{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ViewPatterns #-} {- map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs foldr f z [] = z foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs) foldl f z [] = z foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs -} {- yes = 0 where f (x:xs) = negate x + f xs ; f [] = 0 ; res = "f xs = foldr ((+) . negate) 0 xs" yes = 0 where f (x:xs) = x + 1 : f xs ; f [] = [] ; res = "f xs = map (+ 1) xs" yes = 0 where f z (x:xs) = f (z*x) xs ; f z [] = z ; res = "f z xs = foldl (*) z xs" yes = 0 where f a (x:xs) b = x + a + b : f a xs b ; f a [] b = [] ; res = "f a xs b = map (\\ x -> x + a + b) xs" yes = 0 where f [] a = return a ; f (x:xs) a = a + x >>= \fax -> f xs fax ; res = "f xs a = foldM (+) a xs" -} module Hint.ListRec(listRecHint) where import Type import Util import HSE.All import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.Either import Control.Monad import Data.Generics.PlateData listRecHint :: Hint listRecHint _ = concatMap f . universe where f o = maybeToList $ do let x = o (x, addCase) <- findCase x (use,rank,x) <- matchListRec x let res = addCase x loc = headDef nullSrcLoc $ universeBi o return $ idea rank ("Use " ++ use) loc o res recursive = toNamed "_recursive_" -- recursion parameters, nil-case, (x,xs,cons-case) -- for cons-case delete any recursive calls with xs from them -- any recursive calls are marked "_recursive_" data ListCase = ListCase [Name] Exp (Name,Name,Exp) deriving Show data BList = BNil | BCons Name Name deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) -- function name, parameters, list-position, list-type, body (unmodified) data Branch = Branch Name [Name] Int BList Exp deriving Show --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MATCH THE RECURSION matchListRec :: ListCase -> Maybe (String,Rank,Exp) matchListRec o@(ListCase vars nil (x,xs,cons)) | [] <- vars, nil ~= "[]", InfixApp lhs c rhs <- cons, opExp c ~= ":" , fromParen rhs == recursive, Var (UnQual xs) `notElem` universe lhs = Just $ (,,) "map" Error $ appsBracket [toNamed "map", lambda [x] lhs, Var $ UnQual xs] | [] <- vars, App2 op lhs rhs <- view cons , null $ universe op `intersect` [Var (UnQual x), Var (UnQual xs)] , fromParen rhs == recursive, Var (UnQual xs) `notElem` universe lhs = Just $ (,,) "foldr" Warning $ appsBracket [toNamed "foldr", lambda [x] $ appsBracket [op,lhs], nil, Var $ UnQual xs] | [v] <- vars, Var (UnQual v) == nil, App r lhs <- cons, r == recursive , Var (UnQual xs) `notElem` universe lhs = Just $ (,,) "foldl" Warning $ appsBracket [toNamed "foldl", lambda [v,x] lhs, Var $ UnQual v, Var $ UnQual xs] | [v] <- vars, App ret res <- nil, ret ~= "return", res ~= "()" || res == Var (UnQual v) , [Generator _ (PVar b1) e, Qualifier (fromParen -> App r (Var (UnQual b2)))] <- asDo cons , b1 == b2, r == recursive, Var (UnQual xs) `notElem` universe e , name <- "foldM" ++ ['_'|res ~= "()"] = Just $ (,,) name Warning $ appsBracket [toNamed name, lambda [v,x] e, Var $ UnQual v, Var $ UnQual xs] | otherwise = Nothing -- Very limited attempt to convert >>= to do, only useful for foldM/foldM_ asDo :: Exp -> [Stmt] asDo (view -> App2 bind lhs (Lambda src [v] rhs)) = [Generator src v lhs, Qualifier rhs] asDo (Do x) = x asDo x = [Qualifier x] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FIND THE CASE ANALYSIS findCase :: Decl -> Maybe (ListCase, Exp -> Decl) findCase x = do FunBind [x1,x2] <- return x Branch name1 ps1 p1 c1 b1 <- findBranch x1 Branch name2 ps2 p2 c2 b2 <- findBranch x2 guard (name1 == name2 && ps1 == ps2 && p1 == p2) [(BNil, b1), (BCons x xs, b2)] <- return $ sortBy (comparing fst) [(c1,b1), (c2,b2)] b2 <- transformAppsM (delCons name1 p1 xs) b2 (ps,b2) <- return $ eliminateArgs ps1 b2 let ps12 = let (a,b) = splitAt p1 ps1 in map PVar $ a ++ xs : b return (ListCase ps b1 (x,xs,b2) ,\e -> FunBind [Match nullSrcLoc name1 ps12 Nothing (UnGuardedRhs e) (BDecls [])]) delCons :: Name -> Int -> Name -> Exp -> Maybe Exp delCons func pos var (fromApps -> Var (UnQual x):xs) | func == x = do (pre,Var (UnQual v):post) <- return $ splitAt pos xs guard $ v == var return $ apps $ recursive : pre ++ post delCons _ _ _ x = return x eliminateArgs :: [Name] -> Exp -> ([Name], Exp) eliminateArgs ps cons = (remove ps, transform f cons) where args = [zs | z:zs <- map fromApps $ universeApps cons, z == recursive] elim = [all (\xs -> length xs > i && xs !! i == Var (UnQual p)) args | (i,p) <- zip [0..] ps] ++ repeat False remove = concat . zipWith (\b x -> [x | not b]) elim f (fromApps -> x:xs) | x == recursive = apps $ x : remove xs f x = x --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FIND A BRANCH findBranch :: Match -> Maybe Branch findBranch x = do Match _ name ps Nothing (UnGuardedRhs bod) (BDecls []) <- return x (a,b,c) <- findPat ps return $ Branch name a b c bod findPat :: [Pat] -> Maybe ([Name], Int, BList) findPat ps = do ps <- mapM readPat ps [i] <- return $ findIndices isRight ps let (left,[right]) = partitionEithers ps return (left, i, right) readPat :: Pat -> Maybe (Either Name BList) readPat (PVar x) = Just $ Left x readPat (PParen (PInfixApp (PVar x) (Special Cons) (PVar xs))) = Just $ Right $ BCons x xs readPat (PList []) = Just $ Right BNil readPat _ = Nothing --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS -- a list of application, with any necessary brackets appsBracket :: [Exp] -> Exp appsBracket = foldl1 (\x -> ensureBracket1 . App x) -- generate a lambda, but prettier (if possible) lambda :: [Name] -> Exp -> Exp lambda xs (Paren x) = lambda xs x lambda xs (Lambda s (PVar v:vs) x) = lambda (xs++[v]) (Lambda s vs x) lambda xs (Lambda _ [] x) = lambda xs x lambda [x] (App a b) | Var (UnQual x) == b = a lambda [x] (App a (Paren (App b c))) | isAtom a && isAtom b && Var (UnQual x) == c = InfixApp a (QVarOp $ UnQual $ Symbol ".") b lambda [x] (InfixApp a op b) | a == Var (UnQual x) = RightSection op b | b == Var (UnQual x) = LeftSection a op lambda [x,y] (view -> App2 op x1 y1) | x1 == Var (UnQual x) && y1 == Var (UnQual y) = op | x1 == Var (UnQual y) && y1 == Var (UnQual x) = App (toNamed "flip") op lambda ps x = Lambda nullSrcLoc (map PVar ps) x