{-| Print some statistics for the ledger. -} module Commands.Stats where import Prelude hiding (putStr) import Ledger import Options import System.IO.UTF8 -- | Print various statistics for the ledger. stats :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO () stats opts args l = do today <- getCurrentDay putStr $ showStats opts args (cacheLedger' l) today showStats :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> Day -> String showStats _ _ l today = heading ++ unlines (map (uncurry (printf fmt)) stats) where heading = underline $ printf "Ledger statistics as of %s" (show today) fmt = "%-" ++ show w1 ++ "s: %-" ++ show w2 ++ "s" w1 = maximum $ map (length . fst) stats w2 = maximum $ map (length . show . snd) stats stats = [ ("File", filepath $ journal l) ,("Period", printf "%s to %s (%d days)" (start span) (end span) days) ,("Transactions", printf "%d (%0.1f per day)" tnum txnrate) ,("Transactions last 30 days", printf "%d (%0.1f per day)" tnum30 txnrate30) ,("Transactions last 7 days", printf "%d (%0.1f per day)" tnum7 txnrate7) ,("Last transaction", maybe "none" show lastdate ++ maybe "" (printf " (%d days ago)") lastelapsed) -- ,("Payees/descriptions", show $ length $ nub $ map tdescription ts) ,("Accounts", show $ length $ accounts l) ,("Commodities", show $ length $ commodities l) -- Transactions this month : %(monthtxns)s (last month in the same period: %(lastmonthtxns)s) -- Uncleared transactions : %(uncleared)s -- Days since reconciliation : %(reconcileelapsed)s -- Days since last transaction : %(recentelapsed)s ] where ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ jtxns $ journal l lastdate | null ts = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ tdate $ last ts lastelapsed = maybe Nothing (Just . diffDays today) lastdate tnum = length ts span = rawdatespan l start (DateSpan (Just d) _) = show d start _ = "" end (DateSpan _ (Just d)) = show d end _ = "" days = fromMaybe 0 $ daysInSpan span txnrate | days==0 = 0 | otherwise = fromIntegral tnum / fromIntegral days :: Double tnum30 = length $ filter withinlast30 ts withinlast30 t = d >= addDays (-30) today && (d<=today) where d = tdate t txnrate30 = fromIntegral tnum30 / 30 :: Double tnum7 = length $ filter withinlast7 ts withinlast7 t = d >= addDays (-7) today && (d<=today) where d = tdate t txnrate7 = fromIntegral tnum7 / 7 :: Double