module HLint.Default where import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.Function import Data.Int import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord import System.IO import IO as System.IO import List as Data.List import Maybe as Data.Maybe import Monad as Control.Monad -- I/O error = putStrLn (show x) ==> print x error = mapM_ putChar ==> putStr error = hGetChar stdin ==> getChar error = hGetLine stdin ==> getLine error = hGetContents stdin ==> getContents error = hPutChar stdout ==> putChar error = hPutStr stdout ==> putStr error = hPutStrLn stdout ==> putStrLn error = hPrint stdout ==> print -- ORD error = not (a == b) ==> a /= b error = not (a /= b) ==> a == b error = not (a > b) ==> a <= b error = not (a >= b) ==> a < b error = not (a < b) ==> a >= b error = not (a <= b) ==> a > b error = compare x y /= GT ==> x <= y error = compare x y == LT ==> x < y error = compare x y /= LT ==> x >= y error = compare x y == GT ==> x > y error = compare (f x) (f y) ==> Data.Ord.comparing f x y error = on compare f ==> Data.Ord.comparing f error = x == y || x == z ==> x `elem` [y,z] error = x /= y || x /= z ==> x `notElem` [y,z] -- READ/SHOW error = showsPrec 0 x "" ==> show x error = readsPrec 0 ==> reads error = showsPrec 0 ==> shows -- LIST error = concat (map f x) ==> concatMap f x warn = concat [a,b] ==> a ++ b -- these hints pick up way too much --warn = a++b++c++d++e++f++g ==> concat [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] --warn = a++b++c++d++e++f ==> concat [a, b, c, d, e, f] --warn = a++b++c++d++e ==> concat [a, b, c, d, e] error "Use map once" = map f (map g x) ==> map (f . g) x warn = x !! 0 ==> head x error = take n (repeat x) ==> replicate n x error = x ++ concatMap (' ':) y ==> unwords (x:y) error = concat (intersperse " " x) ==> unwords x error = head (reverse x) ==> last x error = head (drop n x) ==> x !! n error = reverse (tail (reverse x)) ==> init x error = isPrefixOf (reverse x) (reverse y) ==> isSuffixOf x y error = foldr (++) [] ==> concat error = span (not . p) ==> break p error = break (not . p) ==> span p error = concatMap (++ "\n") ==> unlines error = or (map p x) ==> any p x error = and (map p x) ==> all p x error = zipWith (,) ==> zip error = zipWith3 (,,) ==> zip3 warn = length x == 0 ==> null x warn "Use null" = length x /= 0 ==> not (null x) error "Use :" = (\x -> [x]) ==> (:[]) error = map (uncurry f) (zip x y) ==> zipWith f x y error = not (elem x y) ==> notElem x y warn = foldr f z (map g x) ==> foldr (f . g) z x -- FOLDS error = foldr (&&) True ==> and error = foldl (&&) True ==> and error = foldr (||) False ==> or error = foldl (||) False ==> or error = foldr (>>) (return ()) ==> sequence_ error = foldl (+) 0 ==> sum error = foldl (*) 1 ==> product -- FUNCTION error = (\x -> x) ==> id error = (\(_,y) -> y) ==> snd error = (\(x,_) -> x) ==> fst error = (\x y-> f (x,y)) ==> curry f where _ = notIn [x,y] f error = (\(x,y) -> f x y) ==> uncurry f where _ = notIn [x,y] f error "Redundant $" = (($) . f) ==> f error "Redundant $" = (f $) ==> f warn = (\x -> y) ==> const y where _ = isAtom y && notIn x y error "Redundant flip" = flip f x y ==> f y x where _ = isApp original error "Redundant id" = id x ==> x error "Redundant const" = const x y ==> x -- BOOL error "Redundant ==" = a == True ==> a warn "Redundant ==" = a == False ==> not a error "Redundant if" = (if a then True else False) ==> a error "Redundant if" = (if a then False else True) ==> not a error "Redundant if" = (if a then t else (if b then t else f)) ==> if a || b then t else f error "Redundant if" = (if a then (if b then t else f) else f) ==> if a && b then t else f error "Redundant if" = (if x then True else y) ==> x || y where _ = notEq y False error "Redundant if" = (if x then y else False) ==> x && y where _ = notEq y True warn "Use if" = case a of {True -> t; False -> f} ==> if a then t else f warn "Use if" = case a of {False -> f; True -> t} ==> if a then t else f warn "Use if" = case a of {True -> t; _ -> f} ==> if a then t else f warn "Use if" = case a of {False -> f; _ -> t} ==> if a then t else f -- ARROW error = id *** g ==> second g error = f *** id ==> first f error = zip (map f x) (map g x) ==> map (f Control.Arrow.&&& g) x warn = (\(x,y) -> (f x, g y)) ==> f Control.Arrow.*** g where _ = notIn [x,y] [f,g] warn = (\x -> (f x, g x)) ==> f Control.Arrow.&&& g where _ = notIn x [f,g] warn = (\(x,y) -> (f x,y)) ==> Control.Arrow.first f where _ = notIn [x,y] f warn = (\(x,y) -> (x,f y)) ==> Control.Arrow.second f where _ = notIn [x,y] f -- FUNCTOR error "Functor law" = fmap f (fmap g x) ==> fmap (f . g) x error "Functor law" = fmap id ==> id -- MONAD error "Monad law, left identity" = return a >>= f ==> f a error "Monad law, right identity" = m >>= return ==> m warn = m >>= return . f ==> fmap f m error = (if x then y else return ()) ==> Control.Monad.when x $ _noParen_ y error = (if x then return () else y) ==> Control.Monad.unless x $ _noParen_ y error = sequence (map f x) ==> mapM f x error = sequence_ (map f x) ==> mapM_ f x warn = flip mapM ==> Control.Monad.forM warn = flip mapM_ ==> Control.Monad.forM_ error = when (not x) ==> unless x error = x >>= id ==> Control.Monad.join x error = liftM f (liftM g x) ==> liftM (f . g) x -- MONAD LIST error = liftM unzip (mapM f x) ==> Control.Monad.mapAndUnzipM f x error = sequence (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM f x y error = sequence_ (zipWith f x y) ==> Control.Monad.zipWithM_ f x y error = sequence (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM n x error = sequence_ (replicate n x) ==> Control.Monad.replicateM_ n x error = mapM f (map g x) ==> mapM (f . g) x error = mapM_ f (map g x) ==> mapM_ (f . g) x -- LIST COMP warn "Use list comprehension" = (if b then [x] else []) ==> [x | b] -- SEQ error "Redundant seq" = x `seq` x ==> x error "Redundant $!" = id $! x ==> x -- MAYBE error = maybe x id ==> Data.Maybe.fromMaybe x error = maybe False (const True) ==> Data.Maybe.isJust error = maybe True (const False) ==> Data.Maybe.isNothing error = not (isNothing x) ==> isJust x error = not (isJust x) ==> isNothing x error = maybe [] (:[]) ==> maybeToList error = catMaybes (map f x) ==> mapMaybe f x error = concatMap (maybeToList . f) ==> Data.Maybe.mapMaybe f error = concatMap maybeToList ==> catMaybes error = maybe n Just x ==> Control.Monad.mplus x n warn = (case x of Nothing -> y; Just a -> a) ==> fromMaybe y x warn = (case x of Just a -> a; Nothing -> y) ==> fromMaybe y x error = (if isNothing x then y else fromJust x) ==> fromMaybe y x error = (if isJust x then fromJust x else y) ==> fromMaybe y x -- INFIX warn "Use infix" = elem x y ==> x `elem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = notElem x y ==> x `notElem` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = isInfixOf x y ==> x `isInfixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = isSuffixOf x y ==> x `isSuffixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = isPrefixOf x y ==> x `isPrefixOf` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = union x y ==> x `union` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) warn "Use infix" = intersect x y ==> x `intersect` y where _ = not (isInfixApp original) && not (isParen result) -- MATHS warn = x + negate y ==> x - y warn = 0 - x ==> negate x warn = log y / log x ==> logBase x y warn = x ** 0.5 ==> sqrt x warn = sin x / cos x ==> tan x warn = sinh x / cosh x ==> tanh x warn = n `rem` 2 == 0 ==> even n warn = n `rem` 2 /= 0 ==> odd n warn = not (even x) ==> odd x warn = not (odd x) ==> even x warn "Use 1" = x ^ 0 ==> 1 -- EVALUATE -- TODO: These should be moved in to HSE\Evaluate.hs and applied -- through a special evaluate hint mechanism error "Evaluate" = True && x ==> x error "Evaluate" = False && x ==> False error "Evaluate" = True || x ==> True error "Evaluate" = False || x ==> x error "Evaluate" = not True ==> False error "Evaluate" = not False ==> True error "Evaluate" = Nothing >>= k ==> Nothing error "Evaluate" = either f g (Left x) ==> f x error "Evaluate" = either f g (Right y) ==> g y error "Evaluate" = fst (x,y) ==> x error "Evaluate" = snd (x,y) ==> y error "Evaluate" = f (fst p) (snd p) ==> uncurry f p error "Evaluate" = init [x] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = null [] ==> True error "Evaluate" = length [] ==> 0 error "Evaluate" = foldl f z [] ==> z error "Evaluate" = foldr f z [] ==> z error "Evaluate" = foldr1 f [x] ==> x error "Evaluate" = scanr f z [] ==> [z] error "Evaluate" = scanr1 f [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = scanr1 f [x] ==> [x] error "Evaluate" = take n [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = drop n [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = takeWhile p [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = dropWhile p [] ==> [] error "Evaluate" = span p [] ==> ([],[]) error "Evaluate" = lines "" ==> [] error "Evaluate" = unwords [] ==> "" error "Evaluate" = x - 0 ==> x error "Evaluate" = x * 1 ==> x error "Evaluate" = x / 1 ==> x error "Evaluate" = concat [a] ==> a error "Evaluate" = concat [] ==> [] -- COMPLEX error "Use isPrefixOf" = (take i s == t) ==> _eval_ ((i == length t) && (t `Data.List.isPrefixOf` s)) where _ = (isList t || isLit t) && isLit i {- -- clever hint, but not actually a good idea warn = (do a <- f; g a) ==> f >>= g where _ = (isAtom f || isApp f) && notIn a g -} {- yes = concat . map f -- concatMap f yes = foo . bar . concat . map f . baz . bar -- concatMap f . baz . bar yes = map f (map g x) -- map (f . g) x yes = (\x->if x==e then l' else [x]) -- concatMap (\x->if x==e then l' else [x]) yes = f x where f x = concat . map head -- concatMap head yes = concat . map f . g -- concatMap f . g yes = concat $ map f x -- concatMap f x yes = "test" ++ concatMap (' ':) ["of","this"] -- unwords ("test":["of","this"]) yes = if f a then True else b -- f a || b yes = not (a == b) -- a /= b yes = not (a /= b) -- a == b yes = if a then 1 else if b then 1 else 2 -- if a || b then 1 else 2 no = if a then 1 else if b then 3 else 2 yes = a >>= return . id -- fmap id a yes = (x !! 0) + (x !! 2) -- head x yes = if b < 42 then [a] else [] -- [a | b < 42] yes = take 5 (foo xs) == "hello" -- "hello" `Data.List.isPrefixOf` foo xs no = take n (foo xs) == "hello" yes = head (reverse xs) -- last xs yes = reverse xs `isPrefixOf` reverse ys -- isSuffixOf xs ys no = putStrLn $ show (length xs) ++ "Test" yes = ftable ++ map (\ (c, x) -> (toUpper c, urlEncode x)) ftable -- toUpper Control.Arrow.*** urlEncode yes = map (\(a,b) -> a) xs -- fst yes = map (\(a,_) -> a) xs -- fst yes = readFile $ args !! 0 -- head args yes = if Debug `elem` opts then ["--debug"] else [] -- ["--debug" | Debug `elem` opts] yes = if nullPS s then return False else if headPS s /= '\n' then return False else alter_input tailPS >> return True \ -- if nullPS s || (headPS s /= '\n') then return False else alter_input tailPS >> return True yes = if foo then do stuff; moreStuff; lastOfTheStuff else return () \ -- Control.Monad.when foo $ do stuff ; moreStuff ; lastOfTheStuff yes = foo $ \(a, b) -> (a, y + b) -- Control.Arrow.second ((+) y) no = foo $ \(a, b) -> (a, a + b) yes = map (uncurry (+)) $ zip [1 .. 5] [6 .. 10] -- zipWith (+) [1 .. 5] [6 .. 10] no = do iter <- textBufferGetTextIter tb ; textBufferSelectRange tb iter iter no = flip f x $ \y -> y*y+y no = \x -> f x (g x) no = foo (\ v -> f v . g) yes = concat . intersperse " " -- unwords yes = Prelude.concat $ intersperse " " xs -- unwords xs yes = concat $ Data.List.intersperse " " xs -- unwords xs yes = if a then True else False -- a yes = if x then true else False -- x && true yes = elem x y -- x `elem` y yes = foo (elem x y) -- x `elem` y no = x `elem` y no = elem 1 [] : [] test a = foo (\x -> True) -- const True h a = flip f x (y z) -- f (y z) x h a = flip f x $ y z yes x = case x of {True -> a ; False -> b} -- if x then a else b yes x = case x of {False -> a ; _ -> b} -- if x then b else a no = const . ok . toResponse $ "saved" yes = case x z of Nothing -> y z; Just pattern -> pattern -- fromMaybe (y z) (x z) yes = if p then s else return () -- Control.Monad.when p $ s error = a $$$$ b $$$$ c ==> a . b $$$$$ c yes = when (not . null $ asdf) -- unless (null asdf) yes = id 1 -- 1 import Prelude \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import Control.Monad \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad(forM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad(forM_) \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import qualified Control.Monad \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import qualified Control.Monad as CM \ yes = flip mapM -- CM.forM import qualified Control.Monad as CM(forM,filterM) \ yes = flip mapM -- CM.forM import Control.Monad as CM(forM,filterM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import Control.Monad hiding (forM) \ yes = flip mapM -- Control.Monad.forM import Control.Monad hiding (filterM) \ yes = flip mapM -- forM import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as DTL \ main = DTL.concat $ map (`DTL.snoc` '-') [DTL.pack "one", DTL.pack "two", DTL.pack "three"] import Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A \ main = (stringValue id') -}