Name: hmidi Version: Synopsis: Binding to the OS level MIDI services Description: Partial implementation of the MIDI 1.0 standard to communicate with physical or virtual MIDI devices, eg. MIDI keyboards. Supported operating systems are Mac OS X and Windows. See also the alsa-midi library for similar function under Linux. Please note that there was no effort made (yet) to be compatible with the other existing Haskell MIDI libraries. License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Balazs Komuves Copyright: (c) 2008-2015 Balazs Komuves Maintainer: bkomuves (plus) hackage (at) gmail (dot) com Homepage: Stability: Experimental Category: Sound, System Tested-With: GHC == 7.8.3 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Build-Type: Simple extra-source-files: examples/monitor.hs, examples/chords.hs, examples/playmidi.hs, examples/SMF.hs, examples/GM.hs examples/osx_host.hs source-repository head type: darcs location: Flag noNoteOff Description: Translates NoteOff events to NoteOn events with velocity=0. Default: False Library Build-depends: base >= 3 && <= 5, stm Exposed-Modules: System.MIDI.Base, System.MIDI, System.MIDI.Sync, System.MIDI.Utility if os(darwin) Frameworks: CoreFoundation, CoreAudio, CoreMIDI other-modules: System.MIDI.MacOSX, System.MacOSX.CoreAudio, System.MacOSX.CoreMIDI, System.MacOSX.CoreFoundation if os(windows) Build-Depends: Win32 Exposed-Modules: System.Win32.MIDI other-modules: System.MIDI.Win32 extra-libraries: winmm -- this is just to be able to produce a Haddock documentation on a Linux system if !os(darwin) && !os(windows) other-modules: System.MIDI.Placeholder Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, EmptyDataDecls ghc-options: -threaded if flag(noNoteOff) cpp-options: -DHMIDI_NO_NOTEOFF