-- | <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braille_Patterns>
module Music.Theory.Braille where

import Data.Char {- base -}
import Data.List {- base -}
import Data.Maybe {- base -}
import Text.Printf {- base -}

-- | Braille coding data.  Elements are: (ASCII HEX,ASCII CHAR,DOT
-- LIST,UNICODE CHAR,MEANING).  The dot numbers are in column order.
type BRAILLE = (Int,Char,[Int],Char,String)

-- | ASCII 'Char' of 'BRAILLE'.
braille_ascii :: BRAILLE -> Char
braille_ascii (_,c,_,_,_) = c

-- | Unicode 'Char' of 'BRAILLE'.
braille_unicode :: BRAILLE -> Char
braille_unicode (_,_,_,c,_) = c

-- | Dot list of 'BRAILLE'.
braille_dots :: BRAILLE -> [Int]
braille_dots (_,_,d,_,_) = d

-- | ASCII Braille table.
-- > all id (map (\(x,c,_,_,_) -> x == fromEnum c) braille_table) == True
braille_table :: [BRAILLE]
braille_table =
    [(0x20,' ',[],'⠀'," ")
    ,(0x23,'#',[3,4,5,6],'⠼',"number prefix")
    ,(0x2C,',',[6],'⠠',"uppercase prefix")
    ,(0x2E,'.',[4,6],'⠨',"italic prefix")
    ,(0x37,'7',[2,3,5,6],'⠶',"( or )")
    ,(0x38,'8',[2,3,6],'⠦',"“ or ?")
    ,(0x3B,';',[5,6],'⠰',"letter prefix")
    ,(0x40,'@',[4],'⠈',"accent prefix")
    ,(0x5E,'^',[4,5],'⠘',"currency prefix")

-- | Lookup 'BRAILLE' value for unicode character.
-- > braille_lookup_unicode '⠝' == Just (0x4E,'N',[1,3,4,5],'⠝',"n")
braille_lookup_unicode :: Char -> Maybe BRAILLE
braille_lookup_unicode c = find ((== c) . braille_unicode) braille_table

-- | Lookup 'BRAILLE' value for ascii character (case invariant).
-- > braille_lookup_ascii 'N' == Just (0x4E,'N',[1,3,4,5],'⠝',"n")
braille_lookup_ascii :: Char -> Maybe BRAILLE
braille_lookup_ascii c = find ((== (toUpper c)) . braille_ascii) braille_table

-- | The arrangement of the 6-dot patterns into /decades/, sequences
-- of (1,10,3) cells.  The cell to the left of the decade is the empty
-- cell, the two cells to the right are the first two cells of the
-- decade shifted right.
-- For each decade there are two extra cells that shift
-- the first two cells of the decade right one place.  Subsequent
-- decades are derived by simple transformation of the first.  The
-- second is the first with the addition of dot @3@, the third adds
-- dots @3@ and @6@, the fourth adds dot @6@ and the fifth shifts the
-- first down one row.
-- The first decade has the 13 of the 16 4-dot patterns, the remaining
-- 3 are in the fifth decade, that is they are the three 4-dot
-- patterns that are down shifts of a 4-dot pattern.
-- > let trimap f (p,q,r) = (f p,f q,f r)
-- > let f = map (fromJust . decode) in map (trimap f) braille_64
braille_64 :: [(String,String,String)]
braille_64 =

-- | Transcribe ASCII to unicode braille.
-- > transcribe_unicode "BRAILLE ASCII CHAR GRID" == "⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑⠀⠁⠎⠉⠊⠊⠀⠉⠓⠁⠗⠀⠛⠗⠊⠙"
-- > transcribe_unicode "BRAILLE HTML TABLE GRID" == "⠃⠗⠁⠊⠇⠇⠑⠀⠓⠞⠍⠇⠀⠞⠁⠃⠇⠑⠀⠛⠗⠊⠙"
transcribe_unicode :: String -> String
transcribe_unicode = map (braille_unicode . fromJust . braille_lookup_ascii)

-- | Generate a character grid using inidicated values for filled and empty cells.
-- > let ch = (' ','.')
-- > putStrLn$ transcribe_char_grid ch "BRAILLE ASCII CHAR GRID"
-- > let ch = (white_circle,black_circle)
-- > putStrLn$ string_html_table $ transcribe_char_grid ch "BRAILLE HTML TABLE GRID"
transcribe_char_grid :: (Char,Char) -> String -> String
transcribe_char_grid (w,b) =
    unlines .
    map concat .
    transpose .
    map (dots_grid (w,b) . braille_dots . fromJust . braille_lookup_ascii)

-- | Generate 6-dot grid given (white,black) values.
-- > dots_grid (0,1) [1,2,3,5] == [[1,0],[1,1],[1,0]]
dots_grid :: (c,c) -> [Int] -> [[c]]
dots_grid (w,b) d =
    let f n = if n `elem` d then b else w
    in map (map f) [[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]]

string_html_table :: String -> String
string_html_table s =
    let f x = "<td>" ++ [x] ++ "</td>"
        g x = "<tr>" ++ concatMap f x ++ "</tr>"
        h x = "<table>" ++ concatMap g x ++ "</table>"
    in h (lines s)

{- | Decoding.

> let t0 = ["⠠⠁⠇⠇⠀⠓⠥⠍⠁⠝⠀⠆⠬⠎⠀⠜⠑⠀⠃⠕⠗⠝⠀⠋⠗⠑⠑⠀⠯⠀⠑⠟⠥⠁⠇⠀⠔⠀⠙⠊⠛⠝⠰⠽⠀⠯⠀⠐⠗⠎⠲"
>          ,"⠠⠮⠽⠀⠜⠑⠀⠢⠙⠪⠫⠀⠾⠀⠗⠂⠎⠕⠝⠀⠯⠀⠒⠎⠉⠊⠰⠑⠀⠯⠀⠩⠙⠀⠁⠉⠞⠀⠞⠪⠜⠙⠎⠀⠐⠕⠀⠁⠝⠕⠤"
>          ,"⠮⠗⠀⠔⠀⠁⠀⠸⠎⠀⠷⠀⠃⠗⠕⠮⠗⠓⠕⠕⠙⠲"]

> concatMap (fromMaybe "#" . decode) (concat t0)

decode :: Char -> Maybe String
decode c =
    case braille_lookup_unicode c of
      Just (_,_,_,_,s) -> Just s
      Nothing -> Nothing

-- | Start and end unicode indices.
braille_rng :: Integral i => (i,i)
braille_rng = (0x2800,0x28FF)

-- | All characters, in sequence.
-- > length braille_seq == 256
-- > putStrLn braille_seq
braille_seq :: [Char]
braille_seq = let (l,r) = braille_rng in [toEnum l .. toEnum r]

-- | The /n/th character, zero indexed.
braille_char :: Int -> Char
braille_char = toEnum . (+) 0x2800

-- | Two element index, 255 * 255 = 65025 places.
-- > map braille_ix [100,300]
braille_ix :: Int -> (Char,Char)
braille_ix n =
    let (i,j) = n `divMod` 255
        f k = braille_char (k + 1)
    in (f i,f j)

-- | HTML character encoding (as hex integer).
-- > unwords $ map unicode_html braille_seq
unicode_html :: Char -> String
unicode_html = printf "&#x%x;" . fromEnum

-- * Unicode

-- | White (empty) circle.
white_circle :: Char
white_circle = '○'

-- | Black (filled) circle.
black_circle :: Char
black_circle = '●'

-- | Shaded (hatched) circle.
shaded_circle :: Char
shaded_circle = '◍'

-- * Contractions

-- | Table of one letter contractions.
one_letter_contractions :: [(Char,String)]
one_letter_contractions =