-- | Allen Forte. /The Structure of Atonal Music/. Yale University
-- Press, New Haven, 1973.
module Music.Theory.Z12.Forte_1973 where

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Music.Theory.List
import qualified Music.Theory.Set.List as S
import Music.Theory.Z12
import Music.Theory.Z12.SRO

-- * Prime form

-- | T-related rotations of /p/.
-- > t_rotations [0,1,3] == [[0,1,3],[0,2,11],[0,9,10]]
t_rotations :: [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
t_rotations p =
    let r = rotations (sort p)
    in map (tn_to 0) r

-- | T\/I-related rotations of /p/.
-- > ti_rotations [0,1,3] == [[0,1,3],[0,2,11],[0,9,10]
-- >                         ,[0,9,11],[0,2,3],[0,1,10]]
ti_rotations :: [Z12] -> [[Z12]]
ti_rotations p =
    let q = invert 0 p
        r = rotations (sort p) ++ rotations (sort q)
    in map (tn_to 0) r

-- | Variant with default value for empty input list case.
minimumBy_or :: a -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
minimumBy_or p f q = if null q then p else minimumBy f q

-- | Prime form rule requiring comparator, considering 't_rotations'.
t_cmp_prime :: ([Z12] -> [Z12] -> Ordering) -> [Z12] -> [Z12]
t_cmp_prime f = minimumBy_or [] f . t_rotations

-- | Prime form rule requiring comparator, considering 'ti_rotations'.
ti_cmp_prime :: ([Z12] -> [Z12] -> Ordering) -> [Z12] -> [Z12]
ti_cmp_prime f = minimumBy_or [] f . ti_rotations

-- | Forte comparison function (rightmost first then leftmost outwards).
-- > forte_cmp [0,1,3,6,8,9] [0,2,3,6,7,9] == LT
forte_cmp :: (Ord t) => [t] -> [t] -> Ordering
forte_cmp [] [] = EQ
forte_cmp p  q  =
    let r = compare (last p) (last q)
    in if r == EQ then compare p q else r

-- | Forte prime form, ie. 'cmp_prime' of 'forte_cmp'.
-- > forte_prime [0,1,3,6,8,9] == [0,1,3,6,8,9]
forte_prime :: [Z12] -> [Z12]
forte_prime = ti_cmp_prime forte_cmp

-- * Set Class Table

-- | Synonym for 'String'.
type SC_Name = String

-- | The set-class table (Forte prime forms).
sc_table :: [(SC_Name,[Z12])]
sc_table =

-- | Lookup a set-class name.  The input set is subject to
-- 'forte_prime' before lookup.
-- > sc_name [0,2,3,6,7] == "5-Z18"
-- > sc_name [0,1,4,6,7,8] == "6-Z17"
sc_name :: [Z12] -> SC_Name
sc_name p =
    let n = find (\(_,q) -> forte_prime p == q) sc_table
    in fst (fromMaybe (error "sc_name") n)

-- | Lookup a set-class given a set-class name.
-- > sc "6-Z17" == [0,1,2,4,7,8]
sc :: SC_Name -> [Z12]
sc n = snd (fromMaybe (error "sc") (find (\(m,_) -> n == m) sc_table))

-- | List of set classes.
scs :: [[Z12]]
scs = map snd sc_table

-- | Cardinality /n/ subset of 'scs'.
-- > map (length . scs_n) [2..10] == [6,12,29,38,50,38,29,12,6]
scs_n :: Integral i => i -> [[Z12]]
scs_n n = filter ((== n) . genericLength) scs

-- * BIP Metric

-- | Basic interval pattern, see Allen Forte \"The Basic Interval Patterns\"
-- /JMT/ 17/2 (1973):234-272
-- >>> bip 0t95728e3416
-- 11223344556
-- > bip [0,10,9,5,7,2,8,11,3,4,1,6] == [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6]
-- > bip (pco "0t95728e3416") == [1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6]
bip :: [Z12] -> [Z12]
bip = sort . map ic . d_dx

-- * ICV Metric

-- | Interval class of Z12 interval /i/.
-- > map ic [5,6,7] == [5,6,5]
ic :: Z12 -> Z12
ic i = if i <= 6 then i else 12 - i

-- | Forte notation for interval class vector.
-- > icv [0,1,2,4,7,8] == [3,2,2,3,3,2]
icv :: Integral i => [Z12] -> [i]
icv s =
    let i = map (ic . uncurry (-)) (S.pairs s)
        j = map f (group (sort i))
        k = map (`lookup` j) [1..6]
        f l = (head l,genericLength l)
    in map (fromMaybe 0) k