@exclude ^_.* getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator .*Listener getResourceDeclarationList # returns a String, which is converted to char* -> error. getErrorDescription getSetting writeContentsToTimestampedFile validateConfigOptions # private class as parameter type. resourceExists resourceModifiedTime @header OGRE/Ogre.h @rename # These may be defined twice, once in types.h, once in # OGRE namespace. Resolve conflict. uint|unsigned int ulong|unsigned long ushort|unsigned short # Superclass typedefs. ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult|std::pair TransformSpace|Node::TransformSpace DebugRenderable|Node::DebugRenderable WorldFragmentType|SceneQuery::WorldFragmentType # OGRE typedefs. Real|float uchar|unsigned char # Implicit coercion. String|char* @exclude-class # Abstract class based on superclass. AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery SphereSceneQuery .*Listener