#include "common.h" #include "thread-utils.h" /* for GIT_TLS */ static struct { int num; const char *str; } error_codes[] = { {GIT_ERROR, "Unspecified error"}, {GIT_ENOTOID, "Input was not a properly formatted Git object id."}, {GIT_ENOTFOUND, "Object does not exist in the scope searched."}, {GIT_ENOMEM, "Not enough space available."}, {GIT_EOSERR, "Consult the OS error information."}, {GIT_EOBJTYPE, "The specified object is of invalid type"}, {GIT_EOBJCORRUPTED, "The specified object has its data corrupted"}, {GIT_ENOTAREPO, "The specified repository is invalid"}, {GIT_EINVALIDTYPE, "The object type is invalid or doesn't match"}, {GIT_EMISSINGOBJDATA, "The object cannot be written that because it's missing internal data"}, {GIT_EPACKCORRUPTED, "The packfile for the ODB is corrupted"}, {GIT_EFLOCKFAIL, "Failed to adquire or release a file lock"}, {GIT_EZLIB, "The Z library failed to inflate/deflate an object's data"}, {GIT_EBUSY, "The queried object is currently busy"}, {GIT_EINVALIDPATH, "The path is invalid"}, {GIT_EBAREINDEX, "The index file is not backed up by an existing repository"}, {GIT_EINVALIDREFNAME, "The name of the reference is not valid"}, {GIT_EREFCORRUPTED, "The specified reference has its data corrupted"}, {GIT_ETOONESTEDSYMREF, "The specified symbolic reference is too deeply nested"}, {GIT_EPACKEDREFSCORRUPTED, "The pack-refs file is either corrupted of its format is not currently supported"}, {GIT_EINVALIDPATH, "The path is invalid" }, {GIT_EREVWALKOVER, "The revision walker is empty; there are no more commits left to iterate"}, {GIT_EINVALIDREFSTATE, "The state of the reference is not valid"} }; const char *git_strerror(int num) { size_t i; if (num == GIT_EOSERR) return strerror(errno); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(error_codes); i++) if (num == error_codes[i].num) return error_codes[i].str; return "Unknown error"; }