module Main where import qualified Data.Number.MPFR as M --import functions import Data.Number.MPFR.Instances.Up -- import instances import qualified Data.Number.MPFR.Mutable as MM import Control.Monad.ST(runST, ST) -- compute the sum from 1 to n with precision of p bits rounded to Near s1 :: M.Precision -> Int -> M.MPFR s1 p n = s1' 1 0 where s1' k acc | k <= n = s1' (succ k) (M.add M.Near p acc (M.fromInt M.Near 32 k)) | otherwise = acc -- or the same using addi + foldl instead of add s2 :: M.Precision -> Int -> M.MPFR s2 p = foldl (M.addi M.Near p) 0 . enumFromTo 1 -- or the same as s1 except with foldl s3 :: M.Precision -> Int -> M.MPFR s3 p = foldl ((. M.fromInt M.Up p) . (+)) . enumFromTo 1 -- or idiomatically using the MPFR Num instance -- note that this version is a lot slower than previous three -- guess why :) s4 :: M.Precision -> Int -> M.MPFR s4 p = sum . map (M.fromInt M.Up p) . enumFromTo 1 -- or with mutable MPFR s5 p n = runST $ go n =<< MM.unsafeThaw (M.fromInt M.Near p 0) where go 0 acc = MM.unsafeFreeze acc go m acc = MM.addi acc acc m M.Near >> go (m-1) acc -- or, if you're feeling haskelly s6 p n = runST $ MM.unsafeThaw (M.fromInt M.Near p 0) >>= \acc -> mapM_ (flip (MM.addi acc acc) M.Near) [1..n] >> MM.unsafeFreeze acc -- sum up first n terms of a Taylor series for e with precision p e1 :: M.Precision -> Int -> M.MPFR e1 p n = e' 1 1 1 where e' k acc acc' | k == n+1 = acc | otherwise= e' (succ k) (M.add M.Up p acc acc'') acc'' where acc'' = M.divi M.Up p acc' k -- or using mutable MPFR's e2 :: M.Precision -> Int -> M.MPFR e2 p n = let one = M.fromInt M.Near p 1 in runST $ do acc <- MM.unsafeThaw one acc' <- MM.thaw one mapM_ ((>> MM.add acc acc acc' M.Up) . flip (MM.divi acc' acc') M.Up) [1..n] MM.unsafeFreeze acc testRandom = do let rsP = M.newRandomStatePointer print $ M.urandomb rsP 1000 print $ M.urandomb rsP 1000 print $ M.urandomb rsP 1000 print $ M.urandomb rsP 1000 main = do print $ s1 1000 100000 print $ s6 1000 100000 print $ e1 1000 100000 print $ e2 1000 100000 testRandom let c1 = one putStrLn $ "exp 1 = " ++ (M.toStringExp 10000 $ M.exp M.Up 100 c1) putStrLn $ "exp -1 = " ++ (M.toStringExp 10000 $ M.exp M.Up 100 (M.neg M.Up 100 c1)) one = 1 :: M.MPFR