{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Numeric.Vectorized
-- Copyright   :  (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007-15
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Alberto Ruiz
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Low level interface to vector operations.

module Internal.Vectorized where

import Internal.Vector
import Internal.Devel
import Data.Complex
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(free,malloc)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array(newArray,copyArray)
import Foreign.Ptr(Ptr)
import Foreign.Storable(peek,Storable)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Monad(when)

infixr 1 #
(#) :: TransArray c => c -> (b -> IO r) -> TransRaw c b -> IO r
a # b = applyRaw a b
{-# INLINE (#) #-}

(#!) :: (TransArray c, TransArray c1) => c1 -> c -> TransRaw c1 (TransRaw c (IO r)) -> IO r
a #! b = a # b # id
{-# INLINE (#!) #-}

fromei :: Enum a => a -> CInt
fromei x = fromIntegral (fromEnum x) :: CInt

data FunCodeV = Sin
              | Cos
              | Tan
              | Abs
              | ASin
              | ACos
              | ATan
              | Sinh
              | Cosh
              | Tanh
              | ASinh
              | ACosh
              | ATanh
              | Exp
              | Log
              | Sign
              | Sqrt
              deriving Enum

data FunCodeSV = Scale
               | Recip
               | AddConstant
               | Negate
               | PowSV
               | PowVS
               | ModSV
               | ModVS
               deriving Enum

data FunCodeVV = Add
               | Sub
               | Mul
               | Div
               | Pow
               | ATan2
               | Mod
               deriving Enum

data FunCodeS = Norm2
              | AbsSum
              | MaxIdx
              | Max
              | MinIdx
              | Min
              deriving Enum


-- | sum of elements
sumF :: Vector Float -> Float
sumF = sumg c_sumF

-- | sum of elements
sumR :: Vector Double -> Double
sumR = sumg c_sumR

-- | sum of elements
sumQ :: Vector (Complex Float) -> Complex Float
sumQ = sumg c_sumQ

-- | sum of elements
sumC :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Complex Double
sumC = sumg c_sumC

sumI :: ( TransRaw c (CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) ~ (CInt -> Ptr I -> I :> Ok)
        , TransArray c
        , Storable a
     => I -> c -> a
sumI m = sumg (c_sumI m)

sumL :: ( TransRaw c (CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) ~ (CInt -> Ptr Z -> Z :> Ok)
        , TransArray c
        , Storable a
        ) => Z -> c -> a
sumL m = sumg (c_sumL m)

sumg :: (TransArray c, Storable a) => TransRaw c (CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> c -> a
sumg f x = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector 1
    (x #! r) f #| "sum"
    return $ r @> 0

type TVV t = t :> t :> Ok

foreign import ccall unsafe "sumF" c_sumF :: TVV Float
foreign import ccall unsafe "sumR" c_sumR :: TVV Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "sumQ" c_sumQ :: TVV (Complex Float)
foreign import ccall unsafe "sumC" c_sumC :: TVV (Complex Double)
foreign import ccall unsafe "sumI" c_sumI :: I -> TVV I
foreign import ccall unsafe "sumL" c_sumL :: Z -> TVV Z

-- | product of elements
prodF :: Vector Float -> Float
prodF = prodg c_prodF

-- | product of elements
prodR :: Vector Double -> Double
prodR = prodg c_prodR

-- | product of elements
prodQ :: Vector (Complex Float) -> Complex Float
prodQ = prodg c_prodQ

-- | product of elements
prodC :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Complex Double
prodC = prodg c_prodC

prodI :: I-> Vector I -> I
prodI = prodg . c_prodI

prodL :: Z-> Vector Z -> Z
prodL = prodg . c_prodL

prodg :: (TransArray c, Storable a)
      => TransRaw c (CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> c -> a
prodg f x = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector 1
    (x #! r) f #| "prod"
    return $ r @> 0

foreign import ccall unsafe "prodF" c_prodF :: TVV Float
foreign import ccall unsafe "prodR" c_prodR :: TVV Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "prodQ" c_prodQ :: TVV (Complex Float)
foreign import ccall unsafe "prodC" c_prodC :: TVV (Complex Double)
foreign import ccall unsafe "prodI" c_prodI :: I -> TVV I
foreign import ccall unsafe "prodL" c_prodL :: Z -> TVV Z


toScalarAux :: (Enum a, TransArray c, Storable a1)
            => (CInt -> TransRaw c (CInt -> Ptr a1 -> IO CInt)) -> a -> c -> a1
toScalarAux fun code v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector 1
    (v #! r) (fun (fromei code)) #|"toScalarAux"
    return (r @> 0)

vectorMapAux :: (Enum a, Storable t, Storable a1)
             => (CInt -> CInt -> Ptr t -> CInt -> Ptr a1 -> IO CInt)
             -> a -> Vector t -> Vector a1
vectorMapAux fun code v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector (dim v)
    (v #! r) (fun (fromei code)) #|"vectorMapAux"
    return r

vectorMapValAux :: (Enum a, Storable a2, Storable t, Storable a1)
                => (CInt -> Ptr a2 -> CInt -> Ptr t -> CInt -> Ptr a1 -> IO CInt)
                -> a -> a2 -> Vector t -> Vector a1
vectorMapValAux fun code val v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector (dim v)
    pval <- newArray [val]
    (v #! r) (fun (fromei code) pval) #|"vectorMapValAux"
    free pval
    return r

vectorZipAux :: (Enum a, TransArray c, Storable t, Storable a1)
             => (CInt -> CInt -> Ptr t -> TransRaw c (CInt -> Ptr a1 -> IO CInt))
             -> a -> Vector t -> c -> Vector a1
vectorZipAux fun code u v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector (dim u)
    (u # v #! r) (fun (fromei code)) #|"vectorZipAux"
    return r


-- | obtains different functions of a vector: norm1, norm2, max, min, posmax, posmin, etc.
toScalarR :: FunCodeS -> Vector Double -> Double
toScalarR oper =  toScalarAux c_toScalarR (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "toScalarR" c_toScalarR :: CInt -> TVV Double

-- | obtains different functions of a vector: norm1, norm2, max, min, posmax, posmin, etc.
toScalarF :: FunCodeS -> Vector Float -> Float
toScalarF oper =  toScalarAux c_toScalarF (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "toScalarF" c_toScalarF :: CInt -> TVV Float

-- | obtains different functions of a vector: only norm1, norm2
toScalarC :: FunCodeS -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Double
toScalarC oper =  toScalarAux c_toScalarC (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "toScalarC" c_toScalarC :: CInt -> Complex Double :> Double :> Ok

-- | obtains different functions of a vector: only norm1, norm2
toScalarQ :: FunCodeS -> Vector (Complex Float) -> Float
toScalarQ oper =  toScalarAux c_toScalarQ (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "toScalarQ" c_toScalarQ :: CInt -> Complex Float :> Float :> Ok

-- | obtains different functions of a vector: norm1, norm2, max, min, posmax, posmin, etc.
toScalarI :: FunCodeS -> Vector CInt -> CInt
toScalarI oper =  toScalarAux c_toScalarI (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "toScalarI" c_toScalarI :: CInt -> TVV CInt

-- | obtains different functions of a vector: norm1, norm2, max, min, posmax, posmin, etc.
toScalarL :: FunCodeS -> Vector Z -> Z
toScalarL oper =  toScalarAux c_toScalarL (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "toScalarL" c_toScalarL :: CInt -> TVV Z


-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapR :: FunCodeV -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
vectorMapR = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapR

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapR" c_vectorMapR :: CInt -> TVV Double

-- | map of complex vectors with given function
vectorMapC :: FunCodeV -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double)
vectorMapC oper = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapC (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapC" c_vectorMapC :: CInt -> TVV (Complex Double)

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapF :: FunCodeV -> Vector Float -> Vector Float
vectorMapF = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapF

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapF" c_vectorMapF :: CInt -> TVV Float

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapQ :: FunCodeV -> Vector (Complex Float) -> Vector (Complex Float)
vectorMapQ = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapQ

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapQ" c_vectorMapQ :: CInt -> TVV (Complex Float)

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapI :: FunCodeV -> Vector CInt -> Vector CInt
vectorMapI = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapI

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapI" c_vectorMapI :: CInt -> TVV CInt

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapL :: FunCodeV -> Vector Z -> Vector Z
vectorMapL = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapL

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapL" c_vectorMapL :: CInt -> TVV Z


-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapValR :: FunCodeSV -> Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
vectorMapValR oper = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValR (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapValR" c_vectorMapValR :: CInt -> Ptr Double -> TVV Double

-- | map of complex vectors with given function
vectorMapValC :: FunCodeSV -> Complex Double -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double)
vectorMapValC = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValC

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapValC" c_vectorMapValC :: CInt -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> TVV (Complex Double)

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapValF :: FunCodeSV -> Float -> Vector Float -> Vector Float
vectorMapValF oper = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValF (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapValF" c_vectorMapValF :: CInt -> Ptr Float -> TVV Float

-- | map of complex vectors with given function
vectorMapValQ :: FunCodeSV -> Complex Float -> Vector (Complex Float) -> Vector (Complex Float)
vectorMapValQ oper = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValQ (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapValQ" c_vectorMapValQ :: CInt -> Ptr (Complex Float) -> TVV (Complex Float)

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapValI :: FunCodeSV -> CInt -> Vector CInt -> Vector CInt
vectorMapValI oper = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValI (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapValI" c_vectorMapValI :: CInt -> Ptr CInt -> TVV CInt

-- | map of real vectors with given function
vectorMapValL :: FunCodeSV -> Z -> Vector Z -> Vector Z
vectorMapValL oper = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValL (fromei oper)

foreign import ccall unsafe "mapValL" c_vectorMapValL :: CInt -> Ptr Z -> TVV Z


type TVVV t = t :> t :> t :> Ok

-- | elementwise operation on real vectors
vectorZipR :: FunCodeVV -> Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double
vectorZipR = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipR

foreign import ccall unsafe "zipR" c_vectorZipR :: CInt -> TVVV Double

-- | elementwise operation on complex vectors
vectorZipC :: FunCodeVV -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double)
vectorZipC = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipC

foreign import ccall unsafe "zipC" c_vectorZipC :: CInt -> TVVV (Complex Double)

-- | elementwise operation on real vectors
vectorZipF :: FunCodeVV -> Vector Float -> Vector Float -> Vector Float
vectorZipF = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipF

foreign import ccall unsafe "zipF" c_vectorZipF :: CInt -> TVVV Float

-- | elementwise operation on complex vectors
vectorZipQ :: FunCodeVV -> Vector (Complex Float) -> Vector (Complex Float) -> Vector (Complex Float)
vectorZipQ = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipQ

foreign import ccall unsafe "zipQ" c_vectorZipQ :: CInt -> TVVV (Complex Float)

-- | elementwise operation on CInt vectors
vectorZipI :: FunCodeVV -> Vector CInt -> Vector CInt -> Vector CInt
vectorZipI = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipI

foreign import ccall unsafe "zipI" c_vectorZipI :: CInt -> TVVV CInt

-- | elementwise operation on CInt vectors
vectorZipL :: FunCodeVV -> Vector Z -> Vector Z -> Vector Z
vectorZipL = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipL

foreign import ccall unsafe "zipL" c_vectorZipL :: CInt -> TVVV Z


foreign import ccall unsafe "vectorScan" c_vectorScan
    :: CString -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr (Ptr Double) -> IO CInt

vectorScan :: FilePath -> IO (Vector Double)
vectorScan s = do
    pp <- malloc
    pn <- malloc
    cs <- newCString s
    ok <- c_vectorScan cs pn pp
    when (not (ok == 0)) $
        error ("vectorScan: file \"" ++ s ++"\" not found")
    n <- fromIntegral <$> peek pn
    p <- peek pp
    v <- createVector n
    free pn
    free cs
    unsafeWith v $ \pv -> copyArray pv p n
    free p
    free pp
    return v


type Seed = Int

data RandDist = Uniform  -- ^ uniform distribution in [0,1)
              | Gaussian -- ^ normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation one
              deriving Enum

-- | Obtains a vector of pseudorandom elements (use randomIO to get a random seed).
randomVector :: Seed
             -> RandDist -- ^ distribution
             -> Int      -- ^ vector size
             -> Vector Double
randomVector seed dist n = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector n
    (r # id) (c_random_vector (fi seed) ((fi.fromEnum) dist)) #|"randomVector"
    return r

foreign import ccall unsafe "random_vector" c_random_vector :: CInt -> CInt -> Double :> Ok


roundVector :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
roundVector v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector (dim v)
    (v #! r) c_round_vector #|"roundVector"
    return r

foreign import ccall unsafe "round_vector" c_round_vector :: TVV Double


-- |
-- >>> range 5
-- [0,1,2,3,4]
-- it :: Vector I
range :: Int -> Vector I
range n = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector n
    (r # id) c_range_vector #|"range"
    return r

foreign import ccall unsafe "range_vector" c_range_vector :: CInt :> Ok

float2DoubleV :: Vector Float -> Vector Double
float2DoubleV = tog c_float2double

double2FloatV :: Vector Double -> Vector Float
double2FloatV = tog c_double2float

double2IntV :: Vector Double -> Vector CInt
double2IntV = tog c_double2int

int2DoubleV :: Vector CInt -> Vector Double
int2DoubleV = tog c_int2double

double2longV :: Vector Double -> Vector Z
double2longV = tog c_double2long

long2DoubleV :: Vector Z -> Vector Double
long2DoubleV = tog c_long2double

float2IntV :: Vector Float -> Vector CInt
float2IntV = tog c_float2int

int2floatV :: Vector CInt -> Vector Float
int2floatV = tog c_int2float

int2longV :: Vector I -> Vector Z
int2longV = tog c_int2long

long2intV :: Vector Z -> Vector I
long2intV = tog c_long2int

tog :: (Storable t, Storable a)
    => (CInt -> Ptr t -> CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> Vector t -> Vector a
tog f v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector (dim v)
    (v #! r) f #|"tog"
    return r

foreign import ccall unsafe "float2double" c_float2double :: Float :> Double :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "double2float" c_double2float :: Double :> Float :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "int2double"   c_int2double   :: CInt :> Double :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "double2int"   c_double2int   :: Double :> CInt :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "long2double"  c_long2double   :: Z :> Double :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "double2long"  c_double2long   :: Double :> Z :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "int2float"    c_int2float    :: CInt :> Float :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "float2int"    c_float2int    :: Float :> CInt :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "int2long"    c_int2long    :: I :> Z :> Ok
foreign import ccall unsafe "long2int"    c_long2int    :: Z :> I :> Ok


stepg :: (Storable t, Storable a)
      => (CInt -> Ptr t -> CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> Vector t -> Vector a
stepg f v = unsafePerformIO $ do
    r <- createVector (dim v)
    (v #! r) f #|"step"
    return r

stepD :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
stepD = stepg c_stepD

stepF :: Vector Float -> Vector Float
stepF = stepg c_stepF

stepI :: Vector CInt -> Vector CInt
stepI = stepg c_stepI

stepL :: Vector Z -> Vector Z
stepL = stepg c_stepL

foreign import ccall unsafe "stepF" c_stepF :: TVV Float
foreign import ccall unsafe "stepD" c_stepD :: TVV Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "stepI" c_stepI :: TVV CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "stepL" c_stepL :: TVV Z


conjugateAux :: (Storable t, Storable a)
             => (CInt -> Ptr t -> CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> Vector t -> Vector a
conjugateAux fun x = unsafePerformIO $ do
    v <- createVector (dim x)
    (x #! v) fun #|"conjugateAux"
    return v

conjugateQ :: Vector (Complex Float) -> Vector (Complex Float)
conjugateQ = conjugateAux c_conjugateQ
foreign import ccall unsafe "conjugateQ" c_conjugateQ :: TVV (Complex Float)

conjugateC :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double)
conjugateC = conjugateAux c_conjugateC
foreign import ccall unsafe "conjugateC" c_conjugateC :: TVV (Complex Double)


cloneVector :: Storable t => Vector t -> IO (Vector t)
cloneVector v = do
        let n = dim v
        r <- createVector n
        let f _ s _ d =  copyArray d s n >> return 0
        (v #! r) f #|"cloneVector"
        return r


constantAux :: (Storable a1, Storable a)
            => (Ptr a1 -> CInt -> Ptr a -> IO CInt) -> a1 -> Int -> Vector a
constantAux fun x n = unsafePerformIO $ do
    v <- createVector n
    px <- newArray [x]
    (v # id) (fun px) #|"constantAux"
    free px
    return v

type TConst t = Ptr t -> t :> Ok

foreign import ccall unsafe "constantF" cconstantF :: TConst Float
foreign import ccall unsafe "constantR" cconstantR :: TConst Double
foreign import ccall unsafe "constantQ" cconstantQ :: TConst (Complex Float)
foreign import ccall unsafe "constantC" cconstantC :: TConst (Complex Double)
foreign import ccall unsafe "constantI" cconstantI :: TConst CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "constantL" cconstantL :: TConst Z
