{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.ModelAction.Window 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2013 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.ModelAction.Window where

-- from other packages
import           Control.Lens (view)
import           Control.Monad.Trans 
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import           Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get,set)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk (set)
import           System.FilePath
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.Device
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Event
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Type.Window
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Util

-- | set frame title according to file name
setTitleFromFileName :: HoodleState -> IO () 
setTitleFromFileName xstate = do 
  case view (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName) xstate of
    Nothing -> Gtk.set (view rootOfRootWindow xstate) 
                       [ windowTitle := "untitled" ]
    Just filename -> Gtk.set (view rootOfRootWindow xstate) 
                             [ windowTitle := takeFileName filename] 

-- | 
newCanvasId :: CanvasInfoMap -> CanvasId 
newCanvasId cmap = 
  let cids = M.keys cmap 
  in  (maximum cids) + 1  

-- | initialize CanvasInfo with creating windows and connect events
initCanvasInfo :: ViewMode a => HoodleState -> CanvasId -> IO (CanvasInfo a)
initCanvasInfo xstate cid = 
  minimalCanvasInfo xstate cid >>= connectDefaultEventCanvasInfo xstate

-- | only creating windows 
minimalCanvasInfo :: ViewMode a => HoodleState -> CanvasId -> IO (CanvasInfo a)
minimalCanvasInfo _xstate cid = do 
    canvas <- drawingAreaNew
    scrwin <- scrolledWindowNew Nothing Nothing 
    containerAdd scrwin canvas
    hadj <- adjustmentNew 0 0 500 100 200 200 
    vadj <- adjustmentNew 0 0 500 100 200 200 
    scrolledWindowSetHAdjustment scrwin hadj 
    scrolledWindowSetVAdjustment scrwin vadj 
    -- scrolledWindowSetPolicy scrwin PolicyAutomatic PolicyAutomatic 
    return $ CanvasInfo cid canvas Nothing scrwin (error "no viewInfo" :: ViewInfo a) 0 hadj vadj Nothing Nothing defaultCanvasWidgets

-- | only connect events 

connectDefaultEventCanvasInfo :: ViewMode a =>  
                                 HoodleState -> CanvasInfo a -> IO (CanvasInfo a )
connectDefaultEventCanvasInfo xstate cinfo = do 
    let callback = view callBack xstate
        dev = view deviceList xstate 
        canvas = _drawArea cinfo 
        cid = _canvasId cinfo 
        scrwin = _scrolledWindow cinfo
        hadj = _horizAdjustment cinfo 
        vadj = _vertAdjustment cinfo 

    _sizereq <- canvas `on` sizeRequest $ return (Requisition 800 400)    
    _bpevent <- canvas `on` buttonPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do 
                 (mbtn,p) <- getPointer dev
                 let pbtn = maybe PenButton1 id mbtn
                 liftIO (callback (PenDown cid pbtn p))
    _confevent <- canvas `on` configureEvent $ tryEvent $ do 
                   (w,h) <- eventSize 
                   liftIO $ callback 
                     (CanvasConfigure cid (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h))
    _brevent <- canvas `on` buttonReleaseEvent $ tryEvent $ do 
                 (_,p) <- getPointer dev
                 liftIO (callback (PenUp cid p))
    _exposeev <- canvas `on` exposeEvent $ tryEvent $ do 
                  liftIO $ callback (UpdateCanvas cid) 
    canvas `on` motionNotifyEvent $ tryEvent $ do 
      (_,p) <- getPointer dev
      liftIO $ callback (PenMove cid p)

    -- drag and drop setting
    dragDestSet canvas [DestDefaultMotion, DestDefaultDrop] [ActionCopy]
    dragDestAddTextTargets canvas
    canvas `on` dragDataReceived $ \_dc pos _i _ts -> do 
      s <- selectionDataGetText 
      liftIO $ callback (GotLink s pos)
      liftIO . putStrLn $ case s of 
        Nothing -> "didn't understand the drop"
        Just s -> "understood. here it is : <" ++ s ++ ">" ++ " and pos is <" ++ show pos ++ ">" 
    dragSourceSet canvas [Button1] [ActionCopy]
    dragSourceAddTextTargets canvas
    canvas `on` dragBegin $ \dc -> do 
      liftIO $ putStrLn "dragging"

    canvas `on` enterNotifyEvent $ tryEvent $ do 
      win <- liftIO $ widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
      liftIO $ drawWindowSetCursor win (Just cursorDot)
      return ()
    widgetAddEvents canvas [PointerMotionMask,Button1MotionMask]      
    let ui = view gtkUIManager xstate 
    agr <- liftIO ( uiManagerGetActionGroups ui >>= \x ->
                      case x of 
                        [] -> error "No action group? "
                        y:_ -> return y )
    uxinputa <- liftIO (actionGroupGetAction agr "UXINPUTA" >>= \(Just x) -> 
                          return (castToToggleAction x) )
    b <- liftIO $ toggleActionGetActive uxinputa
    if b then widgetSetExtensionEvents canvas [ExtensionEventsAll]
         else widgetSetExtensionEvents canvas [ExtensionEventsNone]
    hadjconnid <- afterValueChanged hadj $ do 
                    v <- adjustmentGetValue hadj 
                    callback (HScrollBarMoved cid v)
    vadjconnid <- afterValueChanged vadj $ do 
                    v <- adjustmentGetValue vadj     
                    callback (VScrollBarMoved cid v)
    Just vscrbar <- scrolledWindowGetVScrollbar scrwin
    _bpevtvscrbar <- vscrbar `on` buttonPressEvent $ do 
                      v <- liftIO $ adjustmentGetValue vadj 
                      liftIO (callback (VScrollBarStart cid v))
                      return False
    _brevtvscrbar <- vscrbar `on` buttonReleaseEvent $ do 
                      v <- liftIO $ adjustmentGetValue vadj 
                      liftIO (callback (VScrollBarEnd cid v))
                      return False
    return $ cinfo { _horizAdjConnId = Just hadjconnid
                   , _vertAdjConnId = Just vadjconnid }
-- | recreate windows from old canvas info but no event connect

reinitCanvasInfoStage1 :: (ViewMode a) => 
                           ->  CanvasInfo a -> IO (CanvasInfo a)
reinitCanvasInfoStage1 xstate oldcinfo = do 
  let cid = view canvasId oldcinfo 
  newcinfo <- minimalCanvasInfo xstate cid      
  return $ newcinfo { _viewInfo = _viewInfo oldcinfo 
                    , _currentPageNum = _currentPageNum oldcinfo 

-- | event connect

reinitCanvasInfoStage2 :: (ViewMode a) => 
                           HoodleState -> CanvasInfo a -> IO (CanvasInfo a)
reinitCanvasInfoStage2 = connectDefaultEventCanvasInfo
-- | event connecting for all windows                          
eventConnect :: HoodleState -> WindowConfig 
                -> IO (HoodleState,WindowConfig)
eventConnect xstate (Node cid) = do 
    let cmap = getCanvasInfoMap xstate 
        cinfobox = maybeError' "eventConnect" $ M.lookup cid cmap
    ncinfobox <- insideAction4CvsInfoBoxF (reinitCanvasInfoStage2 xstate) cinfobox
    let xstate' = updateFromCanvasInfoAsCurrentCanvas ncinfobox xstate
    return (xstate', Node cid)        
eventConnect xstate (HSplit wconf1 wconf2) = do  
    (xstate',wconf1') <- eventConnect xstate wconf1 
    (xstate'',wconf2') <- eventConnect xstate' wconf2 
    return (xstate'',HSplit wconf1' wconf2')
eventConnect xstate (VSplit wconf1 wconf2) = do  
    (xstate',wconf1') <- eventConnect xstate wconf1 
    (xstate'',wconf2') <- eventConnect xstate' wconf2 
    return (xstate'',VSplit wconf1' wconf2')
{-    case cinfobox of       
      CanvasInfoBox cinfo -> do 
        ncinfo <- reinitCanvasInfoStage2 xstate cinfo 
        let xstate' = updateFromCanvasInfoAsCurrentCanvas (CanvasInfoBox ncinfo) xstate -}

-- | default construct frame     

constructFrame :: HoodleState -> WindowConfig 
                  -> IO (HoodleState,Widget,WindowConfig)
constructFrame hst wcfg = do 
  putStrLn "in constructFrame"
  constructFrame' (CanvasSinglePage defaultCvsInfoSinglePage) hst wcfg 

-- | construct frames with template

constructFrame' :: CanvasInfoBox -> 
                   HoodleState -> WindowConfig 
                   -> IO (HoodleState,Widget,WindowConfig)
constructFrame' template oxstate (Node cid) = do 
    let ocmap = getCanvasInfoMap oxstate 

    (cinfobox,_cmap,xstate) <- case M.lookup cid ocmap of 
      Just cinfobox' -> return (cinfobox',ocmap,oxstate)
      Nothing -> do 
        let cinfobox' = setCanvasId cid template 
            cmap' = M.insert cid cinfobox' ocmap
            xstate' = maybe oxstate id (setCanvasInfoMap cmap' oxstate)
        return (cinfobox',cmap',xstate')
    ncinfobox <- insideAction4CvsInfoBoxF (reinitCanvasInfoStage1 xstate) cinfobox
    let xstate' = updateFromCanvasInfoAsCurrentCanvas ncinfobox xstate
    let scrwin = fmap4CvsInfoBox (castToWidget.view scrolledWindow) ncinfobox
    return (xstate', scrwin, Node cid)
constructFrame' template xstate (HSplit wconf1 wconf2) = do  
    (xstate',win1,wconf1') <- constructFrame' template xstate wconf1     
    (xstate'',win2,wconf2') <- constructFrame' template xstate' wconf2 
    let callback = view callBack xstate'' 
    hpane' <- hPanedNew
    hpane' `on` buttonPressEvent $ do 
      liftIO (callback PaneMoveStart)
      return False 
    hpane' `on` buttonReleaseEvent $ do 
      liftIO (callback PaneMoveEnd)
      return False       
    panedPack1 hpane' win1 True False
    panedPack2 hpane' win2 True False
    widgetShowAll hpane' 
    return (xstate'',castToWidget hpane', HSplit wconf1' wconf2')
constructFrame' template xstate (VSplit wconf1 wconf2) = do  
    (xstate',win1,wconf1') <- constructFrame' template xstate wconf1 
    (xstate'',win2,wconf2') <- constructFrame' template xstate' wconf2 
    let callback = view callBack xstate''     
    vpane' <- vPanedNew 
    vpane' `on` buttonPressEvent $ do 
      liftIO (callback PaneMoveStart)
      return False 
    vpane' `on` buttonReleaseEvent $ do 
      liftIO (callback PaneMoveEnd)
      return False 
    panedPack1 vpane' win1 True False
    panedPack2 vpane' win2 True False
    widgetShowAll vpane' 
    return (xstate'',castToWidget vpane', VSplit wconf1' wconf2')

{-    case cinfobox of       
      CanvasInfoBox cinfo -> do 
        ncinfo <- reinitCanvasInfoStage1 xstate cinfo 
        let xstate' = updateFromCanvasInfoAsCurrentCanvas (CanvasInfoBox ncinfo) xstate -}