module Language.LaTeX.Builder.Math -- NOTE: do not forget to update allMathItems, allMathDecls (amsmath, charToMath, stringToMath, mchar, mstring, mathlift, protect, protector, verb, _Delta, _Gamma, _Lambda, _Leftarrow, _Leftrightarrow, _Omega, _Phi, _Pi, _Pr, _Rightarrow, _Sigma, _Theta, _Xi, acute, aleph, alpha, approx, array, at, backslash, bar, beta, between, bigcap, bigcup, bigvee, bigwedge, bmod, bot, braces, brackets, breve, bullet, cal, cap, cdots, cdotp, check, chi, circ, cong, cos, cosh, cot, csc, cup, ddot, ddots, delta, det, diamond, dim, displaystyle, div, divide, dot, downarrow, emptyset, epsilon, eq, neq, equiv, eta, exists, forall_, frac, gamma, gcd, ge, geq, grave, group, hat, iff, imath, implies, in_, inf, infty, int, iota, jmath, kappa, lambda, langle, lbrace, lceil, lcm, ldots, ldotp, le, leftarrow, leftrightarrow, leq, lfloor, lim, liminf, limsup, ln, log, lparen, mathBinOp, longleftarrow, longrightarrow, longleftrightarrow, mathBinOps, mathCmd, mathCmdArg, mathCmdArgs, mathCmdMathArg, mathCmdMathArgs, mathCmdsArg, mathDecl, mathGroup, allMathItems, allMathDecls, rawDecls, decl, decls, mathbb, mathbf, mathnormal, mathrm, mathsf, mathit, mathscr, mathcal, mathfrak, mathtt, max, mbox, min, mit, mleft, mediumspace, negthinspace, mod, models, mrat, mright, msup, thickspace, thinspace, mu, nabla, ne, neg, notin, nu, oint, omega, omicron, oplus, otimes, overbrace, overline, parenChar, parens, partial, phi, pi, pm, pmod, prec, prod, propto, psi, quad, rangle, rbrace, rceil, rfloor, rho, rightarrow, rparen, scriptscriptstyle, scriptstyle, sec, sigma, sin, sinh, space, sqrt, sqrt', square, stackrel, sub, subset, subseteq, succ, sum, sup, supset, supseteq, tan, tanh, tau, text, textstyle, theta, tilde, times, to, top, underbrace, underline, uparrow, upsilon, varepsilon, varphi, vartheta, vdash, vdots, vec, vee, wedge, widehat, widetilde, xi, zeta, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z, _A, _B, _C, _D, _E, _F, _G, _H, _I, _J, _K, _L, _M, _N, _O, _P, _Q, _R, _S, _T, _U, _V, _W, _X, _Y, _Z, _Downarrow, _Uparrow, vartriangleright,phantom, -- reexports cells, cell, vline, hline, cline ) where import Prelude hiding (sqrt, min, max, lcm, gcd, log, mod, tanh, cosh, tan, sinh, sin, cos, succ, sum, pi, mapM, div) import Data.Char import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Foldable (foldMap) import Data.Traversable (sequenceA, mapM) import Data.String import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import Control.Arrow import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad hiding (mapM) import Control.Monad.Error (throwError) import Language.LaTeX.Types import Language.LaTeX.Builder.MonoidUtils import Language.LaTeX.Builder (XChar, cell, cells, vline, hline, cline) import Language.LaTeX.Builder.Internal (rawMath, rawMathChar) import qualified Language.LaTeX.Builder as B import qualified Language.LaTeX.Builder.Internal as B liftMath :: (MathItm -> MathItm) -> MathItem -> MathItem liftMath fun = MathItem . liftM fun . mathItmM liftMath2 :: (MathItm -> MathItm -> MathItm) -> MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem liftMath2 fun (MathItem aa) (MathItem bb) = MathItem (liftM2 fun aa bb) group :: MathItem -> MathItem group = liftMath MathGroup -- | Same as 'group' mathGroup :: MathItem -> MathItem mathGroup = group mathCmdArgs :: String -> [Arg AnyItem] -> MathItem mathCmdArgs name args = MathItem $ MathCmdArgs name <$> mapM (mapM anyItmM) args mathCmdMathArgs :: String -> [Arg MathItem] -> MathItem mathCmdMathArgs name = mathCmdArgs name . (map . fmap) B.mathItem mathCmdArg :: String -> AnyItem -> MathItem mathCmdArg m1 m2 = mathCmdArgs m1 [B.mandatory m2] mathCmdMathArg :: String -> MathItem -> MathItem mathCmdMathArg name = mathCmdMathArgs name . pure . B.mandatory mathDecl :: String -> MathDecl mathDecl = pure . MathDcl rawDecls :: [MathDecl] -> MathItem rawDecls = MathItem . fmap MathDecls . sequenceA decls :: [MathDecl] -> MathItem -> MathItem decls ds itm = group (rawDecls ds ⊕ itm) decl :: MathDecl -> MathItem -> MathItem decl dcl = decls [dcl] mathCmd :: String -> MathItem mathCmd = MathItem . pure . (`MathCmdArgs` []) mathBinOp :: String -> MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem mathBinOp = liftMath2 . MathBinOp mrat :: Rational -> MathItem mrat = fromRational sub, sup :: MathItem -> MathItem sub = (rawMath "_" ⊕) . mathGroup sup = (rawMath "^" ⊕) . mathGroup frac, stackrel :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem frac m1 m2 = mathCmdMathArgs "frac" [B.mandatory m1,B.mandatory m2] stackrel m1 m2 = mathCmdMathArgs "stackrel" [B.mandatory m1,B.mandatory m2] sqrt :: MathItem -> MathItem sqrt = mathCmdMathArg "sqrt" sqrt' :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem sqrt' n1 m1 = mathCmdMathArgs "sqrt" [B.optional n1, B.mandatory m1] phantom :: MathItem -> MathItem phantom = mathCmdMathArg "phantom" mleft, mright :: Char -> MathItem mleft m1 = MathItem $ RawMath . ("\\left" ⊕) <$> parenChar m1 mright m1 = MathItem $ RawMath . ("\\right" ⊕) <$> parenChar m1 between :: Char -> Char -> MathItem -> MathItem between opening closing m1 = mleft opening ⊕ m1 ⊕ mright closing parens, braces, brackets :: MathItem -> MathItem parens = between '(' ')' braces = between '{' '}' brackets = between '[' ']' parenChar :: Char -> LatexM String parenChar m1 | m1 `elem` "([.])" = return [m1] | m1 == '{' = return "\\{" | m1 == '}' = return "\\}" | otherwise = throwError $ "invalid parenthesis-like: " ++ show m1 -- NOTE: This command is defined in the amsmath package. It does conflict with -- some other packages/classes like the JFP class. -- Maybe this should be move to a Amsmath module text :: LatexItem -> MathItem text arg = mathCmdArgs "text" [B.packageDependency amsmath, B.mandatoryLatexItem arg] mbox :: LatexItem -> MathItem mbox arg = mathCmdArgs "mbox" [B.mandatoryLatexItem arg] array :: [RowSpec MathItem] -> [Row MathItem] -> MathItem array spec items = MathItem $ B.tabularLike MathArray (map (fmap mathItmM) spec) (map (fmap mathItmM) items) -- TODO equation {- This chunk was extracted from Language.LaTeX.Builder -} lbrace :: MathItem lbrace = mathCmd "{" rbrace :: MathItem rbrace = mathCmd "}" lparen :: MathItem lparen = rawMathChar '(' rparen :: MathItem rparen = rawMathChar ')' space :: MathItem space = mathCmd " " at :: MathItem at = mathCmd "@" in_ :: MathItem in_ = mathCmd "in" forall_ :: MathItem forall_ = mathCmd "forall" thinspace :: MathItem thinspace = mathCmd "," negthinspace :: MathItem negthinspace = mathCmd "!" -- \: or \> in LaTeX mediumspace :: MathItem mediumspace = mathCmd ":" thickspace :: MathItem thickspace = mathCmd ";" msup :: MathItem msup = mathCmd "sup" alpha :: MathItem alpha = mathCmd "alpha" beta :: MathItem beta = mathCmd "beta" chi :: MathItem chi = mathCmd "chi" -- Chi? (don't forget the charToMath table) delta :: MathItem delta = mathCmd "delta" _Delta :: MathItem _Delta = mathCmd "Delta" epsilon :: MathItem epsilon = mathCmd "epsilon" varepsilon :: MathItem varepsilon = mathCmd "varepsilon" eta :: MathItem eta = mathCmd "eta" gamma :: MathItem gamma = mathCmd "gamma" _Gamma :: MathItem _Gamma = mathCmd "Gamma" iota :: MathItem iota = mathCmd "iota" kappa :: MathItem kappa = mathCmd "kappa" lambda :: MathItem lambda = mathCmd "lambda" _Lambda :: MathItem _Lambda = mathCmd "Lambda" mu :: MathItem mu = mathCmd "mu" nu :: MathItem nu = mathCmd "nu" omega :: MathItem omega = mathCmd "omega" _Omega :: MathItem _Omega = mathCmd "Omega" -- | In LaTeX math mode omicron is just 'o', -- it is exported as omicron here as well just -- for convinience. omicron :: MathItem omicron = mathCmd "o" phi :: MathItem phi = mathCmd "phi" varphi :: MathItem varphi = mathCmd "varphi" _Phi :: MathItem _Phi = mathCmd "Phi" pi :: MathItem pi = mathCmd "pi" _Pi :: MathItem _Pi = mathCmd "Pi" psi :: MathItem psi = mathCmd "psi" rho :: MathItem rho = mathCmd "rho" sigma :: MathItem sigma = mathCmd "sigma" _Sigma :: MathItem _Sigma = mathCmd "Sigma" tau :: MathItem tau = mathCmd "tau" theta :: MathItem theta = mathCmd "theta" vartheta :: MathItem vartheta = mathCmd "vartheta" _Theta :: MathItem _Theta = mathCmd "Theta" upsilon :: MathItem upsilon = mathCmd "upsilon" xi :: MathItem xi = mathCmd "xi" _Xi :: MathItem _Xi = mathCmd "Xi" zeta :: MathItem zeta = mathCmd "zeta" backslash :: MathItem backslash = mathCmd "backslash" times :: MathItem times = mathCmd "times" div :: MathItem div = mathCmd "div" circ :: MathItem circ = mathCmd "circ" oplus :: MathItem oplus = mathCmd "oplus" otimes :: MathItem otimes = mathCmd "otimes" sum :: MathItem sum = mathCmd "sum" prod :: MathItem prod = mathCmd "prod" wedge :: MathItem wedge = mathCmd "wedge" bigwedge :: MathItem bigwedge = mathCmd "bigwedge" vee :: MathItem vee = mathCmd "vee" bigvee :: MathItem bigvee = mathCmd "bigvee" cup :: MathItem cup = mathCmd "cup" bigcup :: MathItem bigcup = mathCmd "bigcup" cap :: MathItem cap = mathCmd "cap" bigcap :: MathItem bigcap = mathCmd "bigcap" ne :: MathItem ne = mathCmd "ne" le :: MathItem le = mathCmd "le" leq :: MathItem leq = mathCmd "leq" ge :: MathItem ge = mathCmd "ge" geq :: MathItem geq = mathCmd "geq" prec :: MathItem prec = mathCmd "prec" succ :: MathItem succ = mathCmd "succ" notin :: MathItem notin = mathCmd "notin" subset :: MathItem subset = mathCmd "subset" supset :: MathItem supset = mathCmd "supset" subseteq :: MathItem subseteq = mathCmd "subseteq" supseteq :: MathItem supseteq = mathCmd "supseteq" equiv :: MathItem equiv = mathCmd "equiv" cong :: MathItem cong = mathCmd "cong" approx :: MathItem approx = mathCmd "approx" propto :: MathItem propto = mathCmd "propto" neg :: MathItem neg = mathCmd "neg" implies :: MathItem implies = mathCmd "implies" iff :: MathItem iff = mathCmd "iff" exists :: MathItem exists = mathCmd "exists" bullet :: MathItem bullet = mathCmd "bullet" bot :: MathItem bot = mathCmd "bot" top :: MathItem top = mathCmd "top" vdash :: MathItem vdash = mathCmd "vdash" models :: MathItem models = mathCmd "models" langle :: MathItem langle = mathCmd "langle" rangle :: MathItem rangle = mathCmd "rangle" int :: MathItem int = mathCmd "int" oint :: MathItem oint = mathCmd "oint" partial :: MathItem partial = mathCmd "partial" nabla :: MathItem nabla = mathCmd "nabla" pm :: MathItem pm = mathCmd "pm" emptyset :: MathItem emptyset = mathCmd "emptyset" infty :: MathItem infty = mathCmd "infty" aleph :: MathItem aleph = mathCmd "aleph" ldots :: MathItem ldots = mathCmd "ldots" cdots :: MathItem cdots = mathCmd "cdots" vdots :: MathItem vdots = mathCmd "vdots" ddots :: MathItem ddots = mathCmd "ddots" cdotp :: MathItem cdotp = mathCmd "cdotp" ldotp :: MathItem ldotp = mathCmd "ldotp" quad :: MathItem quad = mathCmd "quad" diamond :: MathItem diamond = mathCmd "diamond" square :: MathItem square = mathCmd "square" lfloor :: MathItem lfloor = mathCmd "lfloor" rfloor :: MathItem rfloor = mathCmd "rfloor" lceil :: MathItem lceil = mathCmd "lceil" rceil :: MathItem rceil = mathCmd "rceil" sin :: MathItem sin = mathCmd "sin" cos :: MathItem cos = mathCmd "cos" tan :: MathItem tan = mathCmd "tan" csc :: MathItem csc = mathCmd "csc" sec :: MathItem sec = mathCmd "sec" cot :: MathItem cot = mathCmd "cot" sinh :: MathItem sinh = mathCmd "sinh" cosh :: MathItem cosh = mathCmd "cosh" tanh :: MathItem tanh = mathCmd "tanh" log :: MathItem log = mathCmd "log" ln :: MathItem ln = mathCmd "ln" det :: MathItem det = mathCmd "det" dim :: MathItem dim = mathCmd "dim" lim :: MathItem lim = mathCmd "lim" mod :: MathItem mod = mathCmd "mod" gcd :: MathItem gcd = mathCmd "gcd" lcm :: MathItem lcm = mathCmd "lcm" liminf :: MathItem liminf = mathCmd "liminf" inf :: MathItem inf = mathCmd "inf" limsup :: MathItem limsup = mathCmd "limsup" max :: MathItem max = mathCmd "max" min :: MathItem min = mathCmd "min" _Pr :: MathItem _Pr = mathCmd "Pr" uparrow :: MathItem uparrow = mathCmd "uparrow" downarrow :: MathItem downarrow = mathCmd "downarrow" _Uparrow :: MathItem _Uparrow = mathCmd "Uparrow" _Downarrow :: MathItem _Downarrow = mathCmd "Downarrow" rightarrow :: MathItem rightarrow = mathCmd "rightarrow" longrightarrow :: MathItem longrightarrow = mathCmd "longrightarrow" to :: MathItem to = mathCmd "to" leftarrow :: MathItem leftarrow = mathCmd "leftarrow" longleftarrow :: MathItem longleftarrow = mathCmd "longleftarrow" leftrightarrow :: MathItem leftrightarrow = mathCmd "leftrightarrow" longleftrightarrow :: MathItem longleftrightarrow = mathCmd "longleftrightarrow" _Rightarrow :: MathItem _Rightarrow = mathCmd "Rightarrow" _Leftarrow :: MathItem _Leftarrow = mathCmd "Leftarrow" _Leftrightarrow :: MathItem _Leftrightarrow = mathCmd "Leftrightarrow" -- -- they are said to depend on amsfonts, maybe one should force it mathnormal, mathrm, mathit, mathbf, mathsf, mathtt, mathbb, mathcal, mathfrak, mathscr :: MathItem -> MathItem mathnormal = mathCmdMathArg "mathnormal" mathrm = mathCmdMathArg "mathrm" mathit = mathCmdMathArg "mathit" mathbf = mathCmdMathArg "mathbf" mathsf = mathCmdMathArg "mathsf" mathtt = mathCmdMathArg "mathtt" mathcal = mathCmdMathArg "mathcal" mathfrak = mathCmdMathArg "mathfrak" mathbb = mathCmdMathArg "mathbb" mathscr = mathCmdMathArg "mathscr" pmod :: MathItem -> MathItem pmod = mathCmdMathArg "pmod" tilde :: MathItem -> MathItem tilde = mathCmdMathArg "tilde" hat :: MathItem -> MathItem hat = mathCmdMathArg "hat" check :: MathItem -> MathItem check = mathCmdMathArg "check" breve :: MathItem -> MathItem breve = mathCmdMathArg "breve" acute :: MathItem -> MathItem acute = mathCmdMathArg "acute" grave :: MathItem -> MathItem grave = mathCmdMathArg "grave" bar :: MathItem -> MathItem bar = mathCmdMathArg "bar" vec :: MathItem -> MathItem vec = mathCmdMathArg "vec" dot :: MathItem -> MathItem dot = mathCmdMathArg "dot" ddot :: MathItem -> MathItem ddot = mathCmdMathArg "ddot" overbrace :: MathItem -> MathItem overbrace = mathCmdMathArg "overbrace" underbrace :: MathItem -> MathItem underbrace = mathCmdMathArg "underbrace" overline :: MathItem -> MathItem overline = mathCmdMathArg "overline" underline :: MathItem -> MathItem underline = mathCmdMathArg "underline" widehat :: MathItem -> MathItem widehat = mathCmdMathArg "widehat" widetilde :: MathItem -> MathItem widetilde = mathCmdMathArg "widetilde" imath :: MathItem -> MathItem imath = mathCmdMathArg "imath" jmath :: MathItem -> MathItem jmath = mathCmdMathArg "jmath" displaystyle :: MathDecl displaystyle = mathDecl "displaystyle" textstyle :: MathDecl textstyle = mathDecl "textstyle" scriptstyle :: MathDecl scriptstyle = mathDecl "scriptstyle" scriptscriptstyle :: MathDecl scriptscriptstyle = mathDecl "scriptscriptstyle" mit :: MathDecl mit = mathDecl "mit" cal :: MathDecl cal = mathDecl "cal" eq :: MathItem eq = rawMathChar '=' neq :: MathItem neq = mathCmd "neq" a :: MathItem a = rawMathChar 'a' b :: MathItem b = rawMathChar 'b' c :: MathItem c = rawMathChar 'c' d :: MathItem d = rawMathChar 'd' e :: MathItem e = rawMathChar 'e' f :: MathItem f = rawMathChar 'f' g :: MathItem g = rawMathChar 'g' h :: MathItem h = rawMathChar 'h' i :: MathItem i = rawMathChar 'i' j :: MathItem j = rawMathChar 'j' k :: MathItem k = rawMathChar 'k' l :: MathItem l = rawMathChar 'l' m :: MathItem m = rawMathChar 'm' n :: MathItem n = rawMathChar 'n' o :: MathItem o = rawMathChar 'o' p :: MathItem p = rawMathChar 'p' q :: MathItem q = rawMathChar 'q' r :: MathItem r = rawMathChar 'r' s :: MathItem s = rawMathChar 's' t :: MathItem t = rawMathChar 't' u :: MathItem u = rawMathChar 'u' v :: MathItem v = rawMathChar 'v' w :: MathItem w = rawMathChar 'w' x :: MathItem x = rawMathChar 'x' y :: MathItem y = rawMathChar 'y' z :: MathItem z = rawMathChar 'z' _A :: MathItem _A = rawMathChar 'A' _B :: MathItem _B = rawMathChar 'B' _C :: MathItem _C = rawMathChar 'C' _D :: MathItem _D = rawMathChar 'D' _E :: MathItem _E = rawMathChar 'E' _F :: MathItem _F = rawMathChar 'F' _G :: MathItem _G = rawMathChar 'G' _H :: MathItem _H = rawMathChar 'H' _I :: MathItem _I = rawMathChar 'I' _J :: MathItem _J = rawMathChar 'J' _K :: MathItem _K = rawMathChar 'K' _L :: MathItem _L = rawMathChar 'L' _M :: MathItem _M = rawMathChar 'M' _N :: MathItem _N = rawMathChar 'N' _O :: MathItem _O = rawMathChar 'O' _P :: MathItem _P = rawMathChar 'P' _Q :: MathItem _Q = rawMathChar 'Q' _R :: MathItem _R = rawMathChar 'R' _S :: MathItem _S = rawMathChar 'S' _T :: MathItem _T = rawMathChar 'T' _U :: MathItem _U = rawMathChar 'U' _V :: MathItem _V = rawMathChar 'V' _W :: MathItem _W = rawMathChar 'W' _X :: MathItem _X = rawMathChar 'X' _Y :: MathItem _Y = rawMathChar 'Y' _Z :: MathItem _Z = rawMathChar 'Z' vartriangleright :: MathItem vartriangleright = mathCmd "vartriangleright" bmod :: MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem bmod = mathBinOp "bmod" mathlift :: (LatexItem -> LatexItem) -> MathItem -> MathItem mathlift fun = text . fun . B.math {-# DEPRECATED mathlift "The use of M.text should be done with care (mbox is an alternative)" #-} divide :: MathItem divide = mathCmd "div" {-# DEPRECATED divide "Use div instead" #-} allMathDecls :: [MathDecl] allMathDecls = [displaystyle, textstyle, scriptstyle, scriptscriptstyle, mit, cal] allMathItems :: [MathItem] allMathItems = [lbrace, rbrace, space, at, in_, forall_, thinspace, negthinspace, mediumspace, thickspace, msup, alpha, beta, chi, delta, _Delta, epsilon, varepsilon, eta, gamma, _Gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, _Lambda, mu, nu, omega, _Omega, phi, varphi, _Phi, pi, _Pi, psi, rho, sigma, _Sigma, tau, theta, vartheta, _Theta, upsilon, xi, _Xi, zeta, backslash, times, div, circ, oplus, otimes, sum, prod, wedge, bigwedge, vee, bigvee, cup, bigcup, cap, bigcap, ne, le, leq, ge, geq, prec, succ, notin, subset, supset, subseteq, supseteq, equiv, cong, approx, propto, neg, implies, iff, exists, bullet, bot, top, vdash, models, langle, rangle, int, oint, partial, nabla, pm, emptyset, infty, aleph, ldots, cdots, vdots, ddots, quad, diamond, square, lfloor, rfloor, lceil, rceil, sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot, sinh, cosh, tanh, log, ln, det, dim, lim, mod, gcd, lcm, liminf, inf, limsup, max, min, _Pr, uparrow, downarrow, rightarrow, to, leftarrow, leftrightarrow, _Rightarrow, _Leftarrow, _Leftrightarrow ,longrightarrow,longrightarrow,longleftrightarrow ,vartriangleright, cdotp, ldotp, _Downarrow, _Uparrow -- maually added ,eq,neq ,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z ,_A, _B, _C, _D, _E, _F, _G, _H, _I, _J, _K, _L, _M, _N, _O, _P ,_Q, _R, _S, _T, _U, _V, _W, _X, _Y, _Z ,lparen,rparen ] mathCmdsArg :: [MathItem -> MathItem] mathCmdsArg = [mathbf, mathbb, mathcal, mathtt, mathfrak, pmod, tilde, hat, check, breve, acute, grave, bar, vec, dot, ddot, overbrace, underbrace, overline, underline, widehat, widetilde, imath, jmath -- maually added ,negate , sqrt, phantom ] mathBinOps :: [MathItem -> MathItem -> MathItem] mathBinOps = [(+),(-),(*),bmod] amsmath :: PackageName amsmath = PkgName "amsmath" protector :: XChar -> String -> LatexItem protector = B.protector . mchar protect :: String -> LatexItem protect = protector B.hchar verb :: String -> LatexItem verb = protector B.ttchar {- NOT USED mchar :: XChar mchar '\\' = "\\textbackslash{}" mchar '~' = "\\text{\\~{}}" mchar '^' = "\\^{}" mchar ':' = ":" mchar '_' = "\\_" mchar x | x `elem` "#&{}$%" = ['\\',x] | x `elem` "][" = ['{', x, '}'] -- to avoid mess up optional args | otherwise = [x] -} type MXChar = Char -> MathItem -- This char translator transformer only take care of math specific characters. -- For instance 'a' will be displayed in text mode. mchar :: XChar -> XChar mchar xchar ch = maybe (xchar ch) B.math m' where m' | isAscii ch && (isAlphaNum ch || isSpace ch) = Nothing | otherwise = charToMath ch -- find a better name and export mchar' :: XChar -> MXChar mchar' xchar ch = fromMaybe (mbox (xchar ch)) (charToMath ch) stringToMath :: String -> MathItem stringToMath = foldMap $ mchar' B.hchar mstring :: String -> LatexItem mstring = B.math . stringToMath instance IsString MathItem where fromString = stringToMath charToMath :: Char -> Maybe MathItem charToMath ch | isAscii ch && (isAlphaNum ch || isSpace ch) = Just $ rawMathChar ch | otherwise = IntMap.lookup (fromEnum ch) mapping where mapping = IntMap.fromList $ map (first fromEnum) [ ('α', alpha) , ('β', beta) , ('χ', chi) , ('δ', delta) , ('Δ', _Delta) , ('ε', epsilon) --, ('', varepsilon) , ('η', eta) , ('γ', gamma) , ('Γ', _Gamma) , ('ι', iota) , ('κ', kappa) , ('λ', lambda) , ('Λ', _Lambda) , ('μ', mu) -- '\956' mu , ('µ', mu) -- '\181' micro sign, is there a specific latex macro for it? , ('ν', nu) , ('ω', omega) , ('Ω', _Omega) , ('ο', omicron) , ('φ', phi) --, ('', varphi) , ('Φ', _Phi) , ('π', pi) , ('Π', _Pi) , ('ψ', psi) , ('ρ', rho) , ('σ', sigma) , ('Σ', _Sigma) , ('τ', tau) , ('θ', theta) --, ('', vartheta) , ('Θ', _Theta) --, ('', upsilon) , ('ξ', xi) --, ('', _Xi) , ('ζ', zeta) , ('×', times) , ('÷', div) , ('·', cdotp) , ('∘', circ) , ('⊕', oplus) , ('⊗', otimes) , ('∧', wedge) --, ('', bigwedge) , ('∨', vee) --, ('', bigvee) , ('∪', cup) --, ('', bigcup) --, ('', cap) --, ('', bigcap) , ('≠', ne) --, ('', le) , ('≤', leq) --, ('', ge) , ('≥', geq) , ('∈', in_) , ('∉', notin) , ('⊂', subset) , ('⊃', supset) , ('⊆', subseteq) , ('⊇', supseteq) , ('≡', equiv) , ('=', eq) , ('≠', neq) --, ('', cong) , ('≈', approx) --, ('', propto) , ('¬', neg) --, ('', iff) , ('∀', forall_) , ('∃', exists) , ('⊥', bot) , ('⊤', top) , ('⊢', vdash) , ('⊩', models) , ('⟨', langle) , ('⟩', rangle) , ('●', bullet) {- , ('', int) , ('', oint) , ('', partial) , ('', nabla) , ('', pm) -} , ('ø', emptyset) , ('∞', infty) , ('…', ldots) , ('⋯', cdots) , ('⋮', vdots) {- , ('', aleph) , ('', ddots) , ('', quad) , ('', diamond) , ('', square) -} , ('⌈', lceil) , ('⌉', rceil) , ('⌊', lfloor) , ('⌋', rfloor) , ('↑', uparrow) {- , ('', downarrow) prec succ -} , ('→', rightarrow) --, ('', to) , ('←', leftarrow) , ('↔', leftrightarrow) , ('⇒', _Rightarrow) , ('⇐', _Leftarrow) , ('⇔', _Leftrightarrow) , ('⟶', longrightarrow) , ('⟵', longleftarrow) , ('▹', vartriangleright) -- black board , ('ℕ', mathbb _N) , ('ℍ', mathbb _H) , ('ℙ', mathbb _P) , ('ℝ', mathbb _R) , ('ⅅ', mathbb _D) , ('ℚ', mathbb _Q) , ('ℤ', mathbb _Z) --fail/TODO: find the correct definitions --, ('ℽ', mathbb gamma) --, ('ℾ', mathbb _Gamma) --, ('ℿ', mathbb _Pi) --, ('⅀', mathbb _Sigma) -- mathcal , ('℘', mathcal _P) , ('ℒ', mathcal _L) , ('ℛ', mathcal _R) , ('𝒩', mathcal _N) ]