{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

module CmdLine(Cmd(..), CppFlags(..), getCmd, exitWithHelp) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension

import Util
import Paths_hlint
import Data.Version

-- | What C pre processor should be used.
data CppFlags
    = NoCpp -- ^ No pre processing is done.
    | CppSimple -- ^ Lines prefixed with @#@ are stripped.
    | Cpphs CpphsOptions -- ^ The @cpphs@ library is used.

-- FIXME: Hints vs GivenHints is horrible
data Cmd = Cmd
    {cmdTest :: Bool                 -- ^ run in test mode?
    ,cmdFiles :: Maybe [FilePath]    -- ^ which files to run it on, nothing = none given
    ,cmdHintFiles :: [FilePath]      -- ^ which settingsfiles to use
    ,cmdGivenHints :: [FilePath]     -- ^ which settignsfiles were explicitly given
    ,cmdWithHints :: [String]        -- ^ hints that are given on the command line
    ,cmdReports :: [FilePath]        -- ^ where to generate reports
    ,cmdIgnore :: [String]           -- ^ the hints to ignore
    ,cmdShowAll :: Bool              -- ^ display all skipped items
    ,cmdColor :: Bool                -- ^ color the result
    ,cmdCpp :: CppFlags              -- ^ options for CPP
    ,cmdDataDir :: FilePath          -- ^ the data directory
    ,cmdEncoding :: Encoding         -- ^ the text encoding
    ,cmdFindHints :: [FilePath]      -- ^ source files to look for hints in
    ,cmdLanguage :: [Extension]      -- ^ the extensions (may be prefixed by "No")
    ,cmdQuiet :: Bool                -- ^ supress all console output
    ,cmdCross :: Bool                -- ^ work between source files, applies to hints such as duplicate code between modules
    ,cmdProof :: [FilePath]          -- ^ a proof script to check against

data Opts = Help
          | Ver
          | Test
          | Hints FilePath
          | WithHint String
          | Path FilePath
          | Report FilePath
          | Skip String
          | ShowAll
          | Color
          | Define String
          | Include String
          | SimpleCpp
          | Ext String
          | DataDir String
          | Encoding String
          | FindHints FilePath
          | Language String
          | Proof FilePath
          | Quiet
          | Cross
          | Ansi
            deriving Eq

opts = [Option "?" ["help"] (NoArg Help) "Display help message"
       ,Option "v" ["version"] (NoArg Ver) "Display version information"
       ,Option "r" ["report"] (OptArg (Report . fromMaybe "report.html") "file") "Generate a report in HTML"
       ,Option "h" ["hint"] (ReqArg Hints "file") "Hint/ignore file to use"
       ,Option "w" ["with"] (ReqArg WithHint "hint") "Extra hints to use"
       ,Option "c" ["color","colour"] (NoArg Color) "Color output (requires ANSI terminal)"
       ,Option "i" ["ignore"] (ReqArg Skip "hint") "Ignore a particular hint"
       ,Option "s" ["show"] (NoArg ShowAll) "Show all ignored ideas"
       ,Option "e" ["extension"] (ReqArg Ext "ext") "File extensions to search (defaults to hs and lhs)"
       ,Option "X" ["language"] (ReqArg Language "lang") "Language extensions (Arrows, NoCPP)"
       ,Option "u" ["utf8"] (NoArg $ Encoding "UTF-8") "Use UTF-8 text encoding"
       ,Option ""  ["encoding"] (ReqArg Encoding "encoding") "Choose the text encoding"
       ,Option "x" ["cross"] (NoArg Cross) "Work between modules"
       ,Option "f" ["find"] (ReqArg FindHints "file") "Find hints in a Haskell file"
       ,Option "t" ["test"] (NoArg Test) "Run in test mode"
       ,Option "d" ["datadir"] (ReqArg DataDir "dir") "Override the data directory"
       ,Option "p" ["path"] (ReqArg Path "dir") "Directory in which to search for files"
       ,Option "q" ["quiet"] (NoArg Quiet) "Supress most console output"
       ,Option ""  ["proof"] (ReqArg Proof "file") "Isabelle/HOLCF theory file"
       ,Option ""  ["cpp-define"] (ReqArg Define "name[=value]") "CPP #define"
       ,Option ""  ["cpp-include"] (ReqArg Include "dir") "CPP include path"
       ,Option ""  ["cpp-simple"] (NoArg SimpleCpp) "Use a simple CPP (strip # lines)"
       ,Option ""  ["cpp-ansi"] (NoArg Ansi) "Use CPP in ANSI compatibility mode"

-- | Exit out if you need to display help info
getCmd :: [String] -> IO Cmd
getCmd args = do
    let (opt,files,err) = getOpt Permute opts args
    unless (null err) $
        error $ unlines $ "Unrecognised arguments:" : err

    when (Ver `elem` opt) $ do
        putStr versionText

    when (Help `elem` opt) exitWithHelp

    let test = Test `elem` opt

    dataDir <- last $ getDataDir : [return x | DataDir x <- opt]

    let exts = [x | Ext x <- opt]
        exts2 = if null exts then ["hs","lhs"] else exts
    let path = [x | Path x <- opt] ++ ["."]
    files <- if null files then return Nothing else Just <$> concatMapM (getFile path exts2) files
    findHints <- concatMapM (getFile path exts2) [x | FindHints x <- opt]

    let hintFiles = [x | Hints x <- opt]
    let withHints = [x | WithHint x <- opt]
    hints <- mapM (getHintFile dataDir) $ hintFiles ++ ["HLint" | null hintFiles && null withHints]
    let givenHints = if null hintFiles then [] else hints

    let languages = getExtensions [x | Language x <- opt]

    let cpphs = defaultCpphsOptions
            {boolopts=defaultBoolOptions{hashline=False, ansi=Ansi `elem` opt}
            ,includes = [x | Include x <- opt]
            ,defines = [(a,drop 1 b) | Define x <- opt, let (a,b) = break (== '=') x]
    let cpp | SimpleCpp `elem` opt = CppSimple -- must be first, so can disable CPP
            | EnableExtension CPP `elem` languages = Cpphs cpphs
            | otherwise = NoCpp

    encoding <- readEncoding $ last $ "" : [x | Encoding x <- opt]

    return Cmd
        {cmdTest = test
        ,cmdFiles = files
        ,cmdHintFiles = hints
        ,cmdGivenHints = givenHints
        ,cmdWithHints = withHints
        ,cmdReports = [x | Report x <- opt]
        ,cmdIgnore = [x | Skip x <- opt]
        ,cmdShowAll = ShowAll `elem` opt
        ,cmdColor = Color `elem` opt
        ,cmdCpp = cpp
        ,cmdDataDir = dataDir
        ,cmdEncoding = encoding
        ,cmdFindHints = findHints
        ,cmdLanguage = languages
        ,cmdQuiet = Quiet `elem` opt
        ,cmdCross = Cross `elem` opt
        ,cmdProof = [x | Proof x <- opt]

exitWithHelp :: IO a
exitWithHelp = do
    putStr helpText

versionText :: String
versionText = "HLint v" ++ showVersion version ++ ", (C) Neil Mitchell 2006-2014\n"

helpText :: String
helpText = unlines
    ,"  hlint [files/directories] [options]"
    ,usageInfo "" opts
    ,"HLint gives hints on how to improve Haskell code."
    ,"To check all Haskell files in 'src' and generate a report type:"
    ,"  hlint src --report"

"." <\> x = x
x <\> y = x </> y

getFile :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getFile path _ "-" = return ["-"]
getFile [] exts file = error $ "Couldn't find file: " ++ file
getFile (p:ath) exts file = do
    isDir <- doesDirectoryExist $ p <\> file
    if isDir then do
        xs <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive $ p <\> file
        return [x | x <- xs, drop 1 (takeExtension x) `elem` exts]
     else do
        isFil <- doesFileExist $ p <\> file
        if isFil then return [p <\> file]
         else do
            res <- getModule p exts file
            case res of
                Just x -> return [x]
                Nothing -> getFile ath exts file

getModule :: FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getModule path exts x | not (any isSpace x) && all isMod xs = f exts
        xs = words $ map (\x -> if x == '.' then ' ' else x) x
        isMod (x:xs) = isUpper x && all (\x -> isAlphaNum x || x == '_') xs
        isMod _ = False
        pre = path <\> joinPath xs

        f [] = return Nothing
        f (x:xs) = do
            let s = pre <.> x
            b <- doesFileExist s
            if b then return $ Just s else f xs
getModule _ _ _ = return Nothing

getHintFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
getHintFile _ "-" = return "-"
getHintFile dataDir x = do
        let poss = nub $ concat [x : [x <.> "hs" | takeExtension x /= ".hs"] | x <- [x,dataDir </> x]]
        f poss poss
        f o [] = error $ unlines $ [
            "Couldn't find file: " ++ x,
            "Tried with:"] ++ map ("  "++) o
        f o (x:xs) = do
            b <- doesFileExist x
            if b then return x else f o xs

getExtensions :: [String] -> [Extension]
getExtensions = foldl f defaultExtensions
        f a "Haskell98" = []
        f a ('N':'o':x) | Just x <- readExtension x = delete x a
        f a x | Just x <- readExtension x = x : delete x a
        f a x = error $ "Unknown extension: " ++ x

readExtension :: String -> Maybe Extension
readExtension x = case classifyExtension x of
    UnknownExtension _ -> Nothing
    x -> Just x