{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards #-} module Test(test) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Function import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Cmd import System.Exit import Settings import Util import Idea import Apply import HSE.All import Hint.All data Result = Result {_failures :: Int, _total :: Int} pass = Result 0 1 failure = Result 1 1 result x = if x then pass else failure results = fmap mconcat instance Monoid Result where mempty = Result 0 0 mappend (Result f1 t1) (Result f2 t2) = Result (f1+f2) (t1+t2) progress = putChar '.' failed xs = putStrLn $ unlines $ "" : xs test :: ([String] -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO Int test main dataDir files = do Result failures total <- if null files then do src <- doesFileExist "hlint.cabal" res <- results $ sequence $ (if src then id else take 1) [testHintFiles dataDir, testSourceFiles, testInputOutput main] putStrLn "" unless src $ putStrLn "Warning, couldn't find source code, so non-hint tests skipped" return res else do res <- results $ mapM (testHintFile dataDir) files putStrLn "" return res putStrLn $ if failures == 0 then "Tests passed (" ++ show total ++ ")" else "Tests failed (" ++ show failures ++ " of " ++ show total ++ ")" return failures testHintFiles :: FilePath -> IO Result testHintFiles dataDir = do xs <- getDirectoryContents dataDir results $ mapM (testHintFile dataDir) [dataDir x | x <- xs, takeExtension x == ".hs", not $ "HLint" `isPrefixOf` takeBaseName x] testHintFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Result testHintFile dataDir file = do hints <- readSettings dataDir [file] [] res <- results $ sequence $ nameCheckHints hints : checkAnnotations hints file : [typeCheckHints hints | takeFileName file /= "Test.hs"] progress return res testSourceFiles :: IO Result testSourceFiles = fmap mconcat $ sequence [checkAnnotations [Builtin name] ("src/Hint" name <.> "hs") | (name,h) <- staticHints] testInputOutput :: ([String] -> IO ()) -> IO Result testInputOutput main = do xs <- getDirectoryContents "tests" results $ mapM (checkInputOutput main) $ groupBy ((==) `on` takeBaseName) $ sort $ filter (not . isPrefixOf ".") xs --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- VARIOUS SMALL TESTS nameCheckHints :: [Setting] -> IO Result nameCheckHints hints = do let bad = [failed ["No name for the hint " ++ prettyPrint (lhs x)] | x@MatchExp{} <- hints, hintS x == defaultHintName] sequence_ bad return $ Result (length bad) 0 -- | Given a set of hints, do all the MatchExp hints type check typeCheckHints :: [Setting] -> IO Result typeCheckHints hints = bracket (openTempFile "." "hlinttmp.hs") (\(file,h) -> removeFile file) $ \(file,h) -> do hPutStrLn h $ unlines contents hClose h res <- system $ "runhaskell " ++ file progress return $ result $ res == ExitSuccess where matches = filter isMatchExp hints contents = ["{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction, ExtendedDefaultRules #-}"] ++ concat (take 1 [map prettyPrint $ scopeImports $ scope x | x <- matches]) ++ ["main = return ()" ,"(==>) :: a -> a -> a; (==>) = undefined" ,"_noParen_ = id" ,"_eval_ = id"] ++ ["{-# LINE " ++ show (startLine $ ann rhs) ++ " " ++ show (fileName $ ann rhs) ++ " #-}\n" ++ prettyPrint (PatBind an (toNamed $ "test" ++ show i) Nothing bod Nothing) | (i, MatchExp _ _ _ lhs rhs side _) <- zip [1..] matches, "notTypeSafe" `notElem` vars side , let vs = map toNamed $ nub $ filter isUnifyVar $ vars lhs ++ vars rhs , let inner = InfixApp an (Paren an lhs) (toNamed "==>") (Paren an rhs) , let bod = UnGuardedRhs an $ if null vs then inner else Lambda an vs inner] --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK ANNOTATIONS -- Input, Output -- Output = Nothing, should not match -- Output = Just xs, should match xs data Test = Test SrcLoc String (Maybe String) checkAnnotations :: [Setting] -> FilePath -> IO Result checkAnnotations setting file = do tests <- parseTestFile file failures <- concatMapM f tests sequence_ failures return $ Result (length failures) (length tests) where f (Test loc inp out) = do ideas <- applyHintString parseFlags setting file inp let good = case out of Nothing -> null ideas Just x -> length ideas == 1 && seq (length (show ideas)) True && -- force, mainly for hpc not (isParseError (head ideas)) && match x (head ideas) return $ [failed $ ["TEST FAILURE (" ++ show (length ideas) ++ " hints generated)" ,"SRC: " ++ showSrcLoc loc ,"INPUT: " ++ inp] ++ map ((++) "OUTPUT: " . show) ideas ++ ["WANTED: " ++ fromMaybe "" out] | not good] ++ [failed ["TEST FAILURE (BAD LOCATION)" ,"SRC: " ++ showSrcLoc loc ,"INPUT: " ++ inp ,"OUTPUT: " ++ show i] | i@Idea{loc=SrcLoc{..}} <- ideas, srcFilename == "" || srcLine == 0 || srcColumn == 0] match "???" _ = True match x y | "@" `isPrefixOf` x = a == show (severity y) && match (ltrim b) y where (a,b) = break isSpace $ tail x match x y = on (==) norm (to y) x -- FIXME: Should use a better check for expected results norm = filter $ \x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ';' parseTestFile :: FilePath -> IO [Test] parseTestFile file = do src <- readFile file return $ f False $ zip [1..] $ lines src where open = isPrefixOf "" shut = isPrefixOf "" f False ((i,x):xs) = f (open x) xs f True ((i,x):xs) | shut x = f False xs | null x || "--" `isPrefixOf` x = f True xs | "\\" `isSuffixOf` x, (_,y):ys <- xs = f True $ (i,init x++"\n"++y):ys | otherwise = parseTest file i x : f True xs f _ [] = [] parseTest file i x = Test (SrcLoc file i 0) x $ case dropWhile (/= "--") $ words x of [] -> Nothing _:xs -> Just $ unwords xs --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK INPUT/OUTPUT PAIRS checkInputOutput :: ([String] -> IO ()) -> [FilePath] -> IO Result checkInputOutput main xs = do let pre = takeBaseName $ head xs has x = (pre <.> x) `elem` xs reader x = readFile' $ "tests" pre <.> x flags <- if has "flags" then fmap lines $ reader "flags" else if has "hs" then return ["tests/" ++ pre <.> "hs"] else if has "lhs" then return ["tests/" ++ pre <.> "lhs"] else error "checkInputOutput, couldn't find or figure out flags" got <- fmap (fmap lines) $ captureOutput $ handle (\(e::SomeException) -> print e) $ handle (\(e::ExitCode) -> return ()) $ main flags want <- fmap lines $ reader "output" let eq w g = w == g || ("*" `isSuffixOf` w && init w `isPrefixOf` g) case got of Nothing -> putStrLn "Warning: failed to capture output (GHC too old?)" >> return pass Just got | length got == length want && and (zipWith eq want got) -> return pass | otherwise -> do let trail = replicate (max (length got) (length want)) "" let (i,g,w):_ = [(i,g,w) | (i,g,w) <- zip3 [1..] (got++trail) (want++trail), not $ eq w g] putStrLn $ unlines ["TEST FAILURE IN tests/" ++ pre ,"DIFFER ON LINE: " ++ show i ,"GOT : " ++ g ,"WANT: " ++ w] when (null want) $ putStrLn $ unlines $ "FULL OUTPUT FOR GOT:" : got return failure