{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.ModelAction.Select 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2013 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.ModelAction.Select where

-- from other package
import           Control.Lens (view,set)
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Algorithm.Diff
import           Data.Foldable (foldl')
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import qualified Data.Map as Map 
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Sequence (ViewL(..),viewl,Seq)
import           Data.Strict.Tuple
import           Data.Time.Clock
import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix ( invert, transformPoint )
import           Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get,set)
-- from hoodle-platform
import           Data.Hoodle.Generic
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
import           Data.Hoodle.Select 
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple hiding (Page,Hoodle)
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.HitTest
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util 
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util.HitTest
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Layer
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Pen 
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select.Transform
import           Hoodle.Type.Alias
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Type.Predefined 
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement

import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate

-- |
data Handle = HandleTL
            | HandleTR     
            | HandleBL
            | HandleBR
            | HandleTM
            | HandleBM
            | HandleML
            | HandleMR
            deriving (Show)
-- |                     
scaleFromToBBox :: BBox -> BBox -> (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double)
scaleFromToBBox (BBox (ox1,oy1) (ox2,oy2)) (BBox (nx1,ny1) (nx2,ny2)) (x,y) = 
  let scalex = (nx2-nx1) / (ox2-ox1)
      scaley = (ny2-ny1) / (oy2-oy1) 
      nx = (x-ox1)*scalex+nx1
      ny = (y-oy1)*scaley+ny1
  in (nx,ny)

-- |
isBBoxDeltaSmallerThan :: Double -> PageNum -> CanvasGeometry -> BBox -> BBox -> Bool 
isBBoxDeltaSmallerThan delta pnum geometry 
                       (BBox (x11,y11) (x12,y12)) (BBox (x21,y21) (x22,y22)) =   
    let (x11',y11') = coordtrans (x11,y11)
        (x12',y12') = coordtrans (x12,y12)
        (x21',y21') = coordtrans (x21,y21)
        (x22',y22') = coordtrans (x22,y22)
    in (x11'-x21' > (-delta) && x11'-x21' < delta) 
       && (y11'-y21' > (-delta) && y11'-y21' < delta)  
       && (x12'-x22' > (-delta) && x12'-x22' < delta)
       && (y11'-y21' > (-delta) && y12'-y22' < delta)
  where coordtrans (x,y) = unCvsCoord . desktop2Canvas geometry . page2Desktop geometry 
                           $ (pnum,PageCoord (x,y))

--       nbbox = bboxFromImage nimg
--  in ImageBBox nimg nbbox

-- |
getSelectedItms :: Page SelectMode -> [RItem]
getSelectedItms = either (const []) (concatMap unHitted . getB) . rItmsInActiveLyr   
-- |
getSelectedItmsFromHoodleState :: HoodleState -> Maybe [RItem] 
getSelectedItmsFromHoodleState xstate = 
  case view hoodleModeState xstate of 
    ViewAppendState _ -> Nothing 
    SelectState thdl -> fmap (getSelectedItms.Prelude.snd) (view gselSelected thdl)
-- | start a select mode with alter list selection 
makePageSelectMode :: Page EditMode  -- ^ base page 
                   -> TAlterHitted RItem -- ^ current selection layer (active layer will be replaced)
                   -> Page SelectMode -- ^ resultant select mode page
makePageSelectMode page alist =  
    let clyr = getCurrentLayer page
        nlyr= GLayer (view gbuffer clyr) (TEitherAlterHitted (Right alist))
    in set (glayers.selectedLayer) nlyr (mkHPage page) 

-- | get unselected part of page and make an ordinary page
deleteSelected :: Page SelectMode -> Page SelectMode 
deleteSelected tpage =
    let activelayer = rItmsInActiveLyr tpage
        buf = view (glayers.selectedLayer.gbuffer) tpage 
    in case activelayer of 
         Left _ -> tpage 
         Right alist -> 
           let leftstrs = concat (getA alist)
               layer' = GLayer buf . TEitherAlterHitted . Left $ leftstrs 
           in set (glayers.selectedLayer) layer' tpage 

-- |
updateTempHoodleSelect :: Hoodle SelectMode -> Page SelectMode -> Int 
                           -> Hoodle SelectMode 
updateTempHoodleSelect thdl tpage pagenum =                
  let pgs = view gselAll thdl 
      pgs' = M.adjust (const (hPage2RPage tpage)) pagenum pgs
  in set gselAll pgs' 
     . set gselSelected (Just (pagenum,tpage))
     $ thdl 
-- |
updateTempHoodleSelectIO :: Hoodle SelectMode -> Page SelectMode -> Int
                             -> IO (Hoodle SelectMode)
updateTempHoodleSelectIO thdl tpage pagenum = do   
  let pgs = view gselAll thdl 
  newpage <- (updatePageBuf.hPage2RPage) tpage
  let pgs' = M.adjust (const newpage) pagenum pgs
  return $  set gselAll pgs' 
            . set gselSelected (Just (pagenum,tpage))
            $ thdl 
-- |   
calculateWholeBBox :: [BBoxed Stroke] -> Maybe BBox  
calculateWholeBBox = toMaybe . mconcat . map ( Union . Middle. getBBox ) 
-- |     
hitInSelection :: Page SelectMode -> (Double,Double) -> Bool 
hitInSelection tpage point = 
   case rItmsInActiveLyr tpage of 
     Left _ -> False   
     Right alist -> 
       let Union bboxall = mconcat
                           . map ( Union . Middle. getBBox ) 
                           . takeHitted $ alist
       in  case bboxall of 
             Middle bbox -> isPointInBBox bbox point 
             _ -> False 
-- |    
getULBBoxFromSelected :: Page SelectMode -> ULMaybe BBox 
getULBBoxFromSelected tpage = 
    case rItmsInActiveLyr tpage of 
      Left _ -> Bottom
      Right alist -> bbox4All . takeHitted $ alist  

-- |
hitInHandle :: Page SelectMode -> (Double,Double) -> Bool 
hitInHandle tpage point = 
  case getULBBoxFromSelected tpage of 
    Middle bbox -> maybe False (const True) (checkIfHandleGrasped bbox point)
    _ -> False

-- |
toggleCutCopyDelete :: UIManager -> Bool -> IO ()
toggleCutCopyDelete ui b = do 
    agr <- uiManagerGetActionGroups ui >>= \x -> 
      case x of
        [] -> error "No action group?"
        y:_ -> return y
    Just deletea <- actionGroupGetAction agr "DELETEA"
    Just copya <- actionGroupGetAction agr "COPYA"
    Just cuta <- actionGroupGetAction agr "CUTA"
    let copycutdeletea = [copya,cuta,deletea] 
    mapM_ (flip actionSetSensitive b) copycutdeletea

-- |
togglePaste :: UIManager -> Bool -> IO ()
togglePaste ui b = do 
    agr <- uiManagerGetActionGroups ui >>= \x -> 
      case x of
        [] -> error "No action group?"
        y:_ -> return y
    Just pastea <- actionGroupGetAction agr "PASTEA"
    actionSetSensitive pastea b

-- |
changeStrokeColor :: PenColor -> BBoxed Stroke -> BBoxed Stroke
changeStrokeColor pcolor str =
  let Just cname = Map.lookup pcolor penColorNameMap 
      strsmpl = bbxed_content str 
  in str { bbxed_content = set color cname strsmpl } 
-- |
changeStrokeWidth :: Double -> BBoxed Stroke -> BBoxed Stroke
changeStrokeWidth pwidth str = 
    let nstrsmpl = case bbxed_content str of 
          Stroke t c _w d -> Stroke t c pwidth d
          VWStroke t c d -> Stroke t c pwidth (map (\(x,y,_z) -> (x:!:y)) d)
          -- Img b w h -> Img b w h
    in str { bbxed_content = nstrsmpl } 

-- | 
changeItemStrokeWidth :: Double -> RItem -> RItem 
changeItemStrokeWidth pwidth (RItemStroke strk) = RItemStroke (changeStrokeWidth pwidth strk)
changeItemStrokeWidth _ r = r 

-- | 
changeItemStrokeColor :: PenColor -> RItem -> RItem 
changeItemStrokeColor pcolor (RItemStroke strk) = RItemStroke (changeStrokeColor pcolor strk)
changeItemStrokeColor _ r = r 

-- |
newtype CmpBBox a = CmpBBox { unCmpBBox :: a }
               -- deriving Show
instance (GetBBoxable a) => Eq (CmpBBox a) where
  CmpBBox s1 == CmpBBox s2 = getBBox s1 == getBBox s2  
-- |
isSame :: DI -> Bool   
isSame B = True 
isSame _ = False 

-- |
separateFS :: [(DI,a)] -> ([a],[a])
separateFS = foldr f ([],[]) 
  where f (F,x) (fs,ss) = (x:fs,ss)
        f (S,x) (fs,ss) = (fs,x:ss)
        f (B,_x) (fs,ss) = (fs,ss)
-- |
getDiffBBox :: (GetBBoxable a) => [a] -> [a] -> [(DI,a)]
getDiffBBox lst1 lst2 = 
  let nlst1 = fmap CmpBBox lst1 
      nlst2 = fmap CmpBBox lst2 
      diffresult = getDiff nlst1 nlst2 
  in map (\(x,y)->(x,unCmpBBox y)) diffresult

-- |
checkIfHandleGrasped :: BBox -> (Double,Double) -> Maybe Handle
checkIfHandleGrasped (BBox (ulx,uly) (lrx,lry)) (x,y)  
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (ulx-5,uly-5) (ulx+5,uly+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleTL
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (lrx-5,uly-5) (lrx+5,uly+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleTR
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (ulx-5,lry-5) (ulx+5,lry+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleBL
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (lrx-5,lry-5) (lrx+5,lry+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleBR
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (0.5*(ulx+lrx)-5,uly-5) (0.5*(ulx+lrx)+5,uly+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleTM  
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (0.5*(ulx+lrx)-5,lry-5) (0.5*(ulx+lrx)+5,lry+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleBM
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (ulx-5,0.5*(uly+lry)-5) (ulx+5,0.5*(uly+lry)+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleML
  | isPointInBBox (BBox (lrx-5,0.5*(uly+lry)-5) (lrx+5,0.5*(uly+lry)+5)) (x,y) = Just HandleMR
  | otherwise = Nothing  
getNewBBoxFromHandlePos :: Handle -> BBox -> (Double,Double) -> BBox
getNewBBoxFromHandlePos handle (BBox (ox1,oy1) (ox2,oy2)) (x,y) =           
    case handle of
      HandleTL -> BBox (x,y) (ox2,oy2)
      HandleTR -> BBox (ox1,y) (x,oy2)
      HandleBL -> BBox (x,oy1) (ox2,y)
      HandleBR -> BBox (ox1,oy1) (x,y)
      HandleTM -> BBox (ox1,y) (ox2,oy2)
      HandleBM -> BBox (ox1,oy1) (ox2,y)
      HandleML -> BBox (x,oy1) (ox2,oy2)
      HandleMR -> BBox (ox1,oy1) (x,oy2)

angleBAC :: (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double 
angleBAC (bx,by) (ax,ay) (cx,cy) = 
    let theta1 | ax==bx && ay>by = pi/2.0 
               | ax==bx && ay<=by = -pi/2.0 
               | ax<bx && ay>by = atan ((ay-by)/(ax-bx)) + pi 
               | ax<bx && ay<=by = atan ((ay-by)/(ax-bx)) - pi
               | otherwise = atan ((ay-by)/(ax-bx)) 
        theta2 | cx==bx && cy>by = pi/2.0 
               | cx==bx && cy<=by = -pi/2.0                                         
               | cx<bx && cy>by = atan ((cy-by)/(cx-bx)) +pi
               | cx<bx && cy<=by = atan ((cy-by)/(cx-bx)) - pi
               | otherwise = atan ((cy-by)/(cx-bx))
        dtheta = theta2 - theta1 
        result | dtheta > pi = dtheta - 2.0*pi
               | dtheta < (-pi) = dtheta + 2.0*pi
               | otherwise = dtheta
    in result 

wrappingAngle :: Seq (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double
wrappingAngle lst p = 
    case viewl lst of 
      EmptyL -> 0 
      x :< xs -> Prelude.snd $ foldl' f (x,0) xs 
  where f (q',theta) q = let theta' = angleBAC p q' q
                         in theta' `seq` (q,theta'+theta)  
mappingDegree :: Seq (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Int    
mappingDegree lst = round . (/(2.0*pi)) . wrappingAngle lst 

-- | 
hitLassoPoint :: Seq (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Bool 
hitLassoPoint lst = odd . mappingDegree lst

-- | 
hitLassoStroke :: Seq (Double,Double) -> BBoxed Stroke -> Bool 
hitLassoStroke lst = all (hitLassoPoint lst) . getXYtuples . bbxed_content

-- | 
hitLassoItem :: Seq (Double,Double) -> RItem -> Bool 
hitLassoItem lst (RItemStroke strk) = hitLassoStroke lst strk 
hitLassoItem lst (RItemImage img _) = 
    hitLassoPoint lst (x1,y1) && hitLassoPoint lst (x1,y2)
    && hitLassoPoint lst (x2,y1) && hitLassoPoint lst (x2,y2)
  where BBox (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = getBBox img
hitLassoItem lst (RItemSVG svg _) = 
    hitLassoPoint lst (x1,y1) && hitLassoPoint lst (x1,y2)
    && hitLassoPoint lst (x2,y1) && hitLassoPoint lst (x2,y2)
  where BBox (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = getBBox svg
hitLassoItem lst (RItemLink lnk _) = 
    hitLassoPoint lst (x1,y1) && hitLassoPoint lst (x1,y2)
    && hitLassoPoint lst (x2,y1) && hitLassoPoint lst (x2,y2)
  where BBox (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = getBBox lnk

type TempSelection = TempRender [RItem]

data ItmsNImg = ItmsNImg { itmNimg_itms :: [RItem]
                         , itmNimg_mbbx :: Maybe BBox 
                         , imageSurface :: Surface } 

-- | 
mkItmsNImg :: CanvasGeometry -> Page SelectMode -> IO ItmsNImg
mkItmsNImg _geometry tpage = do 
  let itms = getSelectedItms tpage
      drawselection = mapM_ renderRItem itms -- (renderItem.rItem2Item) itms 
      Dim cw ch = view gdimension tpage 
      mbbox = case getULBBoxFromSelected tpage of 
                Middle bbox -> Just bbox 
                _ -> Nothing 
  sfc <- createImageSurface FormatARGB32 (floor cw) (floor ch) 
  renderWith sfc $ do 
    setSourceRGBA 1 1 1 0    
    rectangle 0 0 cw ch 
    setSourceRGBA 0 0 0 1
  return $ ItmsNImg itms mbbox sfc

-- | 
drawTempSelectImage :: CanvasGeometry 
                    -> TempRender ItmsNImg 
                    -> Matrix -- ^ transformation matrix
                    -> Render ()
drawTempSelectImage geometry tempselection xformmat = do 
    let sfc = imageSurface (tempInfo tempselection)
        CanvasDimension (Dim cw ch) = canvasDim geometry 
        invxformmat = invert xformmat 
        newvbbox = BBox (transformPoint invxformmat (0,0)) 
                        (transformPoint invxformmat (cw,ch))
        mbbox = itmNimg_mbbx (tempInfo tempselection)
        newmbbox = case unIntersect (Intersect (Middle newvbbox) `mappend` fromMaybe mbbox) of 
                     Middle bbox -> Just bbox 
                     _ -> Just newvbbox
    setMatrix xformmat
    clipBBox newmbbox
    setSourceSurface sfc 0 0 
    setOperator OperatorOver

-- | 
tempSelected :: TempSelection -> [RItem]
tempSelected = tempInfo 

mkTempSelection :: Surface -> (Double,Double) -> [RItem] -> TempSelection
mkTempSelection sfc (w,h) = TempRender sfc (w,h)  

-- | 
getNewCoordTime :: ((Double,Double),UTCTime) 
                   -> (Double,Double)
                   -> IO (Bool,((Double,Double),UTCTime))
getNewCoordTime (prev,otime) (x,y) = do 
    ntime <- getCurrentTime 
    let dtime = diffUTCTime ntime otime 
        willUpdate = dtime > dtime_bound
        (nprev,nntime) = if dtime > dtime_bound 
                         then ((x,y),ntime)
                         else (prev,otime)
    return (willUpdate,(nprev,nntime))

-- | 
adjustItemPosition4Paste :: CanvasGeometry -> PageNum -> [RItem] -> [RItem]
adjustItemPosition4Paste geometry pgn itms = 
    case bbox of 
      Middle (BBox (xs0,ys0) _) -> fmap (changeItemBy (offsetFunc (x0-xs0,y0-ys0))) itms  
      _ -> itms 
  where bbox = bbox4All itms
        ViewPortBBox (BBox (xv0,yv0) _) = canvasViewPort geometry 
        (x0,y0) = maybe (0,0) 
                    (\(pgn',norigin) -> if pgn == pgn' then unPageCoord norigin else (0,0))
                    $ desktop2Page geometry (DeskCoord (xv0,yv0))