Name: hmatrix-gsl-stats Version: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Copyright: (c) A.V.H. McPhail 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019 Author: Vivian McPhail Maintainer: haskell.vivian.mcphail gmail com Stability: provisional Homepage: Synopsis: GSL Statistics interface Description: Purely functional interface for statistics based on hmatrix and GSL . Relieves the burden of alloc/free routines and is otherwise essentially 1:1 . Documentation can be found at . The vector type is Data.Vector.Storable from the 'vector' package. Category: Math, Statistics, FFI tested-with: GHC ==8.0.1 cabal-version: >= build-type: Simple extra-source-files: README INSTALL CHANGES extra-tmp-files: hmatrix-gsl-stats.buildinfo flag onlygsl description: don't link gslcblas default: False library Default-language: Haskell2010 Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5, binary, vector, storable-complex, hmatrix >= 0.18 Default-Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface hs-source-dirs: lib Exposed-modules: Numeric.GSL.Sort Numeric.GSL.Statistics Numeric.GSL.Histogram Numeric.GSL.Histogram2D Numeric.GSL.Permutation Numeric.GSL.Distribution.Continuous Numeric.GSL.Distribution.Discrete Numeric.GSL.Distribution.Common Numeric.GSL.Fitting.Linear other-modules: Numeric.GSL.Distribution.Internal C-sources: lib/Numeric/GSL/statistics-aux.c lib/Numeric/GSL/sort-aux.c lib/Numeric/GSL/histogram-aux.c lib/Numeric/GSL/permutation-aux.c lib/Numeric/GSL/distribution-aux.c lib/Numeric/GSL/fitting-aux.c ghc-prof-options: -auto ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-unused-binds if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64) cc-options: -O4 -msse2 -Wall else cc-options: -O4 -Wall if os(OSX) extra-lib-dirs: /opt/local/lib/ include-dirs: /opt/local/include/ extra-lib-dirs: /usr/local/lib/ include-dirs: /usr/local/include/ extra-libraries: gsl if arch(i386) cc-options: -arch i386 frameworks: Accelerate if os(freebsd) extra-lib-dirs: /usr/local/lib include-dirs: /usr/local/include extra-libraries: gsl if os(windows) extra-libraries: gsl-0 if os(linux) if arch(x86_64) cc-options: -fPIC if flag(onlygsl) extra-libraries: gsl else pkgconfig-depends: gsl source-repository head type: git location: