{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, PatternGuards #-} module Proof(proof) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Function import System.FilePath import Settings import HSE.All data Theorem = Theorem {original :: Maybe Setting ,location :: String ,lemma :: String } instance Eq Theorem where t1 == t2 = lemma t1 == lemma t2 instance Show Theorem where show Theorem{..} = location ++ ":\n" ++ maybe "" f original ++ lemma ++ "\n" where f MatchExp{..} = "(* " ++ prettyPrint lhs ++ " ==> " ++ prettyPrint rhs ++ " *)\n" proof :: [FilePath] -> [Setting] -> FilePath -> IO () proof reports hints thy = do got <- fmap (isabelleTheorems (takeFileName thy)) $ readFile thy let want = nub $ hintTheorems hints let unused = got \\ want let missing = want \\ got let reasons = map (\x -> (fst $ head x, map snd x)) $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ map (classifyMissing &&& id) missing let summary = table $ let (*) = (,) in ["HLint hints" * want ,"HOL proofs" * got ,"Useful proofs" * (got `intersect` want) ,"Unused proofs" * unused ,"Unproved hints" * missing] ++ [(" " ++ name) * ps | (name,ps) <- reasons] putStr $ unlines summary forM_ reports $ \report -> do let out = ("Unused proofs",unused) : map (first ("Unproved hints - " ++)) reasons writeFile report $ unlines $ summary ++ "" : concat [("== " ++ a ++ " ==") : "" : map show b | (a,b) <- out] putStrLn $ "Report written to " ++ report where table xs = [a ++ replicate (n + 6 - length a - length bb) ' ' ++ bb | (a,b) <- xs, let bb = show $ length b] where n = maximum $ map (length . fst) xs missingFuncs = let a*b = [(b,a) | b <- words b] in concat ["IO" * "putChar putStr print putStrLn getLine getChar getContents hReady hPrint stdin" ,"Exit" * "exitSuccess" ,"Ord" * "(>) (<=) (>=) (<) compare minimum maximum sort sortBy" ,"Show" * "show shows showIntAtBase" ,"Read" * "reads read" ,"String" * "lines unlines words unwords" ,"Monad" * "mapM mapM_ sequence sequence_ msum mplus mzero liftM when unless return evaluate join void (>>=) (<=<) (>=>) forever ap" ,"Functor" * "fmap" ,"Numeric" * "(+) (*) fromInteger fromIntegral negate log (/) (-) (*) (^^) (^) subtract sqrt even odd" ,"Char" * "isControl isPrint isUpper isLower isAlpha isDigit" ,"Arrow" * "second first (***) (&&&)" ,"Applicative+" * "traverse for traverse_ for_ pure (<|>) (<**>)" ,"Exception" * "catch handle catchJust bracket error toException" ,"WeakPtr" * "mkWeak" ] -- | Guess why a theorem is missing classifyMissing :: Theorem -> String classifyMissing Theorem{original = Just MatchExp{..}} | _:_ <- [v :: Exp_ | v@Case{} <- universeBi (lhs,rhs)] = "case" | _:_ <- [v :: Exp_ | v@ListComp{} <- universeBi (lhs,rhs)] = "list-comp" | v:_ <- mapMaybe (`lookup` missingFuncs) [prettyPrint (v :: Name SrcSpanInfo) | v <- universeBi (lhs,rhs)] = v classifyMissing _ = "?unknown" -- Extract theorems out of Isabelle code (HLint.thy) isabelleTheorems :: FilePath -> String -> [Theorem] isabelleTheorems file = find . lexer 1 where find ((i,"lemma"):(_,'\"':lemma):rest) = Theorem Nothing (file ++ ":" ++ show i) lemma : find rest find ((i,"lemma"):(_,name):(_,":"):(_,'\"':lemma):rest) = Theorem Nothing (file ++ ":" ++ show i) lemma : find rest find ((i,"lemma"):(_,"assumes"):(_,'\"':assumes):(_,"shows"):(_,'\"':lemma):rest) = Theorem Nothing (file ++ ":" ++ show i) (assumes ++ " \\ " ++ lemma) : find rest find ((i,"lemma"):rest) = Theorem Nothing (file ++ ":" ++ show i) "Unsupported lemma format" : find rest find (x:xs) = find xs find [] = [] lexer i x | i `seq` False = [] | Just x <- stripPrefix "(*" x, (a,b) <- breaks "*)" x = lexer (add a i) b | Just x <- stripPrefix "\"" x, (a,b) <- breaks "\"" x = (i,'\"':a) : lexer (add a i) b -- NOTE: drop the final " | x:xs <- x, isSpace x = lexer (add [x] i) xs | (a@(_:_),b) <- span (\y -> y == '_' || isAlpha y) x = (i,a) : lexer (add a i) b lexer i (x:xs) = (i,[x]) : lexer (add [x] i) xs lexer i [] = [] add s i = length (filter (== '\n') s) + i breaks s x | Just x <- stripPrefix s x = ("",x) breaks s (x:xs) = let (a,b) = breaks s xs in (x:a,b) breaks s [] = ([],[]) reparen :: Setting -> Setting reparen m@MatchExp{..} = m{lhs = f False lhs, rhs = f True rhs} where f right x = if isLambda x || isIf x || badInfix x then Paren (ann x) x else x badInfix (InfixApp _ _ op _) = prettyPrint op `elem` words "|| && ." badInfix _ = False reparen x = x -- Extract theorems out of the hints hintTheorems :: [Setting] -> [Theorem] hintTheorems xs = [ Theorem (Just m) (loc $ ann lhs) $ maybe "" assumes side ++ relationship notes a b | m@MatchExp{..} <- map reparen xs, let a = exp1 $ typeclasses notes lhs, let b = exp1 rhs, a /= b] where loc (SrcSpanInfo (SrcSpan file ln _ _ _) _) = takeFileName file ++ ":" ++ show ln subs xs = flip lookup [(reverse b, reverse a) | x <- words xs, let (a,'=':b) = break (== '=') $ reverse x] funs = subs "id=ID not=neg or=the_or and=the_and (||)=tror (&&)=trand (++)=append (==)=eq (/=)=neq ($)=dollar" ops = subs "||=orelse &&=andalso .=oo ===eq /==neq ++=++ !!=!! $=dollar $!=dollarBang" pre = flip elem $ words "eq neq dollar dollarBang" cons = subs "True=TT False=FF" typeclasses notes x = foldr f x notes where f (ValidInstance cls var) x = evalState (transformM g x) True where g v@Var{} | v ~= var = do b <- get; put False return $ if b then Paren an $ toNamed $ prettyPrint v ++ "::'a::" ++ cls ++ "_sym" else v g v = return v :: State Bool Exp_ f _ x = x relationship notes a b | any lazier notes = a ++ " \\ " ++ b | DecreasesLaziness `elem` notes = b ++ " \\ " ++ a | otherwise = a ++ " = " ++ b where lazier IncreasesLaziness = True lazier RemovesError{} = True lazier _ = False assumes (App _ op var) | op ~= "isNat" = "le\\0\\" ++ prettyPrint var ++ " \\ FF \\ " | op ~= "isNegZero" = "gt\\0\\" ++ prettyPrint var ++ " \\ FF \\ " assumes (App _ op var) | op ~= "isWHNF" = prettyPrint var ++ " \\ \\ \\ " assumes _ = "" exp1 = exp . transformBi unqual -- Syntax translations exp (App _ a b) = exp a ++ "\\" ++ exp b exp (Paren _ x) = "(" ++ exp x ++ ")" exp (Var _ x) | Just x <- funs $ prettyPrint x = x exp (Con _ (Special _ (TupleCon _ _ i))) = "\\" ++ replicate (i-1) ',' ++ "\\" exp (Con _ x) | Just x <- cons $ prettyPrint x = x exp (Tuple _ xs) = "\\" ++ intercalate ", " (map exp xs) ++ "\\" exp (If _ a b c) = "If " ++ exp a ++ " then " ++ exp b ++ " else " ++ exp c exp (Lambda _ xs y) = "\\ " ++ unwords (map pat xs) ++ ". " ++ exp y exp (InfixApp _ x op y) | Just op <- ops $ prettyPrint op = if pre op then op ++ "\\" ++ exp (paren x) ++ "\\" ++ exp (paren y) else exp x ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ exp y -- Translations from the Haskell 2010 report exp (InfixApp l a (QVarOp _ b) c) = exp $ App l (App l (Var l b) a) c -- S3.4 exp x@(LeftSection l e op) = let v = fresh x in exp $ Paren l $ Lambda l [toNamed v] $ InfixApp l e op (toNamed v) -- S3.5 exp x@(RightSection l op e) = let v = fresh x in exp $ Paren l $ Lambda l [toNamed v] $ InfixApp l (toNamed v) op e -- S3.5 exp x = prettyPrint x pat (PTuple _ xs) = "\\" ++ intercalate ", " (map pat xs) ++ "\\" pat x = prettyPrint x fresh x = head $ ("z":["v" ++ show i | i <- [1..]]) \\ vars x