This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from stdin.  File:, Node: Top, Next: OPTIONS, Up: (dir) hledger-api(1) hledger-api 1.5 ****************************** hledger-api is a simple web API server, intended to support client-side web apps operating on hledger data. It comes with a series of simple client-side app examples, which drive its evolution. Like hledger, it reads data from one or more files in hledger journal, timeclock, timedot, or CSV format specified with '-f', or '$LEDGER_FILE', or '$HOME/.hledger.journal' (on windows, perhaps 'C:/Users/USER/.hledger.journal'). For more about this see hledger(1), hledger_journal(5) etc. The server listens on IP address, accessible only to local requests, by default. You can change this with '--host', eg '--host' to listen on all addresses. Note there is no other access control, so you will need to hide hledger-api behind an authenticating proxy if you want to restrict access. You can change the TCP port (default: 8001) with '-p PORT'. If invoked as 'hledger-api --swagger', instead of starting a server the API docs will be printed in Swagger 2.0 format. * Menu: * OPTIONS::  File:, Node: OPTIONS, Prev: Top, Up: Top 1 OPTIONS ********* Note: if invoking hledger-api as a hledger subcommand, write '--' before options as shown above. '-f --file=FILE' use a different input file. For stdin, use - (default: '$LEDGER_FILE' or '$HOME/.hledger.journal') '-d --static-dir=DIR' serve files from a different directory (default: '.') '--host=IPADDR' listen on this IP address (default: '-p --port=PORT' listen on this TCP port (default: 8001) '--swagger' print API docs in Swagger 2.0 format, and exit '--version' show version '-h --help' show usage  Tag Table: Node: Top72 Node: OPTIONS1216 Ref: #options1301  End Tag Table