-- |The hardware-independent part of the MIDI binding.

module System.MIDI.Base 
  ( TimeStamp
  , MidiMessage'(..)
  , MidiMessage(..)
  , MidiEvent(..)
  , ClientCallback
  , ShortMessage(..)
  , translateShortMessage
  , untranslateShortMessage
  , shortMessage
  ) where


import Data.Bits
import Data.Word

type TimeStamp = Word32 


-- |A \"regular\" MIDI message.
-- Remark: According to the
-- MIDI standard, NoteOff also has a velocity. However, most keyboards do not use this feature (send the default
-- value 64), and there are keyboards which do not send NoteOff messages at all, but send NoteOn messages with
-- zero velocity instead (for example the EMU Xboard series).  
-- At the moment, the code auto-translates NoteOn messages with zero velocity to NoteOff messages with velocity 64.
-- This behaviour can be inverted with the Cabal flag 'noNoteOff', which translates all NoteOff messages to
-- NoteOn messages with velocity 0.
data MidiMessage' 
  = NoteOff         !Int !Int     -- ^ Note Off (key, velocity)
  | NoteOn          !Int !Int     -- ^ Note On (key, velocity)
  | PolyAftertouch  !Int !Int     -- ^ Polyphonic key pressure (key, pressure)
  | CC              !Int !Int     -- ^ Control Change (controller, value)
  | ProgramChange   !Int          -- ^ Program Change (program)
  | Aftertouch      !Int          -- ^ Global aftertouch (pressure)
  | PitchWheel      !Int          -- ^ Pitch wheel (value, from -8192..+8191)
  deriving (Show,Eq)
-- |The type representing a MIDI message.  
data MidiMessage 
  = MidiMessage  !Int !MidiMessage'    -- ^ first argument is the MIDI channel (1..16)
  | SysEx        [Word8]               -- ^ not including the bytes 0xf0, 0xf7
  | SongPosition !Int                  -- ^ measured in "MIDI beats" (1/16th notes).
  | SongSelect   !Int 
  | TuneRequest
  | SRTClock                           -- ^ clock is sent 24 times per quarter note
  | SRTStart
  | SRTContinue 
  | SRTStop
  | ActiveSensing
  | Reset
  | Undefined
  deriving (Show,Eq)
-- |The type representing a timestamped MIDI message. 
-- Time is measured in milisecs elapsed since the last call to `System.MIDI.start`.
data MidiEvent = MidiEvent !TimeStamp !MidiMessage deriving (Show,Eq)

-- |Type of the user callback function.  
type ClientCallback = MidiEvent -> IO ()
translateShortMessage :: ShortMessage -> MidiMessage
translateShortMessage (ShortMessage chn msg bt1 bt2) =
  if msg < 15 
    then MidiMessage (fromIntegral chn + 1) $ translate' msg k v
    else translate'' chn k v
    k = fromIntegral bt1
    v = fromIntegral bt2

translate' msg k v = case msg of
   8  -> NoteOn k 0
   9  -> NoteOn k v
   8  -> NoteOff k v
   9  -> if v>0 then NoteOn k v else NoteOff k 64
   10 -> PolyAftertouch k v
   11 -> CC k v
   12 -> ProgramChange k
   13 -> Aftertouch k
   14 -> PitchWheel (k + shiftL v 7 - 8192)

translate'' lo a b = case lo of
  0  -> Undefined
  1  -> Undefined
  2  -> SongPosition (a + shiftL b 7)
  3  -> SongSelect a 
  4  -> Undefined
  5  -> Undefined
  6  -> TuneRequest
  7  -> Undefined
  8  -> SRTClock
  9  -> Undefined
  10 -> SRTStart
  11 -> SRTContinue
  12 -> SRTStop
  13 -> Undefined
  14 -> ActiveSensing
  15 -> Reset
untranslateShortMessage :: MidiMessage -> ShortMessage
untranslateShortMessage (MidiMessage chn msg') = 
  case msg' of
    NoteOff k v         -> shortMessage chn  8 k v
    NoteOn  k v         -> shortMessage chn  9 k v
    PolyAftertouch k v  -> shortMessage chn 10 k v
    CC k v              -> shortMessage chn 11 k v
    ProgramChange k     -> shortMessage chn 12 k 0
    Aftertouch k        -> shortMessage chn 13 k 0
    PitchWheel n        -> let m = min 16383 $ max 0 $ n + 8192 
                           in  shortMessage chn 14 (m.&.127) (shiftR m 7) 

untranslateShortMessage (SongPosition p) = sysShortMessage  2 (p.&.7) (shiftR p 7) 
untranslateShortMessage (SongSelect   s) = sysShortMessage  3 (fromIntegral s) 0 
untranslateShortMessage  TuneRequest     = sysShortMessage  6 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  SRTClock        = sysShortMessage  8 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  SRTStart        = sysShortMessage 10 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  SRTContinue     = sysShortMessage 11 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  SRTStop         = sysShortMessage 12 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  ActiveSensing   = sysShortMessage 14 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  Reset           = sysShortMessage 15 0 0 
untranslateShortMessage  Undefined       = error "cannot untranslate Undefined" 
untranslateShortMessage (SysEx _)        = error "cannot untranslate SysEx" 

-- high nibble = message
-- low nibble = chn, or submessage when msg=15 (system messages)
sysShortMessage :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ShortMessage
sysShortMessage chn bt1 bt2 = 
  ShortMessage (fromIntegral chn) 15 (fromIntegral bt1) (fromIntegral bt2) 

-- regular short message 
shortMessage :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ShortMessage
shortMessage chn msg bt1 bt2 = 
  ShortMessage (fromIntegral chn - 1) (fromIntegral msg) (fromIntegral bt1) (fromIntegral bt2)
-- |Low level stuff.
data ShortMessage = ShortMessage 
  { sm_channel :: Word8
  , sm_msg     :: Word8 
  , sm_byte1   :: Word8
  , sm_byte2   :: Word8 
  } deriving Show