{-| A ledger-compatible @balance@ command. ledger's balance command is easy to use but not easy to describe precisely. In the examples below we'll use sample.ledger, which has the following account tree: @ assets bank checking saving cash expenses food supplies income gifts salary liabilities debts @ The balance command shows accounts with their aggregate balances. Subaccounts are displayed indented below their parent. Each balance is the sum of any transactions in that account plus any balances from subaccounts: @ $ hledger -f sample.ledger balance $-1 assets $1 bank:saving $-2 cash $2 expenses $1 food $1 supplies $-2 income $-1 gifts $-1 salary $1 liabilities:debts @ Usually, the non-interesting accounts are elided or omitted. Above, @checking@ is omitted because it has no subaccounts and a zero balance. @bank@ is elided because it has only a single displayed subaccount (@saving@) and it would be showing the same balance as that ($1). Ditto for @liabilities@. We will return to this in a moment. The --depth argument can be used to limit the depth of the balance report. So, to see just the top level accounts: @ $ hledger -f sample.ledger balance --depth 1 $-1 assets $2 expenses $-2 income $1 liabilities @ This time liabilities has no displayed subaccounts (due to --depth) and is not elided. With one or more account pattern arguments, the balance command shows accounts whose name matches one of the patterns, plus their parents (elided) and subaccounts. So with the pattern o we get: @ $ hledger -f sample.ledger balance o $1 expenses:food $-2 income $-1 gifts $-1 salary -------------------- $-1 @ The o pattern matched @food@ and @income@, so they are shown. Unmatched parents of matched accounts are also shown (elided) for context (@expenses@). Also, the balance report shows the total of all displayed accounts, when that is non-zero. Here, it is displayed because the accounts shown add up to $-1. Here is a more precise definition of \"interesting\" accounts in ledger's balance report: - an account which has just one interesting subaccount branch, and which is not at the report's maximum depth, is interesting if the balance is different from the subaccount's, and otherwise boring. - any other account is interesting if it has a non-zero balance, or the -E flag is used. -} module BalanceCommand where import Prelude hiding (putStr) import Ledger.Utils import Ledger.Types import Ledger.Amount import Ledger.AccountName import Ledger.Transaction import Ledger.Ledger import Ledger.Parse import Options import Utils import System.IO.UTF8 -- | Print a balance report. balance :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO () balance opts args l = putStr $ showBalanceReport opts args l -- | Generate a balance report with the specified options for this ledger. showBalanceReport :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> String showBalanceReport opts args l = acctsstr ++ totalstr where acctsstr = unlines $ map showacct interestingaccts where showacct = showInterestingAccount l interestingaccts interestingaccts = filter (isInteresting opts l) acctnames acctnames = sort $ tail $ flatten $ treemap aname accttree accttree = ledgerAccountTree (depthFromOpts opts) l totalstr | NoTotal `elem` opts = "" | not (Empty `elem` opts) && isZeroMixedAmount total = "" | otherwise = printf "--------------------\n%s\n" $ padleft 20 $ showMixedAmount total where total = sum $ map abalance $ ledgerTopAccounts l -- | Display one line of the balance report with appropriate indenting and eliding. showInterestingAccount :: Ledger -> [AccountName] -> AccountName -> String showInterestingAccount l interestingaccts a = concatTopPadded [amt, " ", depthspacer ++ partialname] where amt = padleft 20 $ showMixedAmount $ abalance $ ledgerAccount l a -- the depth spacer (indent) is two spaces for each interesting parent parents = parentAccountNames a interestingparents = filter (`elem` interestingaccts) parents depthspacer = replicate (2 * length interestingparents) ' ' -- the partial name is the account's leaf name, prefixed by the -- names of any boring parents immediately above partialname = accountNameFromComponents $ (reverse $ map accountLeafName ps) ++ [accountLeafName a] where ps = takeWhile boring parents where boring = not . (`elem` interestingparents) -- | Is the named account considered interesting for this ledger's balance report ? isInteresting :: [Opt] -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool isInteresting opts l a | numinterestingsubs==1 && not atmaxdepth = notlikesub | otherwise = notzero || emptyflag where atmaxdepth = accountNameLevel a == depthFromOpts opts emptyflag = Empty `elem` opts acct = ledgerAccount l a notzero = not $ isZeroMixedAmount inclbalance where inclbalance = abalance acct notlikesub = not $ isZeroMixedAmount exclbalance where exclbalance = sumTransactions $ atransactions acct numinterestingsubs = length $ filter isInterestingTree subtrees where isInterestingTree t = treeany (isInteresting opts l . aname) t subtrees = map (fromJust . ledgerAccountTreeAt l) $ ledgerSubAccounts l $ ledgerAccount l a