile"
                ver <- be32 <$> A.take 4
                when (ver /= 2) $ error ("pack file version not supported: " ++ show ver)
                be32 <$> A.take 4

-- | read an object at a specific position using a map function on the objectData
packReadMapAtOffset fr offset mapData = fileReaderSeek fr offset >> getNextObject fr mapData

-- | read an object at a specific position
packReadAtOffset :: FileReader -> Word64 -> IO (Maybe Object)
packReadAtOffset fr offset = packReadMapAtOffset fr offset id

-- | read a raw representation at a specific position
packReadRawAtOffset :: FileReader -> Word64 -> IO (PackedObjectRaw)
packReadRawAtOffset fr offset = fileReaderSeek fr offset >> getNextObjectRaw fr

-- | enumerate all objects in this pack and callback to f for reach raw objects
packEnumerateObjects repoPath packRef entries f =
        withFileReader (packPath repoPath packRef) $ \filebuffer -> do
                fileReaderSeek filebuffer 12
                parseNext filebuffer entries
                parseNext :: FileReader -> Int -> IO ()
                parseNext _  0    = return ()
                parseNext fr ents = getNextObjectRaw fr >>= f >> parseNext fr (ents-1)

getNextObject :: FileReader -> (L.ByteString -> L.ByteString) -> IO (Maybe Object)
getNextObject fr mapData =
        packedObjectToObject . second mapData <$> getNextObjectRaw fr

packedObjectToObject (PackedObjectInfo { poiType = ty, poiExtra = extra }, objData) =
        packObjectFromRaw (ty, extra, objData)

packObjectFromRaw (TypeCommit, Nothing, objData) = AL.maybeResult $ AL.parse objectParseCommit objData
packObjectFromRaw (TypeTree, Nothing, objData)   = AL.maybeResult $ AL.parse objectParseTree objData
packObjectFromRaw (TypeBlob, Nothing, objData)   = AL.maybeResult $ AL.parse objectParseBlob objData
packObjectFromRaw (TypeTag, Nothing, objData)    = AL.maybeResult $ AL.parse objectParseTag objData
packObjectFromRaw (TypeDeltaOff, Just (PtrOfs o), objData) = toObject . DeltaOfs o <$> deltaRead objData
packObjectFromRaw (TypeDeltaRef, Just (PtrRef r), objData) = toObject . DeltaRef r <$> deltaRead objData
packObjectFromRaw _                              = error "can't happen unless someone change getNextObjectRaw"

getNextObjectRaw :: FileReader -> IO PackedObjectRaw
getNextObjectRaw fr = do
        sobj      <- fileReaderGetPos fr
        (ty, size) <- fileReaderParse fr parseObjectHeader
        extra      <- case ty of
                TypeDeltaRef -> Just . PtrRef . fromBinary <$> fileReaderGetBS 20 fr
                TypeDeltaOff -> Just . PtrOfs . deltaOffFromList <$> fileReaderGetVLF fr
                _            -> return Nothing
        objData    <- fileReaderInflateToSize fr size
        eobj       <- fileReaderGetPos fr

        return (PackedObjectInfo ty sobj (eobj - sobj) size extra, objData)
                parseObjectHeader = do
                        (m, ty, sz) <- splitFirst <$> anyWord8
                        size <- if m then (sz +) <$> getNextSize 4 else return sz
                        return (ty, size)
                                getNextSize n = do
                                        (c, sz) <- splitOther n <$> anyWord8
                                        if c then (sz +) <$> getNextSize (n+7) else return sz

                                splitFirst :: Word8 -> (Bool, ObjectType, Word64)
                                splitFirst w = (w `testBit` 7, toEnum $ fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 4) .&. 0x7), fromIntegral (w .&. 0xf))
                                splitOther n w = (w `testBit` 7, fromIntegral (w .&. 0x7f) `shiftL` n)

                deltaOffFromList (x:xs) = foldl' acc (fromIntegral (x `clearBit` 7)) xs
                        where acc a w = ((a+1) `shiftL` 7) + fromIntegral (w `clearBit` 7)
                deltaOffFromList [] = error "cannot happen"