-- | Common music keys.
module Music.Theory.Key where

import Control.Monad {- base -}
import Data.Char {- base -}
import Data.List {- base -}
import Data.Maybe {- base -}

import qualified Music.Theory.List as T
import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch as T
import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch.Name as T
import qualified Music.Theory.Pitch.Note as T
import qualified Music.Theory.Interval as T

-- | Enumeration of common music notation modes.
data Mode_T = Minor_Mode | Major_Mode
              deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Pretty printer for 'Mode_T'.
mode_pp :: Mode_T -> String
mode_pp m =
    case m of
      Minor_Mode -> "Minor"
      Major_Mode -> "Major"

-- | Lower-cased 'mode_pp'.
mode_identifier_pp :: Mode_T -> String
mode_identifier_pp = map toLower . mode_pp

-- | There are two modes, given one return the other.
mode_parallel :: Mode_T -> Mode_T
mode_parallel m = if m == Minor_Mode then Major_Mode else Minor_Mode

mode_pc_seq :: Num t => Mode_T -> [t]
mode_pc_seq md =
    case md of
      Major_Mode -> [0,2,4,5,7,9,11]
      Minor_Mode -> [0,2,3,5,7,8,10]

-- | A common music notation key is a 'Note_T', 'Alteration_T', 'Mode_T' triple.
type Key = (T.Note_T,T.Alteration_T,Mode_T)

-- | 'Mode_T' of 'Key'.
key_mode :: Key -> Mode_T
key_mode (_,_,m) = m

-- | Enumeration of 42 CMN keys.
-- > length key_sequence_42 == 7 * 3 * 2
key_sequence_42 :: [Key]
key_sequence_42 =
    let a_seq = [T.Flat,T.Natural,T.Sharp]
        m_seq = [Major_Mode,Minor_Mode]
    in [(n,a,m) | n <- T.note_seq,a <- a_seq,m <- m_seq]

-- | Subset of 'key_sequence' not including very eccentric keys (where
-- there are more than 7 alterations).
-- > length key_sequence_30 == 30
key_sequence_30 :: [Key]
key_sequence_30 = filter (\k -> maybe False ((< 8) . abs) (key_fifths k)) key_sequence_42

-- | Parallel key, ie. 'mode_parallel' of 'Key'.
key_parallel :: Key -> Key
key_parallel (n,a,m) = (n,a,mode_parallel m)

-- | Transposition of 'Key'.
key_transpose :: Key -> Int -> Key
key_transpose (n,a,m) x =
    let Just pc = T.note_alteration_to_pc (n,a)
        Just (n',a') = T.pc_to_note_alteration_ks ((pc + x) `mod` 12)
    in (n',a',m)

-- | Relative key (ie. 'mode_parallel' with the same number of and type of alterations.
-- > let k = [(T.C,T.Natural,Major_Mode),(T.E,T.Natural,Minor_Mode)]
-- > in map (key_lc_uc_pp . key_relative) k == ["a♮","G♮"]
key_relative :: Key -> Key
key_relative k =
    case key_mode k of
      Major_Mode -> key_parallel (key_transpose k 9)
      Minor_Mode -> key_parallel (key_transpose k 3)

-- | Mediant minor of major key.
-- > key_mediant (T.C,T.Natural,Major_Mode) == Just (T.E,T.Natural,Minor_Mode)
key_mediant :: Key -> Maybe Key
key_mediant k =
    case key_mode k of
      Major_Mode -> Just (key_parallel (key_transpose k 4))
      _ -> Nothing

-- > fmap key_pc_set (key_lc_uc_parse "E")
key_pc_set :: Integral i => Key -> [i]
key_pc_set (n,a,md) =
    let pc0 = T.note_to_pc n + T.alteration_to_diff_err a
    in sort (map ((`mod` 12) . (+ pc0)) (mode_pc_seq md))

-- | Pretty-printer where 'Minor_Mode' is written in lower case (lc) and
-- alteration symbol is shown using indicated function.
key_lc_pp :: (T.Alteration_T -> String) -> Key -> String
key_lc_pp a_pp (n,a,m) =
    let c = T.note_pp n
        c' = if m == Minor_Mode then toLower c else c
    in c' : a_pp a

-- | 'key_lc_pp' with unicode (uc) alteration.
-- > map key_lc_uc_pp [(C,Sharp,Minor_Mode),(E,Flat,Major_Mode)] == ["c♯","E♭"]
key_lc_uc_pp :: Key -> String
key_lc_uc_pp = key_lc_pp (return . T.alteration_symbol)

-- | 'key_lc_pp' with ISO alteration.
key_lc_iso_pp :: Key -> String
key_lc_iso_pp = key_lc_pp T.alteration_iso

-- | 'key_lc_pp' with tonh alteration.
-- > map key_lc_tonh_pp [(T.C,T.Sharp,Minor_Mode),(T.E,T.Flat,Major_Mode)]
key_lc_tonh_pp :: Key -> String
key_lc_tonh_pp = key_lc_pp T.alteration_tonh

-- > map key_identifier_pp [(T.C,T.Sharp,Minor_Mode),(T.E,T.Flat,Major_Mode)]
key_identifier_pp :: (Show a, Show a1) => (a, a1, Mode_T) -> [Char]
key_identifier_pp (n,a,m) = map toLower (intercalate "_" [show n,show a,mode_pp m])

-- > import Data.Maybe
-- > mapMaybe note_char_to_key "CdEfGaB"
note_char_to_key :: Char -> Maybe Key
note_char_to_key c =
    let m = if isUpper c then Major_Mode else Minor_Mode
    in fmap (\n -> (n,T.Natural,m)) (T.parse_note_t True c)

-- | Parse 'Key' from /lc-uc/ string.
-- > import Data.Maybe
-- > let k = mapMaybe key_lc_uc_parse ["c","E","f♯","ab","G#"]
-- > in map key_lc_uc_pp k == ["c♮","E♮","f♯","a♭","G♯"]
key_lc_uc_parse :: String -> Maybe Key
key_lc_uc_parse k =
    let with_k a (n,_,m) = (n,a,m)
        with_a n a = fmap (with_k a) (note_char_to_key n)
    in case k of
         [c] -> note_char_to_key c
         [n,a] -> join (fmap (with_a n) (T.symbol_to_alteration_iso a))
         _ -> Nothing

-- | Distance along circle of fifths path of indicated 'Key'.  A
-- positive number indicates the number of sharps, a negative number
-- the number of flats.
-- > key_fifths (T.A,T.Natural,Minor_Mode) == Just 0
-- > key_fifths (T.A,T.Natural,Major_Mode) == Just 3
-- > key_fifths (T.C,T.Natural,Minor_Mode) == Just (-3)
-- > key_fifths (T.B,T.Sharp,Minor_Mode) == Just 9
-- > key_fifths (T.E,T.Sharp,Major_Mode) == Just 11
-- > key_fifths (T.B,T.Sharp,Major_Mode) == Nothing
-- > zip (map key_lc_iso_pp key_sequence_42) (map key_fifths key_sequence_42)
key_fifths :: Key -> Maybe Int
key_fifths (n,a,m) =
    let cf x = let (p,q) = T.circle_of_fifths x in p ++ q
        eq (T.Pitch n' a' _) = n == n' && a == a'
        ix = case m of
               Major_Mode -> findIndex eq (cf T.c4)
               Minor_Mode -> findIndex eq (cf T.a4)
    in fmap (\i -> if i < 13 then negate i else i - 12) ix

-- | Table mapping 'Key' to 'key_fifths' value.
key_fifths_tbl :: [(Key,Int)]
key_fifths_tbl =
    let f (k,n) = maybe Nothing (\n' -> Just (k,n')) n
    in mapMaybe f (zip key_sequence_42 (map key_fifths key_sequence_42))

-- | Lookup 'key_fifths' value in 'key_fifths_tbl'.
-- > let a = [0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5]
-- > let f md = map key_lc_iso_pp . mapMaybe (fifths_to_key md)
-- > f Minor_Mode a
-- > f Major_Mode a
fifths_to_key :: Mode_T -> Int -> Maybe Key
fifths_to_key md n =
    let eq_f = (\((_,_,md'),n') -> md == md' && n == n')
    in fmap fst (find eq_f key_fifths_tbl)

-- | Given sorted pitch-class set, find simplest implied key in given mode.
-- > mapMaybe (implied_key Major_Mode) [[0,2,4],[1,3],[4,10],[3,9],[8,9]]
-- > map (implied_key Major_Mode) [[0,1,2],[0,1,3,4]] == [Nothing,Nothing]
implied_key :: Integral i => Mode_T -> [i] -> Maybe Key
implied_key md pc_set =
    let a_seq = [0,1,-1,2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5,6,-6]
        key_seq = mapMaybe (fifths_to_key md) a_seq
    in find (\k -> pc_set `T.is_subset` key_pc_set k) key_seq

-- | 'key_fifths' of 'implied_key'.
implied_fifths :: Integral i => Mode_T -> [i] -> Maybe Int
implied_fifths md = join . fmap key_fifths . implied_key md

implied_key_err :: Integral i => Mode_T -> [i] -> Key
implied_key_err md = fromMaybe (error "implied_key") . implied_key md

implied_fifths_err :: Integral i => Mode_T -> [i] -> Int
implied_fifths_err md = fromMaybe (error "implied_fifths") . key_fifths . implied_key_err md