{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- | Higher-order rewriting
module Data.Rewriting.HigherOrder where

import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Data.Comp
import Data.Comp.Derive
import Data.Comp.Ops
import Data.Comp.Render

import Data.Rewriting.Rules

-- | Representations supporting variable binding
class Bind r
    var :: Var r a -> r a
    lam :: (Var r a -> r b) -> r (a -> b)

-- | Functor representing object variables
newtype VAR a = Var Name
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Num, Enum, Real, Integral, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Functor representing lambda abstraction
data LAM a = Lam Name a
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Functor representing application
data APP a = App a a
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

derive [makeEqF, makeShowF, makeShowConstr] [''VAR]
derive [makeEqF, makeShowF, makeShowConstr] [''LAM]
derive [makeEqF, makeShowF, makeShowConstr] [''APP]

instance Render VAR
instance Render LAM
instance Render APP

fresh :: (LAM :<: f, Functor f, Foldable f) => Term f -> Name
fresh f
    | Just (Lam v _) <- project f = v+1
    | otherwise = maximum $ (0:) $ Foldable.toList $ fmap fresh $ unTerm f

-- | Generic lambda abstraction
    :: (Rep r, VAR :<: PF r, LAM :<: PF r, Functor (PF r), Foldable (PF r))
    => (VAR a -> Var r a) -> (Var r a -> r b) -> r (a -> b)
mkLam mkVar f = toRep $ inject $ Lam v $ fromRep body
    body = f (mkVar $ Var v)
    v    = fresh (fromRep body)

-- | Application operator, to use as argument to functions like 'applyFirst', 'bottomUp', etc.
app :: (APP :<: f) => Term (f :&: Set Name) -> Term (f :&: Set Name) -> Term (f :&: Set Name)
app f@(Term (_ :&: fv)) a@(Term (_ :&: av)) = Term (inj (App f a) :&: Set.union fv av)

type instance Var (LHS f) = VAR
type instance Var (RHS f) = VAR

instance (VAR :<: PF (LHS f), LAM :<: PF (LHS f), Functor f, Foldable f) =>
    Bind (LHS f)
    var = LHS . inject . Var . toInteger
    lam = mkLam id

instance (VAR :<: PF (RHS f), LAM :<: PF (RHS f), Functor f, Foldable f) =>
    Bind (RHS f)
    var = RHS . inject . Var . toInteger
    lam = mkLam id

-- | One-to-one map
type OneToOne a b = (Map a b, Map b a)

-- | Empty one-to-one map
oEmpty :: OneToOne a b
oEmpty = (Map.empty, Map.empty)

-- | Test if a mapping is in a one-to-one map
oMember :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a,b) -> OneToOne a b -> Bool
oMember (a,b) (ab,_) = case Map.lookup a ab of
    Just b' -> b == b'
    Nothing -> False

-- | Test if either side of a mapping is in a one-to-one map
oMemberEither :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a,b) -> OneToOne a b -> Bool
oMemberEither (a,b) (ab,ba) = Map.member a ab || Map.member b ba

-- | Left lookup in a one-to-one map
oLookupL :: Ord a => a -> OneToOne a b -> Maybe b
oLookupL a (ab,_) = Map.lookup a ab

-- | Insert a one-to-one mapping
oInsert :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a,b) -> OneToOne a b -> OneToOne a b
oInsert (a,b) (ab,ba) = (Map.insert a b ab', Map.insert b a ba')
    ab' = case Map.lookup b ba of
      Just a' -> Map.delete a' ab
      Nothing -> ab
    ba' = case Map.lookup a ab of
      Just b' -> Map.delete b' ba
      Nothing -> ba

getAnn :: Term (f :&: a) -> a
getAnn (Term (_ :&: a)) = a

-- | Environment keeping track of alpha-renaming
type AlphaEnv = OneToOne Name {-pattern-} Name {-term-}

-- | Higher-order matching. Results in a list of candidate mappings.
matchM :: forall f a
    .  ( VAR :<: f
       , LAM :<: f
       , VAR :<: PF (LHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (LHS f)
       , Functor f, Foldable f, EqF f
    => LHS f a
    -> Term (f :&: Set Name)
    -> ReaderT AlphaEnv (WriterT (Subst (f :&: Set Name)) Maybe) ()
matchM (LHS lhs) t = go lhs t
    go (Term (Inl WildCard)) _ = return ()

    go (Term (Inr (Inl (Meta mv)))) t = ReaderT $ \env -> goo env mv t
        goo :: AlphaEnv
            -> MetaExp (LHS f) b
            -> Term (f :&: Set Name)
            -> WriterT (Subst (f :&: Set Name)) Maybe ()
        goo env (MVar (MetaId m)) t
            | Set.null (Set.intersection boundInPatt freeIn_t) = tell [(m,t)]
            | otherwise = fail "Variables would escape"
            boundInPatt = Map.keysSet $ snd env
            freeIn_t    = getAnn t
        goo env (MApp mv (Var v)) t = do
          let Just w = oLookupL v env
                -- Lookup failure is a bug rather than a matching failure
          goo env mv (Term (inj (Lam w t) :&: Set.delete w (getAnn t)))

    go p (Term (g :&: _))
      | Just (Var v) <- project p
      , Just (Var w) <- proj g
      = do
          env <- ask
          guard ((v,w) `oMember` env)
            -- Rules should be closed, so `w` can't be free

    go p (Term (g :&: _))
      | Just (Lam v a) <- project p
      , Just (Lam w b) <- proj g
      = local (oInsert (v,w)) $ go a b

    go (Term (Inr (Inr f))) (Term (g :&: _))
      | Just subs <- eqMod f g
      = mapM_ (uncurry go) subs

    go _ _ = fail "No match"

-- | Alpha-equivalence
alphaEq :: (VAR :<: f, LAM :<: f, Functor f, Foldable f, EqF f) => Term f -> Term f -> Bool
alphaEq a b = runReader (go a b) oEmpty
    go t u
      | Just (Var v) <- project t
      , Just (Var w) <- project u
      = reader $ \env -> oMember (v,w) env || (not (oMemberEither (v,w) env) && v==w)
    go t u
      | Just (Lam v a) <- project t
      , Just (Lam w b) <- project u
      = local (oInsert (v,w)) $ go a b
    go (Term f) (Term g)
      | Just subs <- eqMod f g
      = fmap and $ mapM (uncurry go) subs
    go _ _ = return False

-- | Check if all terms are alpha-equivalent, and if so, return one of them
solveTermAlpha :: (VAR :<: f, LAM :<: f, Functor f, Foldable f, EqF f) =>
    [Term (f :&: a)] -> Maybe (Term (f :&: a))
solveTermAlpha (t:ts) = guard (all (alphaEq (stripA t)) (map stripA ts)) >> return t
solveTermAlpha _      = Nothing

-- | Turn a list of candidate mappings into a substitution. Succeeds iff. all mappings for the same
-- variable are alpha-equivalent.
solveSubstAlpha :: (VAR :<: f, LAM :<: f, Functor f, Foldable f, EqF f) =>
    Subst (f :&: a) -> Maybe (Subst (f :&: a))
solveSubstAlpha s = sequence [fmap (v,) $ solveTermAlpha ts | g <- gs, let (v:_,ts) = unzip g]
    gs = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) s
      -- TODO Make O(n * log n)

-- | Higher-order matching. Succeeds if the pattern matches and all occurrences of a given
-- meta-variable are matched against equal terms.
    :: ( VAR :<: f
       , LAM :<: f
       , VAR :<: PF (LHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (LHS f)
       , Functor f, Foldable f, EqF f
    => LHS f a -> Term (f :&: Set Name) -> Maybe (Subst (f :&: Set Name))
match lhs = solveSubstAlpha <=< execWriterT . flip runReaderT oEmpty . matchM lhs

-- | Annotate a node with its set of free variables
annFreeVars :: (VAR :<: f, LAM :<: f, Functor f, Foldable f) =>
    f (Term (f :&: Set Name)) -> Term (f :&: Set Name)
annFreeVars f
    | Just (Var v) <- proj f = Term (inj (Var v) :&: Set.singleton v)
annFreeVars f
    | Just (Lam v a) <- proj f
    = Term (inj (Lam v a) :&: Set.delete v (getAnn a))
annFreeVars f = Term (f :&: Foldable.foldMap getAnn f)

-- | Environment for aliases
type Aliases = (Map Name Name, Name)
  -- Invariant: The second component of the pair is a name that is greater than
  -- all names in the co-domain of the map.

-- | Set up an initial alias environment from a set of reserved names
initAliases :: Set Name -> Aliases
initAliases ns = (mp,next)
    mp   = Map.fromList [(n,n) | n <- Set.toList ns]
    next = Set.findMax (Set.insert (-1) ns) + 1

-- | Rename to a fresh name
rename :: Name -> Aliases -> (Name,Aliases)
rename n (mp,next) = case Map.lookup n mp of
    Nothing -> (n, (Map.insert n n mp, max next (n+1)))
    Just _  -> (next, (Map.insert n next mp, next + 1))

-- | Naive renaming. Use instead of 'rename' to get naive substitution.
renameNaive :: Name -> Aliases -> (Name,Aliases)
renameNaive n (mp,next) = (n, (Map.insert n n mp, max next (n+1)))

-- | Lookup a name in an alias environment
lookAlias :: Name -> Aliases -> Maybe Name
lookAlias n (mp,_) = Map.lookup n mp

-- | Capture-avoiding substitution. Succeeds iff. each meta-variable in 'RHS'
-- has a mapping in the substitution.
-- Uses the "rapier" method described in "Secrets of the Glasgow Haskell
-- Compiler inliner" (Peyton Jones and Marlow, JFP 2006) to rename variables
-- where there's risk for capturing.
substitute :: forall f g a
    .  ( VAR :<: f
       , LAM :<: f
       , VAR :<: PF (RHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (RHS f)
       , Traversable f
       , g ~ (f :&: Set Name)
    => (Term g -> Term g -> Term g)  -- ^ Application operator
    -> Subst g
    -> RHS f a
    -> Maybe (Term g)
substitute app subst rhs = go (initAliases (Set.union fvS fvR)) (unRHS rhs)
    -- Free variables in the co-domain of the substitution
    fvS = Foldable.fold [fv | (_, Term (_ :&: fv)) <- subst]

    -- Free variables in the RHS
    Term (_ :&: fvR) = cata annFreeVars $ unRHS rhs
      -- It's usually strange to have free variables in the RHS since then the
      -- meaning of the rule depends on the context. But we take care of that
      -- situation here anyway.

    go :: Aliases -> Term (PF (RHS f)) -> Maybe (Term g)
    go aliases (Term (Inl (Meta mv))) = goo mv
        goo :: MetaExp (RHS f) b -> Maybe (Term g)
        goo (MVar (MetaId v)) = lookup v subst
        goo (MApp mv t)       = liftM2 app (goo mv) $ go aliases (unRHS t)
    go aliases t
        | Just (Var v) <- project t
        , Just v'      <- lookAlias v aliases
        = Just $ Term (inj (Var v') :&: Set.singleton v')
    go aliases t
        | Just (Lam v body) <- project t = do
            let (v',aliases') = rename v aliases
            body'@(Term (_ :&: fv)) <- go aliases' body
            return $ Term (inj (Lam v' body') :&: Set.delete v' fv)
    go aliases (Term (Inr f)) = fmap annFreeVars $ traverse (go aliases) f

-- | Apply a rule. Succeeds iff. both matching and substitution succeeds.
    :: ( VAR :<: f
       , LAM :<: f
       , VAR :<: PF (LHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (LHS f)
       , VAR :<: PF (RHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (RHS f)
       , Traversable f, EqF f
       , g ~ (f :&: Set Name)
    => (Term g -> Term g -> Term g)  -- ^ Application operator
    -> Rule (LHS f) (RHS f)
    -> Term g
    -> Maybe (Term g)
rewrite app (Rule lhs rhs) t = do
    subst <- match lhs t
    substitute app subst rhs

-- | Apply the first succeeding rule from a list of rules. If no rule succeeds the term is returned
-- unchanged.
    :: ( VAR :<: f
       , LAM :<: f
       , VAR :<: PF (LHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (LHS f)
       , VAR :<: PF (RHS f)
       , LAM :<: PF (RHS f)
       , Traversable f, EqF f
       , g ~ (f :&: Set Name)
    => (Term g -> Term g -> Term g)  -- ^ Application operator
    -> [Rule (LHS f) (RHS f)]
    -> Term g
    -> Term g
applyFirst app rs t = case [t' | r <- rs, Just t' <- [rewrite app r t]] of
    t':_ -> t'
    _    -> t

-- | Prepare a term for rewriting by annotating each node with its set of free
-- variables
prepare :: (VAR :<: f, LAM :<: f, Functor f, Foldable f) => Term f -> Term (f :&: Set Name)
prepare = cata annFreeVars

-- | Strip out the annotations from a term
stripAnn :: Functor f => Term (f :&: a) -> Term f
stripAnn = cata (\(f :&: _) -> Term f)

-- | Apply a higher-order rewriter to a term
-- Typically used as @`rewriteWith` (`bottomUp` (`applyFirst` ...)) :: (...) => Term f -> Term f@,
-- where @f@ is not annotated
    :: ( VAR :<: f
       , LAM :<: f
       , Functor f
       , Foldable f
       , g ~ (f :&: Set Name)
    => (Term g -> Term g) -> Term f -> Term f
rewriteWith rew = stripAnn . rew . prepare