
A reader for the "timedot" file format.

#ACCT  DOTS  # Each dot represents 15m, spaces are ignored
#ACCT  8    # numbers with or without a following h represent hours
#ACCT  5m   # numbers followed by m represent minutes

# on 2/1, 1h was spent on FOSS haskell work, 0.25h on research, etc.
fos.haskell   .... ..
biz.research  .
inc.client1   .... .... .... .... .... ....

biz.research  .
inc.client1   .... .... ..



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Hledger.Read.TimedotReader (
  -- * Reader
  -- * Misc other exports
  -- * Tests
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Megaparsec.Compat hiding (parse)

import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Read.Common
import Hledger.Utils hiding (ptrace)

-- easier to toggle this here sometimes
-- import qualified Hledger.Utils (ptrace)
-- ptrace = Hledger.Utils.ptrace
ptrace :: Monad m => a -> m a
ptrace = return

reader :: Reader
reader = Reader
  {rFormat     = "timedot"
  ,rExtensions = ["timedot"]
  ,rParser     = parse
  ,rExperimental = False

-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from the timedot format, or give an error.
parse :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse _ = parseAndFinaliseJournal timedotfilep

timedotfilep :: JournalParser m ParsedJournal
timedotfilep = do many timedotfileitemp
      timedotfileitemp :: JournalParser m ()
      timedotfileitemp = do
        ptrace "timedotfileitemp"
        choice [
          void emptyorcommentlinep
         ,timedotdayp >>= \ts -> modify' (addTransactions ts)
         ] <?> "timedot day entry, or default year or comment line or blank line"

addTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Journal -> Journal
addTransactions ts j = foldl' (flip ($)) j (map addTransaction ts)

-- | Parse timedot day entries to zero or more time transactions for that day.
-- @
-- 2/1
-- fos.haskell  .... ..
-- biz.research .
-- inc.client1  .... .... .... .... .... ....
-- @
timedotdayp :: JournalParser m [Transaction]
timedotdayp = do
  ptrace " timedotdayp"
  d <- datep <* lift eolof
  es <- catMaybes <$> many (const Nothing <$> try emptyorcommentlinep <|>
                            Just <$> (notFollowedBy datep >> timedotentryp))
  return $ map (\t -> t{tdate=d}) es -- <$> many timedotentryp

-- | Parse a single timedot entry to one (dateless) transaction.
-- @
-- fos.haskell  .... ..
-- @
timedotentryp :: JournalParser m Transaction
timedotentryp = do
  ptrace "  timedotentryp"
  pos <- genericSourcePos <$> getPosition
  lift (many spacenonewline)
  a <- modifiedaccountnamep
  lift (many spacenonewline)
  hours <-
    try (followingcommentp >> return 0)
    <|> (timedotdurationp <*
         (try followingcommentp <|> (newline >> return "")))
  let t = nulltransaction{
        tsourcepos = pos,
        tstatus    = Cleared,
        tpostings  = [
                     ,pamount=Mixed [setAmountPrecision 2 $ num hours]  -- don't assume hours; do set precision to 2
                     ,ptransaction=Just t
  return t

timedotdurationp :: JournalParser m Quantity
timedotdurationp = try timedotnumericp <|> timedotdotsp

-- | Parse a duration of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years,
-- written as a decimal number followed by s, m, h, d, w, mo or y, assuming h
-- if there is no unit. Returns the duration as hours, assuming
-- 1m = 60s, 1h = 60m, 1d = 24h, 1w = 7d, 1mo = 30d, 1y=365d.
-- @
-- 1.5
-- 1.5h
-- 90m
-- @
timedotnumericp :: JournalParser m Quantity
timedotnumericp = do
  (q, _, _, _) <- lift $ numberp Nothing
  msymbol <- optional $ choice $ map (string . fst) timeUnits
  lift (many spacenonewline)
  let q' = 
        case msymbol of
          Nothing  -> q
          Just sym ->
            case lookup sym timeUnits of
              Just mult -> q * mult  
              Nothing   -> q  -- shouldn't happen.. ignore
  return q'

-- (symbol, equivalent in hours). 
timeUnits =
  ,("mo",5040) -- before "m"

-- | Parse a quantity written as a line of dots, each representing 0.25.
-- @
-- .... ..
-- @
timedotdotsp :: JournalParser m Quantity
timedotdotsp = do
  dots <- filter (not.isSpace) <$> many (oneOf (". " :: [Char]))
  return $ (/4) $ fromIntegral $ length dots

tests_Hledger_Read_TimedotReader = TestList [