{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Packed.Matrix
-- Copyright   :  (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007
-- License     :  GPL-style
-- Maintainer  :  Alberto Ruiz <aruiz@um.es>
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- A Matrix representation suitable for numerical computations using LAPACK and GSL.

module Data.Packed.Matrix (
    reshape, flatten,
    fromLists, toLists,
    asRow, asColumn,
    fromRows, toRows, fromColumns, toColumns,
    fromBlocks, repmat,
    flipud, fliprl,
    subMatrix, takeRows, dropRows, takeColumns, dropColumns,
    ident, diag, diagRect, takeDiag,
    liftMatrix, liftMatrix2,
    loadMatrix, fromFile, fileDimensions,
    readMatrix, fromArray2D
) where

import Data.Packed.Internal
import qualified Data.Packed.ST as ST
import Data.Packed.Vector
import Data.List(transpose,intersperse)
import Data.Array
import System.Process(readProcess)

-- | creates a matrix from a vertical list of matrices
joinVert :: Element t => [Matrix t] -> Matrix t
joinVert ms = case common cols ms of
    Nothing -> error "joinVert on matrices with different number of columns"
    Just c  -> reshape c $ join (map flatten ms)

-- | creates a matrix from a horizontal list of matrices
joinHoriz :: Element t => [Matrix t] -> Matrix t
joinHoriz ms = trans. joinVert . map trans $ ms

{- | Creates a matrix from blocks given as a list of lists of matrices:

@\> let a = 'diag' $ 'fromList' [5,7,2]
\> let b = 'reshape' 4 $ 'constant' (-1) 12
\> fromBlocks [[a,b],[b,a]]
 [  5.0,  0.0,  0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
 ,  0.0,  7.0,  0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
 ,  0.0,  0.0,  2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
 , -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,  5.0,  0.0,  0.0
 , -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,  0.0,  7.0,  0.0
 , -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  2.0 ]@
fromBlocks :: Element t => [[Matrix t]] -> Matrix t
fromBlocks = joinVert . map joinHoriz 

-- | Reverse rows 
flipud :: Element t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
flipud m = fromRows . reverse . toRows $ m

-- | Reverse columns
fliprl :: Element t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
fliprl m = fromColumns . reverse . toColumns $ m


-- | Creates a square matrix with a given diagonal.
diag :: Element a => Vector a -> Matrix a
diag v = ST.runSTMatrix $ do
    let d = dim v
    m <- ST.newMatrix 0 d d
    mapM_ (\k -> ST.writeMatrix m k k (v@>k)) [0..d-1]
    return m

{- | creates a rectangular diagonal matrix

@> diagRect (constant 5 3) 3 4 :: Matrix Double
 [ 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
 , 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0
 , 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0 ]@
diagRect :: (Element t, Num t) => Vector t -> Int -> Int -> Matrix t
diagRect v r c
    | dim v < min r c = error "diagRect called with dim v < min r c"
    | otherwise = ST.runSTMatrix $ do
        m <- ST.newMatrix 0 r c
        let d = min r c
        mapM_ (\k -> ST.writeMatrix m k k (v@>k)) [0..d-1]
        return m

-- | extracts the diagonal from a rectangular matrix
takeDiag :: (Element t) => Matrix t -> Vector t
takeDiag m = fromList [flatten m `at` (k*cols m+k) | k <- [0 .. min (rows m) (cols m) -1]]

-- | creates the identity matrix of given dimension
ident :: Element a => Int -> Matrix a
ident n = diag (constant 1 n)


{- | An easy way to create a matrix:

@\> (2><3)[1..6]
 [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
 , 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 ]@

This is the format produced by the instances of Show (Matrix a), which
can also be used for input.

The input list is explicitly truncated, so that it can
safely be used with lists that are too long (like infinite lists).


@\> (2>|<3)[1..]
 [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
 , 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 ]@

(><) :: (Element a) => Int -> Int -> [a] -> Matrix a
r >< c = f where
    f l | dim v == r*c = matrixFromVector RowMajor c v
        | otherwise    = error $ "inconsistent list size = "
                                 ++show (dim v) ++" in ("++show r++"><"++show c++")"
        where v = fromList $ take (r*c) l


-- | Creates a matrix with the first n rows of another matrix
takeRows :: Element t => Int -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
takeRows n mt = subMatrix (0,0) (n, cols mt) mt
-- | Creates a copy of a matrix without the first n rows
dropRows :: Element t => Int -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
dropRows n mt = subMatrix (n,0) (rows mt - n, cols mt) mt
-- |Creates a matrix with the first n columns of another matrix
takeColumns :: Element t => Int -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
takeColumns n mt = subMatrix (0,0) (rows mt, n) mt
-- | Creates a copy of a matrix without the first n columns
dropColumns :: Element t => Int -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
dropColumns n mt = subMatrix (0,n) (rows mt, cols mt - n) mt


{- | Creates a 'Matrix' from a list of lists (considered as rows).

@\> fromLists [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
 [ 1.0, 2.0
 , 3.0, 4.0
 , 5.0, 6.0 ]@
fromLists :: Element t => [[t]] -> Matrix t
fromLists = fromRows . map fromList

-- | creates a 1-row matrix from a vector
asRow :: Element a => Vector a -> Matrix a
asRow v = reshape (dim v) v

-- | creates a 1-column matrix from a vector
asColumn :: Element a => Vector a -> Matrix a
asColumn v = reshape 1 v


fromArray2D :: (Element e) => Array (Int, Int) e -> Matrix e
fromArray2D m = (r><c) (elems m)
    where ((r0,c0),(r1,c1)) = bounds m
          r = r1-r0+1
          c = c1-c0+1

-- shows a Double with n digits after the decimal point    
shf :: (RealFloat a) => Int -> a -> String     
shf dec n | abs n < 1e-10 = "0."
          | abs (n - (fromIntegral.round $ n)) < 1e-10 = show (round n) ++"."
          | otherwise = showGFloat (Just dec) n ""    
-- shows a Complex Double as a pair, with n digits after the decimal point    
shfc n z@ (a:+b) 
    | magnitude z <1e-10 = "0."
    | abs b < 1e-10 = shf n a
    | abs a < 1e-10 = shf n b ++"i"
    | b > 0         = shf n a ++"+"++shf n b ++"i"
    | otherwise     = shf n a ++shf n b ++"i"         


dsp' :: String -> [[String]] -> String
dsp' sep as = unlines . map unwords' $ transpose mtp where 
    mt = transpose as
    longs = map (maximum . map length) mt
    mtp = zipWith (\a b -> map (pad a) b) longs mt
    pad n str = replicate (n - length str) ' ' ++ str
    unwords' = concat . intersperse sep

{- | Creates a string from a matrix given a separator and a function to show each entry. Using
this function the user can easily define any desired display function:

@import Text.Printf(printf)@

@disp = putStrLn . format \"  \" (printf \"%.2f\")@

format :: (Element t) => String -> (t -> String) -> Matrix t -> String
format sep f m = dsp' sep . map (map f) . toLists $ m

disp m f = putStrLn $ "matrix ("++show (rows m) ++"x"++ show (cols m) ++")\n"++format " | " f m

dispR :: Int -> Matrix Double -> IO ()
dispR d m = disp m (shf d)

dispC :: Int -> Matrix (Complex Double) -> IO ()
dispC d m = disp m (shfc d)

-- | reads a matrix from a string containing a table of numbers.
readMatrix :: String -> Matrix Double
readMatrix = fromLists . map (map read). map words . filter (not.null) . lines

{- |  obtains the number of rows and columns in an ASCII data file
      (provisionally using unix's wc).
fileDimensions :: FilePath -> IO (Int,Int)
fileDimensions fname = do
    wcres <- readProcess "wc" ["-w",fname] ""
    contents <- readFile fname
    let tot = read . head . words $ wcres
        c   = length . head . dropWhile null . map words . lines $ contents
    if tot > 0
        then return (tot `div` c, c)
        else return (0,0)

{- | loads a matrix from a formatted ASCII file.
loadMatrix :: FilePath -> IO (Matrix Double)
loadMatrix file = fromFile file =<< fileDimensions file

-- | rearranges the rows of a matrix according to the order given in a list of integers. 
extractRows :: Element t => [Int] -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
extractRows l m = fromRows $ extract (toRows $ m) l
    where extract l' is = [l'!!i |i<-is]

{- | creates matrix by repetition of a matrix a given number of rows and columns

@> repmat (ident 2) 2 3 :: Matrix Double
 [ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0
 , 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ]@

repmat :: (Element t) => Matrix t -> Int -> Int -> Matrix t
repmat m r c = fromBlocks $ partit c $ replicate (r*c) m