#include #include #include mpfr_ptr initS(const mp_prec_t ); void clear (const mpfr_ptr ) ; gmp_randstate_t * new_gmp_randstate(); __MPFR_DECLSPEC int mpfr_urandomb_deref_randstate _MPFR_PROTO ((mpfr_ptr dP, gmp_randstate_t * rsP)); // these functions are defined as macros and so haskell ffi // can't work with them directly int mpfr_nan_p_wrap(const mpfr_ptr) ; int mpfr_inf_p_wrap(const mpfr_ptr) ; int mpfr_zero_p_wrap(const mpfr_ptr) ; int mpfr_set_wrap(const mpfr_ptr p1, const mpfr_ptr p2, mp_rnd_t r) ; int mpfr_abs_wrap(const mpfr_ptr, const mpfr_ptr, mp_rnd_t) ; int mpfr_set_si_wrap (const mpfr_ptr, long int, mp_rnd_t) ; int mpfr_set_ui_wrap (const mpfr_ptr, unsigned long int, mp_rnd_t) ; int mpfr_cmp_wrap (const mpfr_ptr, const mpfr_ptr) ; int mpfr_cmp_si_wrap (const mpfr_ptr, signed long int ) ; int mpfr_cmp_ui_wrap (const mpfr_ptr, unsigned long int) ; int mpfr_sgn_wrap (const mpfr_ptr) ; int mpfr_ceil_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr ) ; int mpfr_floor_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr ) ; int mpfr_round_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr ) ; int mpfr_trunc_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr ) ; mp_prec_t mpfr_get_prec_wrap (const mpfr_ptr ) ; mp_exp_t mpfr_get_exp_wrap (const mpfr_ptr ) ; int mpfr_sign_bit_wrap (const mpfr_ptr ) ; int mpfr_setsign_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr, int , mp_rnd_t ) ; int mpfr_copysign_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr , const mpfr_ptr , mp_rnd_t ) ; int mpfr_signbit_wrap (mpfr_ptr ) ; size_t mpfr_custom_get_size_wrap (mp_prec_t) ; void mpfr_custom_init_wrap (void * , mp_prec_t) ; void mpfr_custom_init_set_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , int , mp_exp_t , mp_prec_t , void *) ; /* intmax_t mpfr_get_sj_wrap (mpfr_ptr, mp_rnd_t ); uintmax_t mpfr_get_uj_wrap (mpfr_ptr, mp_rnd_t ); */ int mpfr_custom_get_kind_wrap (const mpfr_ptr ) ; void * mpfr_custom_get_mantissa_wrap (const mpfr_ptr ) ; mp_exp_t mpfr_custom_get_exp_wrap(const mpfr_ptr ) ; void mpfr_custom_move_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , void * ) ; int mpfr_const_pi_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , int ); int mpfr_const_log2_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , int ); int mpfr_const_euler_wrap (const mpfr_ptr , int ); int mpfr_const_catalan__wrap (const mpfr_ptr , int );