Readme for hjsmin-0.0.16


Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier

It is intended to be used in conjunction with Hamlet, part of Yesod.

As such, much of the structure of the package is shamelessly copied from Hamlet.


How to build


cabal clean && cabal configure && cabal build


cabal clean && cabal configure -fbuildtests && cabal build

Running the tests



0.0.16 - Fix bug for issue 7, blowing up when calculating if space needed after return

0.0.15 - Fix ambiguous symbols with GHC 7.4.1, from @luite

0.0.14 - Allow unicode characters in comments

0.0.13 - Error in parsing numbers with zeros before decimal point

0.0.12 - Worked in Michael Snoyman's fix for unicode output

0.0.11 - Worked in language-javascript 0.4.*, with source locations in the AST Worked in processing of property get/set in object literals 0.0.10 - Removed attoparsec dependency and historical Parse/Token