module Music.Theory.Bjorklund (bjorklund,xdot,iseq,iseq_str) where

Godfried T. Toussaint et. al.
"The distance geometry of music"
Journal of Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
Volume 42, Issue 5, July, 2009

import Data.List.Split

type STEP a = ((Int, Int), ([[a]], [[a]]))

left :: STEP a -> STEP a
left ((i,j),(xs,ys)) =
    let (xs',xs'') = splitAt j xs
    in ((j,i-j),(zipWith (++) xs' ys, xs''))

right :: STEP a -> STEP a
right ((i,j),(xs,ys)) =
    let (ys',ys'') = splitAt i ys
    in ((i,j-i),(zipWith (++) xs ys', ys''))

bjorklund' :: STEP a -> STEP a
bjorklund' (n,x) =
    let (i,j) = n
    in if min i j <= 1
       then (n,x)
       else bjorklund' (if i > j then left (n,x) else right (n,x))

bjorklund :: (Int, Int) -> [Bool]
bjorklund (i,j') =
    let j = j' - i
        x = replicate i [True]
        y = replicate j [False]
        (_,(x',y')) = bjorklund' ((i,j),(x,y))
    in concat x' ++ concat y'

xdot :: [Bool] -> String
xdot = map (\x -> if x then 'x' else '.')

iseq :: [Bool] -> [Int]
iseq = let f = split . keepDelimsL . whenElt
       in tail . map length . f (== True)

iseq_str :: [Bool] -> String
iseq_str = let f xs = "(" ++ concatMap show xs ++ ")"
           in f . iseq

xdot (bjorklund (5,9))
iseq_str (bjorklund (5,9))

let es = [(2,3),(2,5)
in map (\e -> let e' = bjorklund e in (e,xdot e',iseq_str e')) es


