{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | A simple http client to request OAuth2 tokens and several utils. module Network.OAuth.OAuth2.HttpClient where import Control.Monad (liftM) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT) import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL import Data.Maybe import Network.HTTP.Conduit import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT import Network.OAuth.OAuth2.Internal -------------------------------------------------- -- * Retrieve access token -------------------------------------------------- -- | Request (via POST method) "Access Token". -- -- fetchAccessToken :: OAuth2 -- ^ OAuth Data -> BS.ByteString -- ^ Authentication code gained after authorization -> IO (OAuth2Result AccessToken) -- ^ Access Token fetchAccessToken oa code = doJSONPostRequest uri body where (uri, body) = accessTokenUrl oa code -- | Request the "Refresh Token". fetchRefreshToken :: OAuth2 -- ^ OAuth context -> BS.ByteString -- ^ refresh token gained after authorization -> IO (OAuth2Result AccessToken) fetchRefreshToken oa rtoken = doJSONPostRequest uri body where (uri, body) = refreshAccessTokenUrl oa rtoken -- | Conduct post request and return response as JSON. doJSONPostRequest :: FromJSON a => URI -- ^ The URL -> PostBody -- ^ request body -> IO (OAuth2Result a) -- ^ Response as ByteString doJSONPostRequest uri body = liftM parseResponseJSON (doSimplePostRequest uri body) -- | Conduct post request. doSimplePostRequest :: URI -- ^ URL -> PostBody -- ^ Request body. -> IO (OAuth2Result BSL.ByteString) -- ^ Response as ByteString doSimplePostRequest url body = liftM handleResponse go where go = do req <- parseUrl $ BS.unpack url let req' = updateRequestHeaders Nothing req withManager $ httpLbs (urlEncodedBody body req') -------------------------------------------------- -- * AUTH requests -------------------------------------------------- -- | Conduct GET request and return response as JSON. authGetJSON :: FromJSON a => AccessToken -> URI -- ^ Full URL -> IO (OAuth2Result a) -- ^ Response as JSON authGetJSON t uri = liftM parseResponseJSON $ authGetBS t uri -- | Conduct GET request. authGetBS :: AccessToken -> URI -- ^ URL -> IO (OAuth2Result BSL.ByteString) -- ^ Response as ByteString authGetBS token url = liftM handleResponse go where go = do req <- parseUrl $ BS.unpack $ url `appendAccessToken` token authenticatedRequest token HT.GET req -- | Conduct POST request and return response as JSON. authPostJSON :: FromJSON a => AccessToken -> URI -- ^ Full URL -> PostBody -> IO (OAuth2Result a) -- ^ Response as JSON authPostJSON t uri pb = liftM parseResponseJSON $ authPostBS t uri pb -- | Conduct POST request. authPostBS :: AccessToken -> URI -- ^ URL -> PostBody -> IO (OAuth2Result BSL.ByteString) -- ^ Response as ByteString authPostBS token url pb = liftM handleResponse go where body = pb ++ accessTokenToParam token go = do req <- parseUrl $ BS.unpack url authenticatedRequest token HT.POST $ urlEncodedBody body req -- |Sends a HTTP request including the Authorization header with the specified -- access token. -- authenticatedRequest :: AccessToken -- ^ Authentication token to use -> HT.StdMethod -- ^ Method to use -> Request (ResourceT IO) -- ^ Request to perform -> IO (Response BSL.ByteString) authenticatedRequest token m r = withManager $ httpLbs $ updateRequestHeaders (Just token) $ setMethod m r -- { checkStatus = \_ _ _ -> Nothing } -- | Sets the HTTP method to use -- setMethod :: HT.StdMethod -> Request m -> Request m setMethod m req = req { method = HT.renderStdMethod m } -------------------------------------------------- -- * Utilities -------------------------------------------------- -- | Parses a @Response@ to to @OAuth2Result@ -- handleResponse :: Response BSL.ByteString -> OAuth2Result BSL.ByteString handleResponse rsp = if HT.statusCode (responseStatus rsp) == 200 then Right $ responseBody rsp else Left $ BSL.append "Gaining token failed: " (responseBody rsp) -- | Parses a @OAuth2Result BSL.ByteString@ into @FromJSON a => a@ -- parseResponseJSON :: FromJSON a => OAuth2Result BSL.ByteString -> OAuth2Result a parseResponseJSON (Left b) = Left b parseResponseJSON (Right b) = case decode b of Nothing -> Left ("Could not decode JSON" `BSL.append` b) Just x -> Right x -- | set several header values. -- + userAgennt : hoauth2 -- + accept : application/json -- + authorization : Bearer xxxxx if AccessToken provided. -- updateRequestHeaders :: Maybe AccessToken -> Request m -> Request m updateRequestHeaders t req = let extras = [ (HT.hUserAgent, "hoauth2") , (HT.hAccept, "application/json") ] bearer = [(HT.hAuthorization, "Bearer " `BS.append` (accessToken $ fromJust t)) | isJust t] headers = bearer ++ extras ++ requestHeaders req in req { requestHeaders = headers }