{- | UIState operations. -} module Hledger.UI.UIState (uiState ,uiShowStatus ,setFilter ,setMode ,setReportPeriod ,showMinibuffer ,closeMinibuffer ,toggleCleared ,toggleConversionOp ,toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ,toggleEmpty ,toggleForecast ,toggleHistorical ,togglePending ,toggleUnmarked ,toggleReal ,toggleTree ,setTree ,setList ,toggleValue ,reportPeriod ,shrinkReportPeriod ,growReportPeriod ,nextReportPeriod ,previousReportPeriod ,resetReportPeriod ,moveReportPeriodToDate ,getDepth ,setDepth ,decDepth ,incDepth ,resetDepth ,popScreen ,pushScreen ,enableForecastPreservingPeriod ,resetFilter ,resetScreens ,regenerateScreens ) where import Brick.Widgets.Edit import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.Foldable (asum) import Data.Either (fromRight) import Data.List ((\\), sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Semigroup (Max(..)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Zipper (gotoEOL) import Data.Time.Calendar (Day) import Lens.Micro ((^.), over, set) import Safe import Hledger import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions import Hledger.UI.UITypes import Hledger.UI.UIOptions (UIOpts) import Hledger.UI.UIScreens (screenUpdate) -- | Make an initial UI state with the given options, journal, -- parent screen stack if any, and starting screen. uiState :: UIOpts -> Journal -> [Screen] -> Screen -> UIState uiState uopts j prevscrs scr = UIState { astartupopts = uopts ,aopts = uopts ,ajournal = j ,aMode = Normal ,aScreen = scr ,aPrevScreens = prevscrs } -- | Toggle between showing only unmarked items or all items. toggleUnmarked :: UIState -> UIState toggleUnmarked = over statuses (toggleStatus1 Unmarked) -- | Toggle between showing only pending items or all items. togglePending :: UIState -> UIState togglePending = over statuses (toggleStatus1 Pending) -- | Toggle between showing only cleared items or all items. toggleCleared :: UIState -> UIState toggleCleared = over statuses (toggleStatus1 Cleared) -- TODO testing different status toggle styles -- | Generate zero or more indicators of the status filters currently active, -- which will be shown comma-separated as part of the indicators list. uiShowStatus :: CliOpts -> [Status] -> [String] uiShowStatus copts ss = case style of -- in style 2, instead of "Y, Z" show "not X" Just 2 | length ss == numstatuses-1 -> map (("not "++). showstatus) $ sort $ complement ss -- should be just one _ -> map showstatus $ sort ss where numstatuses = length [minBound..maxBound::Status] style = maybeposintopt "status-toggles" $ rawopts_ copts showstatus Cleared = "cleared" showstatus Pending = "pending" showstatus Unmarked = "unmarked" -- various toggle behaviours: -- 1 UPC toggles only X/all toggleStatus1 :: Status -> [Status] -> [Status] toggleStatus1 s ss = if ss == [s] then [] else [s] -- 2 UPC cycles X/not-X/all -- repeatedly pressing X cycles: -- [] U [u] -- [u] U [pc] -- [pc] U [] -- pressing Y after first or second step starts new cycle: -- [u] P [p] -- [pc] P [p] -- toggleStatus s ss -- | ss == [s] = complement [s] -- | ss == complement [s] = [] -- | otherwise = [s] -- XXX assume only three values -- 3 UPC toggles each X -- toggleStatus3 s ss -- | s `elem` ss = filter (/= s) ss -- | otherwise = simplifyStatuses (s:ss) -- 4 upc sets X, UPC sets not-X -- toggleStatus4 s ss -- | s `elem` ss = filter (/= s) ss -- | otherwise = simplifyStatuses (s:ss) -- 5 upc toggles X, UPC toggles not-X -- toggleStatus5 s ss -- | s `elem` ss = filter (/= s) ss -- | otherwise = simplifyStatuses (s:ss) -- | Given a list of unique enum values, list the other possible values of that enum. complement :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> [a] complement = ([minBound..maxBound] \\) -- -- | Toggle between showing all and showing only nonempty (more precisely, nonzero) items. toggleEmpty :: UIState -> UIState toggleEmpty = over empty__ not -- | Toggle between showing the primary amounts or costs. toggleConversionOp :: UIState -> UIState toggleConversionOp = over conversionop toggleCostMode where toggleCostMode Nothing = Just ToCost toggleCostMode (Just NoConversionOp) = Just ToCost toggleCostMode (Just ToCost) = Just NoConversionOp -- | Toggle between showing primary amounts or default valuation. toggleValue :: UIState -> UIState toggleValue = over value valuationToggleValue where -- | Basic toggling of -V, for hledger-ui. valuationToggleValue (Just (AtEnd _)) = Nothing valuationToggleValue _ = Just $ AtEnd Nothing -- | Set hierarchic account tree mode. setTree :: UIState -> UIState setTree = set accountlistmode ALTree -- | Set flat account list mode. setList :: UIState -> UIState setList = set accountlistmode ALFlat -- | Toggle between flat and tree mode. If current mode is unspecified/default, assume it's flat. toggleTree :: UIState -> UIState toggleTree = over accountlistmode toggleTreeMode where toggleTreeMode ALTree = ALFlat toggleTreeMode ALFlat = ALTree -- | Toggle between historical balances and period balances. toggleHistorical :: UIState -> UIState toggleHistorical = over balanceaccum toggleBalanceAccum where toggleBalanceAccum Historical = PerPeriod toggleBalanceAccum _ = Historical -- | Toggle hledger-ui's "forecast/future mode". When this mode is enabled, -- hledger-shows regular transactions which have future dates, and -- "forecast" transactions generated by periodic transaction rules -- (which are usually but not necessarily future-dated). -- In normal mode, both of these are hidden. toggleForecast :: Day -> UIState -> UIState toggleForecast _d ui = set forecast newForecast ui where newForecast = case ui^.forecast of Just _ -> Nothing Nothing -> enableForecastPreservingPeriod ui (ui^.cliOpts) ^. forecast -- | Ensure this CliOpts enables forecasted transactions. -- If a forecast period was specified in the old CliOpts, -- or in the provided UIState's startup options, -- it is preserved. enableForecastPreservingPeriod :: UIState -> CliOpts -> CliOpts enableForecastPreservingPeriod ui copts = set forecast mforecast copts where mforecast = asum [mprovidedforecastperiod, mstartupforecastperiod, mdefaultforecastperiod] where mprovidedforecastperiod = copts ^. forecast mstartupforecastperiod = astartupopts ui ^. forecast mdefaultforecastperiod = Just nulldatespan -- | Toggle between showing all and showing only real (non-virtual) items. toggleReal :: UIState -> UIState toggleReal = fromRight err . overEither real not -- PARTIAL: where err = error "toggleReal: updating Real should not result in an error" -- | Toggle the ignoring of balance assertions. toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions :: UIState -> UIState toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions = over ignore_assertions not -- | Step through larger report periods, up to all. growReportPeriod :: Day -> UIState -> UIState growReportPeriod _d = updateReportPeriod periodGrow -- | Step through smaller report periods, down to a day. shrinkReportPeriod :: Day -> UIState -> UIState shrinkReportPeriod d = updateReportPeriod (periodShrink d) -- | Step the report start/end dates to the next period of same duration, -- remaining inside the given enclosing span. nextReportPeriod :: DateSpan -> UIState -> UIState nextReportPeriod enclosingspan = updateReportPeriod (periodNextIn enclosingspan) -- | Step the report start/end dates to the next period of same duration, -- remaining inside the given enclosing span. previousReportPeriod :: DateSpan -> UIState -> UIState previousReportPeriod enclosingspan = updateReportPeriod (periodPreviousIn enclosingspan) -- | If a standard report period is set, step it forward/backward if needed so that -- it encloses the given date. moveReportPeriodToDate :: Day -> UIState -> UIState moveReportPeriodToDate d = updateReportPeriod (periodMoveTo d) -- | Clear any report period limits. resetReportPeriod :: UIState -> UIState resetReportPeriod = setReportPeriod PeriodAll -- | Get the report period. reportPeriod :: UIState -> Period reportPeriod = (^.period) -- | Set the report period. setReportPeriod :: Period -> UIState -> UIState setReportPeriod p = updateReportPeriod (const p) -- | Update report period by a applying a function. updateReportPeriod :: (Period -> Period) -> UIState -> UIState updateReportPeriod updatePeriod = fromRight err . overEither period updatePeriod -- PARTIAL: where err = error "updateReportPeriod: updating period should not result in an error" -- | Apply a new filter query, or return the failing query. setFilter :: String -> UIState -> Either String UIState setFilter s = first (const s) . setEither querystring (words'' queryprefixes $ T.pack s) -- | Reset some filters & toggles. resetFilter :: UIState -> UIState resetFilter = set querystringNoUpdate [] . set realNoUpdate False . set statusesNoUpdate [] . set empty__ True -- set period PeriodAll . set rsQuery Any . set rsQueryOpts [] -- -- | Reset all options state to exactly what it was at startup -- -- (preserving any command-line options/arguments). -- resetOpts :: UIState -> UIState -- resetOpts ui@UIState{astartupopts} = ui{aopts=astartupopts} resetDepth :: UIState -> UIState resetDepth = updateReportDepth (const Nothing) -- | Get the maximum account depth in the current journal. maxDepth :: UIState -> Int maxDepth UIState{ajournal=j} = getMax . foldMap (Max . accountNameLevel) $ journalAccountNamesDeclaredOrImplied j -- | Decrement the current depth limit towards 0. If there was no depth limit, -- set it to one less than the maximum account depth. decDepth :: UIState -> UIState decDepth ui = updateReportDepth dec ui where dec (Just d) = Just $ max 0 (d-1) dec Nothing = Just $ maxDepth ui - 1 -- | Increment the current depth limit. If this makes it equal to the -- the maximum account depth, remove the depth limit. incDepth :: UIState -> UIState incDepth = updateReportDepth (fmap succ) -- | Set the current depth limit to the specified depth, or remove the depth limit. -- Also remove the depth limit if the specified depth is greater than the current -- maximum account depth. If the specified depth is negative, reset the depth limit -- to whatever was specified at uiartup. setDepth :: Maybe Int -> UIState -> UIState setDepth mdepth = updateReportDepth (const mdepth) getDepth :: UIState -> Maybe Int getDepth = (^.depth) -- | Update report depth by a applying a function. If asked to set a depth less -- than zero, it will leave it unchanged. updateReportDepth :: (Maybe Int -> Maybe Int) -> UIState -> UIState updateReportDepth updateDepth ui = over reportSpec update ui where update = fromRight (error "updateReportDepth: updating depth should not result in an error") -- PARTIAL: . updateReportSpecWith (\ropts -> ropts{depth_=updateDepth (depth_ ropts) >>= clipDepth ropts}) clipDepth ropts d | d < 0 = depth_ ropts | d >= maxDepth ui = Nothing | otherwise = Just d -- | Open the minibuffer, setting its content to the current query with the cursor at the end. showMinibuffer :: T.Text -> Maybe String -> UIState -> UIState showMinibuffer label moldq ui = setMode (Minibuffer label e) ui where e = applyEdit gotoEOL $ editor MinibufferEditor (Just 1) oldq oldq = fromMaybe (T.unpack . T.unwords . map textQuoteIfNeeded $ ui^.querystring) moldq -- | Close the minibuffer, discarding any edit in progress. closeMinibuffer :: UIState -> UIState closeMinibuffer = setMode Normal setMode :: Mode -> UIState -> UIState setMode m ui = ui{aMode=m} pushScreen :: Screen -> UIState -> UIState pushScreen scr ui = ui{aPrevScreens=(aScreen ui:aPrevScreens ui) ,aScreen=scr } popScreen :: UIState -> UIState popScreen ui@UIState{aPrevScreens=s:ss} = ui{aScreen=s, aPrevScreens=ss} popScreen ui = ui -- | Reset options to their startup values, discard screen navigation history, -- and return to the top screen, regenerating it with the startup options -- and the provided reporting date. resetScreens :: Day -> UIState -> UIState resetScreens d ui@UIState{astartupopts=origopts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} = ui{aopts=origopts, aPrevScreens=[], aScreen=topscreen', aMode=Normal} where topscreen' = screenUpdate origopts d j $ lastDef s ss -- | Given a new journal and reporting date, save the new journal in the ui state, -- then regenerate the content of all screens in the stack -- (using the ui state's current options), preserving the screen navigation history. -- Note, does not save the reporting date. regenerateScreens :: Journal -> Day -> UIState -> UIState regenerateScreens j d ui@UIState{aopts=opts, aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} = ui{ajournal=j, aScreen=screenUpdate opts d j s, aPrevScreens=map (screenUpdate opts d j) ss}