-- |
-- Module      :  Numeric.GSL.Sort
-- Copyright   :  (c) A. V. H. McPhail 2010, 2015
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  haskell.vivian.mcphail <at> gmail <dot> com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  uses ffi
-- GSL sorting functions
-- <http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/>

module Numeric.GSL.Sort (
                         ) where

import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Devel

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types(CInt(..))

import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)

infixl 1 #
a # b = applyRaw a b
{-# INLINE (#) #-}

-- | sort the elements of a vector into ascending order
sort :: Vector Double -> Vector Double
sort v = unsafePerformIO $ do
         r <- createVector (size v)
         sort_sort # v # r #| "sort"
         return r

foreign import ccall "sort-aux.h sort" sort_sort :: CInt -> Ptr Double -> CInt -> Ptr Double -> IO CInt