/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "refs.h" #include "hash.h" #include "repository.h" #include "fileops.h" #include "pack.h" #include "reflog.h" #include "refdb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GIT__USE_STRMAP; #define DEFAULT_NESTING_LEVEL 5 #define MAX_NESTING_LEVEL 10 enum { GIT_PACKREF_HAS_PEEL = 1, GIT_PACKREF_WAS_LOOSE = 2 }; git_reference *git_reference__alloc( git_refdb *refdb, const char *name, const git_oid *oid, const char *symbolic) { git_reference *ref; size_t namelen; assert(refdb && name && ((oid && !symbolic) || (!oid && symbolic))); namelen = strlen(name); if ((ref = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_reference) + namelen + 1)) == NULL) return NULL; if (oid) { ref->type = GIT_REF_OID; git_oid_cpy(&ref->target.oid, oid); } else { ref->type = GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC; if ((ref->target.symbolic = git__strdup(symbolic)) == NULL) { git__free(ref); return NULL; } } ref->db = refdb; memcpy(ref->name, name, namelen + 1); return ref; } void git_reference_free(git_reference *reference) { if (reference == NULL) return; if (reference->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) { git__free(reference->target.symbolic); reference->target.symbolic = NULL; } reference->db = NULL; reference->type = GIT_REF_INVALID; git__free(reference); } struct reference_available_t { const char *new_ref; const char *old_ref; int available; }; static int _reference_available_cb(const char *ref, void *data) { struct reference_available_t *d; assert(ref && data); d = (struct reference_available_t *)data; if (!d->old_ref || strcmp(d->old_ref, ref)) { size_t reflen = strlen(ref); size_t newlen = strlen(d->new_ref); size_t cmplen = reflen < newlen ? reflen : newlen; const char *lead = reflen < newlen ? d->new_ref : ref; if (!strncmp(d->new_ref, ref, cmplen) && lead[cmplen] == '/') { d->available = 0; return -1; } } return 0; } static int reference_path_available( git_repository *repo, const char *ref, const char* old_ref) { int error; struct reference_available_t data; data.new_ref = ref; data.old_ref = old_ref; data.available = 1; error = git_reference_foreach( repo, GIT_REF_LISTALL, _reference_available_cb, (void *)&data); if (error < 0) return error; if (!data.available) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "The path to reference '%s' collides with an existing one", ref); return -1; } return 0; } /* * Check if a reference could be written to disk, based on: * * - Whether a reference with the same name already exists, * and we are allowing or disallowing overwrites * * - Whether the name of the reference would collide with * an existing path */ static int reference_can_write( git_repository *repo, const char *refname, const char *previous_name, int force) { git_refdb *refdb; if (git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo) < 0) return -1; /* see if the reference shares a path with an existing reference; * if a path is shared, we cannot create the reference, even when forcing */ if (reference_path_available(repo, refname, previous_name) < 0) return -1; /* check if the reference actually exists, but only if we are not forcing * the rename. If we are forcing, it's OK to overwrite */ if (!force) { int exists; if (git_refdb_exists(&exists, refdb, refname) < 0) return -1; /* We cannot proceed if the reference already exists and we're not forcing * the rename; the existing one would be overwritten */ if (exists) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "A reference with that name (%s) already exists", refname); return GIT_EEXISTS; } } /* FIXME: if the reference exists and we are forcing, do we really need to * remove the reference first? * * Two cases: * * - the reference already exists and is loose: not a problem, the file * gets overwritten on disk * * - the reference already exists and is packed: we write a new one as * loose, which by all means renders the packed one useless */ return 0; } int git_reference_delete(git_reference *ref) { return git_refdb_delete(ref->db, ref); } int git_reference_lookup(git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name) { return git_reference_lookup_resolved(ref_out, repo, name, 0); } int git_reference_name_to_id( git_oid *out, git_repository *repo, const char *name) { int error; git_reference *ref; if ((error = git_reference_lookup_resolved(&ref, repo, name, -1)) < 0) return error; git_oid_cpy(out, git_reference_target(ref)); git_reference_free(ref); return 0; } int git_reference_lookup_resolved( git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, int max_nesting) { char scan_name[GIT_REFNAME_MAX]; git_ref_t scan_type; int error = 0, nesting; git_reference *ref = NULL; git_refdb *refdb; assert(ref_out && repo && name); *ref_out = NULL; if (max_nesting > MAX_NESTING_LEVEL) max_nesting = MAX_NESTING_LEVEL; else if (max_nesting < 0) max_nesting = DEFAULT_NESTING_LEVEL; strncpy(scan_name, name, GIT_REFNAME_MAX); scan_type = GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC; if ((error = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo)) < 0) return -1; if ((error = git_reference__normalize_name_lax(scan_name, GIT_REFNAME_MAX, name)) < 0) return error; for (nesting = max_nesting; nesting >= 0 && scan_type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC; nesting--) { if (nesting != max_nesting) { strncpy(scan_name, ref->target.symbolic, GIT_REFNAME_MAX); git_reference_free(ref); } if ((error = git_refdb_lookup(&ref, refdb, scan_name)) < 0) return error; scan_type = ref->type; } if (scan_type != GIT_REF_OID && max_nesting != 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "Cannot resolve reference (>%u levels deep)", max_nesting); git_reference_free(ref); return -1; } *ref_out = ref; return 0; } /** * Getters */ git_ref_t git_reference_type(const git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); return ref->type; } const char *git_reference_name(const git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); return ref->name; } git_repository *git_reference_owner(const git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); return ref->db->repo; } const git_oid *git_reference_target(const git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); if (ref->type != GIT_REF_OID) return NULL; return &ref->target.oid; } const char *git_reference_symbolic_target(const git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); if (ref->type != GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) return NULL; return ref->target.symbolic; } static int reference__create( git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const git_oid *oid, const char *symbolic, int force) { char normalized[GIT_REFNAME_MAX]; git_refdb *refdb; git_reference *ref = NULL; int error = 0; if (ref_out) *ref_out = NULL; if ((error = git_reference__normalize_name_lax(normalized, sizeof(normalized), name)) < 0 || (error = reference_can_write(repo, normalized, NULL, force)) < 0 || (error = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo)) < 0) return error; if ((ref = git_reference__alloc(refdb, name, oid, symbolic)) == NULL) return -1; if ((error = git_refdb_write(refdb, ref)) < 0) { git_reference_free(ref); return error; } if (ref_out == NULL) git_reference_free(ref); else *ref_out = ref; return 0; } int git_reference_create( git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const git_oid *oid, int force) { git_odb *odb; int error = 0; assert(repo && name && oid); /* Sanity check the reference being created - target must exist. */ if ((error = git_repository_odb__weakptr(&odb, repo)) < 0) return error; if (!git_odb_exists(odb, oid, 0)) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "Target OID for the reference doesn't exist on the repository"); return -1; } return reference__create(ref_out, repo, name, oid, NULL, force); } int git_reference_symbolic_create( git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *target, int force) { char normalized[GIT_REFNAME_MAX]; int error = 0; assert(repo && name && target); if ((error = git_reference__normalize_name_lax( normalized, sizeof(normalized), target)) < 0) return error; return reference__create(ref_out, repo, name, NULL, normalized, force); } int git_reference_set_target( git_reference **out, git_reference *ref, const git_oid *id) { assert(out && ref && id); if (ref->type != GIT_REF_OID) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "Cannot set OID on symbolic reference"); return -1; } return git_reference_create(out, ref->db->repo, ref->name, id, 1); } int git_reference_symbolic_set_target( git_reference **out, git_reference *ref, const char *target) { assert(out && ref && target); if (ref->type != GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "Cannot set symbolic target on a direct reference"); return -1; } return git_reference_symbolic_create(out, ref->db->repo, ref->name, target, 1); } int git_reference_rename( git_reference **out, git_reference *ref, const char *new_name, int force) { unsigned int normalization_flags; char normalized[GIT_REFNAME_MAX]; bool should_head_be_updated = false; git_reference *result = NULL; git_oid *oid; const char *symbolic; int error = 0; int reference_has_log; *out = NULL; normalization_flags = ref->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC ? GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL : GIT_REF_FORMAT_NORMAL; if ((error = git_reference_normalize_name(normalized, sizeof(normalized), new_name, normalization_flags)) < 0 || (error = reference_can_write(ref->db->repo, normalized, ref->name, force)) < 0) return error; /* * Create the new reference. */ if (ref->type == GIT_REF_OID) { oid = &ref->target.oid; symbolic = NULL; } else { oid = NULL; symbolic = ref->target.symbolic; } if ((result = git_reference__alloc(ref->db, new_name, oid, symbolic)) == NULL) return -1; /* Check if we have to update HEAD. */ if ((error = git_branch_is_head(ref)) < 0) goto on_error; should_head_be_updated = (error > 0); /* Now delete the old ref and save the new one. */ if ((error = git_refdb_delete(ref->db, ref)) < 0) goto on_error; /* Save the new reference. */ if ((error = git_refdb_write(ref->db, result)) < 0) goto rollback; /* Update HEAD it was poiting to the reference being renamed. */ if (should_head_be_updated && (error = git_repository_set_head(ref->db->repo, new_name)) < 0) { giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "Failed to update HEAD after renaming reference"); goto on_error; } /* Rename the reflog file, if it exists. */ reference_has_log = git_reference_has_log(ref); if (reference_has_log < 0) { error = reference_has_log; goto on_error; } if (reference_has_log && (error = git_reflog_rename(ref, new_name)) < 0) goto on_error; *out = result; return error; rollback: git_refdb_write(ref->db, ref); on_error: git_reference_free(result); return error; } int git_reference_resolve(git_reference **ref_out, const git_reference *ref) { if (ref->type == GIT_REF_OID) return git_reference_lookup(ref_out, ref->db->repo, ref->name); else return git_reference_lookup_resolved(ref_out, ref->db->repo, ref->target.symbolic, -1); } int git_reference_foreach( git_repository *repo, unsigned int list_flags, git_reference_foreach_cb callback, void *payload) { git_refdb *refdb; git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo); return git_refdb_foreach(refdb, list_flags, callback, payload); } static int cb__reflist_add(const char *ref, void *data) { return git_vector_insert((git_vector *)data, git__strdup(ref)); } int git_reference_list( git_strarray *array, git_repository *repo, unsigned int list_flags) { git_vector ref_list; assert(array && repo); array->strings = NULL; array->count = 0; if (git_vector_init(&ref_list, 8, NULL) < 0) return -1; if (git_reference_foreach( repo, list_flags, &cb__reflist_add, (void *)&ref_list) < 0) { git_vector_free(&ref_list); return -1; } array->strings = (char **)ref_list.contents; array->count = ref_list.length; return 0; } static int is_valid_ref_char(char ch) { if ((unsigned) ch <= ' ') return 0; switch (ch) { case '~': case '^': case ':': case '\\': case '?': case '[': case '*': return 0; default: return 1; } } static int ensure_segment_validity(const char *name) { const char *current = name; char prev = '\0'; const int lock_len = (int)strlen(GIT_FILELOCK_EXTENSION); int segment_len; if (*current == '.') return -1; /* Refname starts with "." */ for (current = name; ; current++) { if (*current == '\0' || *current == '/') break; if (!is_valid_ref_char(*current)) return -1; /* Illegal character in refname */ if (prev == '.' && *current == '.') return -1; /* Refname contains ".." */ if (prev == '@' && *current == '{') return -1; /* Refname contains "@{" */ prev = *current; } segment_len = (int)(current - name); /* A refname component can not end with ".lock" */ if (segment_len >= lock_len && !memcmp(current - lock_len, GIT_FILELOCK_EXTENSION, lock_len)) return -1; return segment_len; } static bool is_all_caps_and_underscore(const char *name, size_t len) { size_t i; char c; assert(name && len > 0); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = name[i]; if ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c != '_') return false; } if (*name == '_' || name[len - 1] == '_') return false; return true; } int git_reference__normalize_name( git_buf *buf, const char *name, unsigned int flags) { // Inspired from https://github.com/git/git/blob/f06d47e7e0d9db709ee204ed13a8a7486149f494/refs.c#L36-100 char *current; int segment_len, segments_count = 0, error = GIT_EINVALIDSPEC; unsigned int process_flags; bool normalize = (buf != NULL); assert(name); process_flags = flags; current = (char *)name; if (*current == '/') goto cleanup; if (normalize) git_buf_clear(buf); while (true) { segment_len = ensure_segment_validity(current); if (segment_len < 0) { if ((process_flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN) && current[0] == '*' && (current[1] == '\0' || current[1] == '/')) { /* Accept one wildcard as a full refname component. */ process_flags &= ~GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN; segment_len = 1; } else goto cleanup; } if (segment_len > 0) { if (normalize) { size_t cur_len = git_buf_len(buf); git_buf_joinpath(buf, git_buf_cstr(buf), current); git_buf_truncate(buf, cur_len + segment_len + (segments_count ? 1 : 0)); if (git_buf_oom(buf)) { error = -1; goto cleanup; } } segments_count++; } /* No empty segment is allowed when not normalizing */ if (segment_len == 0 && !normalize) goto cleanup; if (current[segment_len] == '\0') break; current += segment_len + 1; } /* A refname can not be empty */ if (segment_len == 0 && segments_count == 0) goto cleanup; /* A refname can not end with "." */ if (current[segment_len - 1] == '.') goto cleanup; /* A refname can not end with "/" */ if (current[segment_len - 1] == '/') goto cleanup; if ((segments_count == 1 ) && !(flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL)) goto cleanup; if ((segments_count == 1 ) && !(is_all_caps_and_underscore(name, (size_t)segment_len) || ((flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN) && !strcmp("*", name)))) goto cleanup; if ((segments_count > 1) && (is_all_caps_and_underscore(name, strchr(name, '/') - name))) goto cleanup; error = 0; cleanup: if (error == GIT_EINVALIDSPEC) giterr_set( GITERR_REFERENCE, "The given reference name '%s' is not valid", name); if (error && normalize) git_buf_free(buf); return error; } int git_reference_normalize_name( char *buffer_out, size_t buffer_size, const char *name, unsigned int flags) { git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; int error; if ((error = git_reference__normalize_name(&buf, name, flags)) < 0) goto cleanup; if (git_buf_len(&buf) > buffer_size - 1) { giterr_set( GITERR_REFERENCE, "The provided buffer is too short to hold the normalization of '%s'", name); error = GIT_EBUFS; goto cleanup; } git_buf_copy_cstr(buffer_out, buffer_size, &buf); error = 0; cleanup: git_buf_free(&buf); return error; } int git_reference__normalize_name_lax( char *buffer_out, size_t out_size, const char *name) { return git_reference_normalize_name( buffer_out, out_size, name, GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL); } #define GIT_REF_TYPEMASK (GIT_REF_OID | GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) int git_reference_cmp(git_reference *ref1, git_reference *ref2) { assert(ref1 && ref2); /* let's put symbolic refs before OIDs */ if (ref1->type != ref2->type) return (ref1->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) ? -1 : 1; if (ref1->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) return strcmp(ref1->target.symbolic, ref2->target.symbolic); return git_oid_cmp(&ref1->target.oid, &ref2->target.oid); } static int reference__update_terminal( git_repository *repo, const char *ref_name, const git_oid *oid, int nesting) { git_reference *ref; int error = 0; if (nesting > MAX_NESTING_LEVEL) return GIT_ENOTFOUND; error = git_reference_lookup(&ref, repo, ref_name); /* If we haven't found the reference at all, create a new reference. */ if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) { giterr_clear(); return git_reference_create(NULL, repo, ref_name, oid, 0); } if (error < 0) return error; /* If the ref is a symbolic reference, follow its target. */ if (git_reference_type(ref) == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) { error = reference__update_terminal(repo, git_reference_symbolic_target(ref), oid, nesting+1); git_reference_free(ref); } else { git_reference_free(ref); error = git_reference_create(NULL, repo, ref_name, oid, 1); } return error; } /* * Starting with the reference given by `ref_name`, follows symbolic * references until a direct reference is found and updated the OID * on that direct reference to `oid`. */ int git_reference__update_terminal( git_repository *repo, const char *ref_name, const git_oid *oid) { return reference__update_terminal(repo, ref_name, oid, 0); } int git_reference_foreach_glob( git_repository *repo, const char *glob, unsigned int list_flags, int (*callback)( const char *reference_name, void *payload), void *payload) { git_refdb *refdb; assert(repo && glob && callback); git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo); return git_refdb_foreach_glob(refdb, glob, list_flags, callback, payload); } int git_reference_has_log( git_reference *ref) { git_buf path = GIT_BUF_INIT; int result; assert(ref); if (git_buf_join_n(&path, '/', 3, ref->db->repo->path_repository, GIT_REFLOG_DIR, ref->name) < 0) return -1; result = git_path_isfile(git_buf_cstr(&path)); git_buf_free(&path); return result; } int git_reference__is_branch(const char *ref_name) { return git__prefixcmp(ref_name, GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR) == 0; } int git_reference_is_branch(git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); return git_reference__is_branch(ref->name); } int git_reference__is_remote(const char *ref_name) { return git__prefixcmp(ref_name, GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR) == 0; } int git_reference_is_remote(git_reference *ref) { assert(ref); return git_reference__is_remote(ref->name); } static int peel_error(int error, git_reference *ref, const char* msg) { giterr_set( GITERR_INVALID, "The reference '%s' cannot be peeled - %s", git_reference_name(ref), msg); return error; } static int reference_target(git_object **object, git_reference *ref) { const git_oid *oid; oid = git_reference_target(ref); return git_object_lookup(object, git_reference_owner(ref), oid, GIT_OBJ_ANY); } int git_reference_peel( git_object **peeled, git_reference *ref, git_otype target_type) { git_reference *resolved = NULL; git_object *target = NULL; int error; assert(ref); if ((error = git_reference_resolve(&resolved, ref)) < 0) return peel_error(error, ref, "Cannot resolve reference"); if ((error = reference_target(&target, resolved)) < 0) { peel_error(error, ref, "Cannot retrieve reference target"); goto cleanup; } if (target_type == GIT_OBJ_ANY && git_object_type(target) != GIT_OBJ_TAG) error = git_object_dup(peeled, target); else error = git_object_peel(peeled, target, target_type); cleanup: git_object_free(target); git_reference_free(resolved); return error; } int git_reference__is_valid_name( const char *refname, unsigned int flags) { int error; error = git_reference__normalize_name(NULL, refname, flags) == 0; giterr_clear(); return error; } int git_reference_is_valid_name( const char *refname) { return git_reference__is_valid_name( refname, GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL); }