{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Coroutine.Pen 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2013 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.Coroutine.Pen where

-- from other packages
import           Control.Category
import           Control.Lens (view,set)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.State
-- import Control.Monad.Trans
import           Data.Sequence hiding (filter)
-- import qualified Data.Map as M
import           Data.Maybe 
import           Data.Time.Clock 
-- import           Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get,set,disconnect)
-- from hoodle-platform
import           Data.Hoodle.Predefined
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Device 
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Commit
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Pen
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.Event
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Type.Predefined 
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Util
import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate
import           Hoodle.View.Draw
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

-- | page switch if pen click a page different than the current page
penPageSwitch :: PageNum -> MainCoroutine CanvasInfoBox 
penPageSwitch pgn = do 
    xstate <- get
    let cibox = view currentCanvasInfo xstate     
        ncibox = insideAction4CvsInfoBox (set currentPageNum (unPageNum pgn)) cibox 
    put (set currentCanvasInfo ncibox xstate) 
    return ncibox 

-- | Common Pen Work starting point 
commonPenStart :: (forall a. ViewMode a => CanvasInfo a -> PageNum -> CanvasGeometry  
                    -> (Double,Double) -> MainCoroutine () )
               -> CanvasId -> PointerCoord 
               -> MainCoroutine ()
commonPenStart action cid pcoord = do
    oxstate <- get 
    let currcid = getCurrentCanvasId oxstate
    when (cid /= currcid) (changeCurrentCanvasId cid >> invalidateAll)
    nxstate <- get
    boxAction f . getCanvasInfo cid $ nxstate
  where f :: forall b. (ViewMode b) => CanvasInfo b -> MainCoroutine ()
        f cvsInfo = do 
          let cpn = PageNum . view currentPageNum $ cvsInfo
              arr = view (viewInfo.pageArrangement) cvsInfo              
              canvas = view drawArea cvsInfo
          geometry <- liftIO $ makeCanvasGeometry cpn arr canvas
          let pagecoord = desktop2Page geometry . device2Desktop geometry $ pcoord 
          maybeFlip pagecoord (return ()) 
            $ \(pgn,PageCoord (x,y)) -> do 
                 nCvsInfo <- if (cpn /= pgn) 
                               then do penPageSwitch pgn
                                    -- temporary dirty fix 
                                       return (set currentPageNum (unPageNum pgn) cvsInfo )
                               else return cvsInfo                   
                 action nCvsInfo pgn geometry (x,y) 

-- | enter pen drawing mode
penStart :: CanvasId -> PointerCoord -> MainCoroutine () 
penStart cid pcoord = commonPenStart penAction cid pcoord
  where penAction :: forall b. (ViewMode b) => CanvasInfo b -> PageNum -> CanvasGeometry -> (Double,Double) -> MainCoroutine ()
        penAction _cinfo pnum geometry (x,y) = do 
          xstate <- get
          let PointerCoord _ _ _ z = pcoord 
          let currhdl = unView . view hoodleModeState $ xstate        
              pinfo = view penInfo xstate
          pdraw <-penProcess cid pnum geometry (empty |> (x,y,z)) ((x,y),z) 
          case viewl pdraw of 
            EmptyL -> return ()
            (x1,_y1,_z1) :< _rest -> do 
              if x1 <= 1e-3      -- this is ad hoc but.. 
                then do 
                  liftIO $ putStrLn " horizontal line cured !" 
                else do  
                  (newhdl,bbox) <- liftIO $ addPDraw pinfo currhdl pnum pdraw
                  commit . set hoodleModeState (ViewAppendState newhdl) 
                    =<< (liftIO (updatePageAll (ViewAppendState newhdl) xstate))
                  let f = unDeskCoord . page2Desktop geometry . (pnum,) . PageCoord
                      nbbox = xformBBox f bbox 
                  invalidateAllInBBox (Just nbbox) BkgEfficient 

-- | main pen coordinate adding process
-- | now being changed
penProcess :: CanvasId -> PageNum 
           -> CanvasGeometry
           -> Seq (Double,Double,Double) -> ((Double,Double),Double) 
           -> MainCoroutine (Seq (Double,Double,Double))
penProcess cid pnum geometry pdraw ((x0,y0),z0) = do 
    r <- nextevent
    xst <- get 
    boxAction (fsingle r xst) . getCanvasInfo cid $ xst
    fsingle :: forall b. (ViewMode b) => 
               MyEvent -> HoodleState -> CanvasInfo b 
               -> MainCoroutine (Seq (Double,Double,Double))
    fsingle r xstate cvsInfo = 
      penMoveAndUpOnly r pnum geometry 
        (penProcess cid pnum geometry pdraw ((x0,y0),z0))
        (\(pcoord,(x,y)) -> do 
           let PointerCoord _ _ _ z = pcoord 
           let canvas = view drawArea cvsInfo
               msfc = view mDrawSurface cvsInfo 
               ptype  = view (penInfo.penType) xstate
               pcolor = view (penInfo.currentTool.penColor) xstate 
               pwidth = view (penInfo.currentTool.penWidth) xstate 
               (pcr,pcg,pcb,pca) = convertPenColorToRGBA pcolor 
               opacity = case ptype of 
                  HighlighterWork -> predefined_highlighter_opacity 
                  _ -> 1.0
               pcolRGBA = (pcr,pcg,pcb,pca*opacity) 
           let pressureType = case view (penInfo.variableWidthPen) xstate of 
                                True -> Pressure
                                False -> NoPressure
           liftIO $ drawCurvebitGen pressureType (canvas,msfc) geometry 
                      pwidth pcolRGBA pnum ((x0,y0),z0) ((x,y),z)
           penProcess cid pnum geometry (pdraw |> (x,y,z)) ((x,y),z) )
        (\_ -> return pdraw )

-- | 
skipIfNotInSamePage :: Monad m => 
                       PageNum -> CanvasGeometry -> PointerCoord 
                       -> m a 
                       -> ((PointerCoord,(Double,Double)) -> m a)
                       -> m a
skipIfNotInSamePage  pgn geometry pcoord skipaction ordaction =  
  switchActionEnteringDiffPage pgn geometry pcoord 
    skipaction (\_ _ -> skipaction ) (\_ (_,PageCoord xy)->ordaction (pcoord,xy)) 
-- |       
switchActionEnteringDiffPage :: Monad m => 
                                PageNum -> CanvasGeometry -> PointerCoord 
                                -> m a 
                                -> (PageNum -> (PageNum,PageCoordinate) -> m a)
                                -> (PageNum -> (PageNum,PageCoordinate) -> m a)
                                -> m a
switchActionEnteringDiffPage pgn geometry pcoord skipaction chgaction ordaction = do 
    let pagecoord = desktop2Page geometry . device2Desktop geometry $ pcoord 
    maybeFlip pagecoord skipaction 
      $ \(cpn, pxy) -> if pgn == cpn 
                       then ordaction pgn (cpn,pxy) 
                       else chgaction pgn (cpn,pxy)
-- | in page action  
penMoveAndUpOnly :: Monad m => MyEvent 
                    -> PageNum 
                    -> CanvasGeometry 
                    -> m a 
                    -> ((PointerCoord,(Double,Double)) -> m a) 
                    -> (PointerCoord -> m a) 
                    -> m a
penMoveAndUpOnly r pgn geometry defact moveaction upaction = 
  case r of 
    PenMove _ pcoord -> skipIfNotInSamePage pgn geometry pcoord defact moveaction
    PenUp _ pcoord -> upaction pcoord  
    _ -> defact 
-- | 
penMoveAndUpInterPage :: Monad m => MyEvent 
                      -> PageNum 
                      -> CanvasGeometry 
                      -> m a 
                      -> (PageNum -> (PageNum,PageCoordinate) -> m a) 
                      -> (PointerCoord -> m a) 
                      -> m a
penMoveAndUpInterPage r pgn geometry defact moveaction upaction = 
  case r of 
    PenMove _ pcoord -> 
      switchActionEnteringDiffPage pgn geometry pcoord defact moveaction moveaction  
    PenUp _ pcoord -> upaction pcoord  
    _ -> defact 

-- | process action when last time was before time diff limit, otherwise
--   just do default action.
processWithTimeInterval :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) =>         
                           NominalDiffTime   -- ^ time diff
                        -> (UTCTime -> m a)  -- ^ not larger than time diff bound
                        -> (UTCTime -> m a)  -- ^ larger than time diff bound 
                        -> UTCTime           -- ^ last updated time
                        -> m a
processWithTimeInterval tdiffbound defact updateact otime = do  
    ctime <- liftIO getCurrentTime 
    let dtime = diffUTCTime ctime otime 
    if dtime > tdiffbound then updateact ctime else defact otime 

-- |
processWithDefTimeInterval :: (Monad m, MonadIO m) =>         
                                 (UTCTime -> m a)  -- ^ not larger than time diff bound
                              -> (UTCTime -> m a)  -- ^ larger than time diff bound 
                              -> UTCTime           -- ^ last updated time
                              -> m a
processWithDefTimeInterval = processWithTimeInterval dtime_bound