{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} module Idea(module Idea, Note(..), showNotes, Severity(..)) where import Data.List import HSE.All import Settings import HsColour import Util -- | An idea suggest by a 'Hint'. data Idea = Idea {ideaModule :: String -- ^ The module the idea applies to, may be @\"\"@ if the module cannot be determined or is a result of cross-module hints. ,ideaDecl :: String -- ^ The declaration the idea applies to, typically the function name, but may be a type name. ,ideaSeverity :: Severity -- ^ The severity of the idea, e.g. 'Warning'. ,ideaHint :: String -- ^ The name of the hint that generated the idea, e.g. @\"Use reverse\"@. ,ideaSpan :: SrcSpan -- ^ The source code the idea relates to. ,ideaFrom :: String -- ^ The contents of the source code the idea relates to. ,ideaTo :: Maybe String -- ^ The suggested replacement, or 'Nothing' for no replacement (e.g. on parse errors). ,ideaNote :: [Note] -- ^ Notes about the effect of applying the replacement. } deriving (Eq,Ord) showIdeaJson :: Idea -> String showIdeaJson idea@Idea{ideaSpan=srcSpan@SrcSpan{..}, ..} = wrap . intercalate "," . map mkPair $ [("module", show ideaModule) ,("decl", show ideaDecl) ,("severity", show . show $ ideaSeverity) ,("hint", show ideaHint) ,("file", show srcSpanFilename) ,("startLine", show srcSpanStartLine) ,("startColumn", show srcSpanStartColumn) ,("endLine", show srcSpanEndLine) ,("endColumn", show srcSpanEndColumn) ,("from", show ideaFrom) ,("to", maybe "null" show ideaTo) ,("note", show $ map (show . show) ideaNote) ] where mkPair (k, v) = show k ++ ":" ++ v wrap x = "{" ++ x ++ "}" showIdeasJson :: [Idea] -> String showIdeasJson ideas = "[" ++ intercalate "\n," (map showIdeaJson ideas) ++ "]" instance Show Idea where show = showEx id showANSI :: IO (Idea -> String) showANSI = do f <- hsColourConsole return $ showEx f showEx :: (String -> String) -> Idea -> String showEx tt Idea{..} = unlines $ [showSrcLoc (getPointLoc ideaSpan) ++ ": " ++ (if ideaHint == "" then "" else show ideaSeverity ++ ": " ++ ideaHint)] ++ f "Found" (Just ideaFrom) ++ f "Why not" ideaTo ++ ["Note: " ++ n | let n = showNotes ideaNote, n /= ""] where f msg Nothing = [] f msg (Just x) | null xs = [msg ++ " remove it."] | otherwise = (msg ++ ":") : map (" "++) xs where xs = lines $ tt x rawIdea = Idea "" "" idea severity hint from to = rawIdea severity hint (toSrcSpan $ ann from) (f from) (Just $ f to) [] where f = ltrim . prettyPrint warn = idea Warning err = idea Error