-- These hints are for test purposes, and are not intended to -- be used for real. -- FIXME: Should make this module modules in one file, so can easily test lots of -- things without them overlapping module HLint.Test where error = Prelude.readFile ==> bad error = (x :: Int) ==> (x :: Int32) where _ = noTypeCheck error "Test1" = scanr ==> scanr error "Test2" = filter ==> filter error "Test3" = foldr ==> foldr error "Test4" = foldl ==> foldl ignore "Test1" = "" ignore "Test3" ignore "Test2" = ignoreTest warn = ignoreTest3 suggest = ignoreTest4 ignore = Ignore_Test {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Test4" #-} {-# ANN annTest2 "HLint: error" #-} {-# ANN annTest3 ("HLint: warn" :: String) #-} {-# ANN annTest4 ("HLint: suggest" :: String) #-} {-# ANN type Ann_Test ("HLint: ignore") #-} error = concat (map f x) ==> Data.List.concatMap f x infix 9 + error = a * (b+c) ==> undefined error = Array.head ==> head error = tail ==> Array.tail warn = id Control.Arrow.*** id ==> id error = zip [1..length x] x ==> zipFrom 1 x error = before a ==> after a warn "noop" = a ? 0 ==> a {- main = readFile "foo" >>= putStr \ -- bad import Prelude hiding(readFile) \ import Data.ByteString.Char8(readFile) \ test = readFile "foo" >>= putStr import Prelude as Prelude2 \ yes = Prelude2.readFile "foo" >>= putStr \ -- bad yes = 32 :: Int -- 32 :: Int32 yes = before 12 -- after 12 ignoreTest = filter -- @Ignore ??? ignoreTest2 = filter -- @Error ??? ignoreTest3 = filter -- @Warning ??? ignoreTest4 = filter -- @Suggestion ??? ignoreAny = scanr -- @Ignore ??? ignoreNew = foldr -- @Ignore ??? type Ignore_Test = Int -- @Ignore ??? annTest = foldl -- @Ignore ??? annTest2 = foldl -- @Error ??? annTest3 = scanr -- @Warning ??? annTest4 = scanr -- @Suggestion ??? type Ann_Test = Int -- @Ignore ??? concatMap f x = concat (map f x) concatMop f x = concat (map f x) -- Data.List.concatMap f x yes = 1 * 2+3 -- undefined import Foo; test = Foo.id 1 test = head import Array; test = Array.head -- head test = Array.head -- head test = head import qualified Array; test = head import Array(tail); test = head import Array(head); test = head -- head import Array as A; test = A.head -- head test = tail -- Array.tail import qualified Array as B; test = tail -- B.tail import Control.Arrow; test = id *** id -- id test = id Control.Arrow.*** id -- id import Control.Arrow as Q; test = id Q.*** id -- id zip [1..length x] zip [1..length x] x -- zipFrom 1 x test = 5 + 0 -- 5 {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Unused LANGUAGE pragma" #-} \ {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- @Ignore ??? {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Unused LANGUAGE pragma" #-} \ {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- @Ignore ??? {-# ANN lam "HLint: ignore Redundant lambda" #-} \ lam = \x -> x x x -- @Ignore ??? {-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" #-} \ dup = do a; a; a; a; a; a -- @Ignore ??? -}