-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Widget.PanZoom
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : GPL-3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Pan-Zoom widget drawing and action

module Hoodle.Widget.PanZoom where

-- from other packages
import           Control.Lens (view,set,over)
import           Control.Monad.Identity 
import           Control.Monad.State 
import           Data.List (delete)
import           Data.Time.Clock 
import           Graphics.Rendering.Cairo 
import           Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (get,set) 
import           System.Process
-- from hoodle-platform 
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util.HitTest
-- from this package 
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.File
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Page
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Pen 
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Scroll
import           Hoodle.Device
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page 
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.Event
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState 
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement 
import           Hoodle.Type.Widget
import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate
import           Hoodle.View.Draw

data PanZoomMode = Moving | Zooming | Panning Bool

data PanZoomTouch = TouchMode | PenMode 
                  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

checkPointerInPanZoom :: (ViewMode a) => 
                         (CanvasId,CanvasInfo a,CanvasGeometry) 
                      -> PointerCoord 
                      -> Maybe (Maybe (PanZoomMode,(CanvasCoordinate,CanvasCoordinate)))
checkPointerInPanZoom (cid,cinfo,geometry) pcoord 
  | b = 
    let oxy@(CvsCoord (x,y)) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord
        owxy@(CvsCoord (x0,y0)) = view (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetPosition) cinfo
        obbox = BBox (x0,y0) (x0+100,y0+100) 
        pbbox1 = BBox (x0+10,y0+10) (x0+50,y0+90)
        pbbox2 = BBox (x0+50,y0+10) (x0+90,y0+90)
        pbbox3 = BBox (x0,y0) (x0+10,y0+10)
        zbbox = BBox (x0+30,y0+30) (x0+70,y0+70)
    in if (isPointInBBox obbox (x,y))  
       then let mmode | isPointInBBox zbbox (x,y) = Just (Zooming,(oxy,owxy))
                   | isPointInBBox pbbox1 (x,y) = Just (Panning False,(oxy,owxy))
                   | isPointInBBox pbbox2 (x,y) = Just (Panning True,(oxy,owxy))
                   | isPointInBBox pbbox3 (x,y) = Nothing
                   | otherwise = Just (Moving,(oxy,owxy))
            in (Just mmode)
       else Nothing   
  | otherwise = Nothing 
  where b = view (canvasWidgets.widgetConfig.doesUsePanZoomWidget) cinfo

-- | 
startPanZoomWidget :: (ViewMode a) =>
                   -> (CanvasId,CanvasInfo a,CanvasGeometry)
                   -> Maybe (PanZoomMode,(CanvasCoordinate,CanvasCoordinate))
                   -> MainCoroutine ()
startPanZoomWidget tchmode (cid,cinfo,geometry) mmode = do 
    xst <- get 
    let hdl = getHoodle xst
    case mmode of 
      Nothing -> togglePanZoom cid
      Just (mode,(oxy,owxy)) -> do 
        (srcsfc,Dim wsfc hsfc) <- case mode of 
                                    Moving -> liftIO (canvasImageSurface Nothing geometry hdl)
                                    Zooming -> liftIO (canvasImageSurface (Just 1) geometry hdl)
                                    Panning _ -> liftIO (canvasImageSurface (Just 1) geometry hdl) 
        -- need to draw other widgets here                             
        let otherwidgets = delete PanZoomWidget allWidgets 
        liftIO $ renderWith srcsfc (drawWidgets otherwidgets hdl cinfo Nothing) 
        -- end : need to draw other widgets here ^^^
        tgtsfc <- liftIO $ createImageSurface FormatARGB32 (floor wsfc) (floor hsfc)
        ctime <- liftIO getCurrentTime 
        manipulatePZW (tchmode,mode) cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy ctime 
        liftIO $ surfaceFinish srcsfc 
        liftIO $ surfaceFinish tgtsfc

-- | 
findZoomXform :: Dimension 
               -> ((Double,Double),(Double,Double),(Double,Double)) 
               -> (Double,(Double,Double))
findZoomXform (Dim w h) ((xo,yo),(x0,y0),(x,y)) = 
    let tx = x - x0 
        ty = y - y0 
        ztx = 1 + tx / 200
        zty = 1 + ty / 200
        zx | ztx > 2 = 2  
           | ztx < 0.5 = 0.5
           | otherwise = ztx
        zy | zty > 2 = 2  
           | zty < 0.5 = 0.5
           | otherwise = zty                                          
        {- z | zx >= 1 && zy >= 1 = max zx zy
          | zx < 1 && zy < 1 = min zx zy 
          | otherwise = zx -}
        -- simplified
        z = zx 
        xtrans = (1 -z)*xo/z-w
        ytrans = (1- z)*yo/z-h 
    in (z,(xtrans,ytrans))

-- |
findPanXform :: Dimension 
             -> ((Double,Double),(Double,Double)) 
             -> (Double,Double)
findPanXform (Dim w h) ((x0,y0),(x,y)) = 
    let tx = x - x0 
        ty = y - y0 
        dx | tx > w = w 
           | tx < (-w) = -w 
           | otherwise = tx 
        dy | ty > h = h 
           | ty < (-h) = -h 
           | otherwise = ty 
    in ((dx-w),(dy-h))

-- | manipulate Pan-Zoom widget until released when grabbing the widget
manipulatePZW :: (PanZoomTouch,PanZoomMode) 
              -> CanvasId 
              -> CanvasGeometry 
              -> (Surface,Surface) -- ^ (Source Surface, Target Surface)
              -> CanvasCoordinate -- ^ original widget position
              -> CanvasCoordinate -- ^ where pen pressed 
              -> UTCTime
              -> MainCoroutine ()
manipulatePZW fullmode@(tchmode,mode) cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc)
              owxy@(CvsCoord (xw,yw)) oxy@(CvsCoord (x0,y0)) otime = do
  r <- nextevent
  case r of 
    PenMove _ pcoord   -> if (tchmode /= PenMode) then again otime else moveact pcoord 
    TouchMove _ pcoord -> if (tchmode /= TouchMode) then again otime else do 
      b <- liftM (view (settings.doesUseTouch)) get
      when b $ moveact pcoord
    PenUp _ pcoord     -> if (tchmode /= PenMode) then again otime else upact pcoord 
    TouchUp _ pcoord   -> if (tchmode /= TouchMode) then again otime else do 
      b <- liftM (view (settings.doesUseTouch)) get 
      when b $ upact pcoord 
    _ -> again otime -- manipulatePZW fullmode cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy otime
    again t = manipulatePZW fullmode cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy t
    moveact pcoord = 
        again -- (manipulatePZW fullmode cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy) 
        (\ctime -> movingRender mode cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy pcoord 
                   >> manipulatePZW fullmode cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) owxy oxy ctime)
    upact pcoord = do 
      case mode of 
        Zooming -> do 
          let CvsCoord (x,y) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord 
              CanvasDimension cdim = canvasDim geometry 
              ccoord@(CvsCoord (xo,yo)) = CvsCoord (xw+50,yw+50)
              (z,(_,_)) = findZoomXform cdim ((xo,yo),(x0,y0),(x,y))
              nratio = zoomRatioFrmRelToCurr geometry z
              mpnpgxy = (desktop2Page geometry . canvas2Desktop geometry) ccoord 
          canvasZoomUpdateGenRenderCvsId (return ()) cid (Just (Zoom nratio)) Nothing 
          case mpnpgxy of 
            Nothing -> return () 
            Just pnpgxy -> do 
              xstate <- get
              geom' <- liftIO $ getCanvasGeometryCvsId cid xstate
              let DeskCoord (xd,yd) = page2Desktop geom' pnpgxy
                  DeskCoord (xd0,yd0) = canvas2Desktop geom' ccoord 
              moveViewPortBy (return ()) cid 
        Panning _ -> do 
          let (x_d,y_d) = (unDeskCoord . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord  
              (x0_d,y0_d) = (unDeskCoord . canvas2Desktop geometry) 
                              (CvsCoord (x0,y0))
              (dx_d,dy_d) = (x_d-x0_d,y_d-y0_d)
          moveViewPortBy (return ()) cid 
        _ -> return ()
      invalidate cid 

-- | 
movingRender :: PanZoomMode -> CanvasId -> CanvasGeometry -> (Surface,Surface) 
                -> CanvasCoordinate -> CanvasCoordinate -> PointerCoord 
                -> MainCoroutine () 
movingRender mode cid geometry (srcsfc,tgtsfc) (CvsCoord (xw,yw)) (CvsCoord (x0,y0)) pcoord = do 
    let CvsCoord (x,y) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord 
    xst <- get 
    case mode of
      Moving -> do 
        let CanvasDimension (Dim cw ch) = canvasDim geometry 
            cinfobox = getCanvasInfo cid xst 
            nposx | xw+x-x0 < -50 = -50 
                  | xw+x-x0 > cw-50 = cw-50 
                  | otherwise = xw+x-x0
            nposy | yw+y-y0 < -50 = -50 
                  | yw+y-y0 > ch-50 = ch-50 
                  | otherwise = yw+y-y0                             
            nwpos = CvsCoord (nposx,nposy) 
            changeact :: (ViewMode a) => CanvasInfo a -> CanvasInfo a 
            changeact cinfo =  
              set (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetPosition) nwpos $ cinfo
            ncinfobox = selectBox changeact changeact  cinfobox
            isTouchZoom = view (unboxLens (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetTouchIsZoom)) cinfobox                         
        put (setCanvasInfo (cid,ncinfobox) xst)
        virtualDoubleBufferDraw srcsfc tgtsfc (return ()) (renderPanZoomWidget isTouchZoom Nothing nwpos)
      Zooming -> do 
        let cinfobox = getCanvasInfo cid xst               
        let pos = runIdentity (boxAction (return.view (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetPosition)) cinfobox)
        let (xo,yo) = (xw+50,yw+50)
            CanvasDimension cdim = canvasDim geometry 
            (z,(xtrans,ytrans)) = findZoomXform cdim ((xo,yo),(x0,y0),(x,y))
            isTouchZoom = view (unboxLens (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetTouchIsZoom)) cinfobox             
        virtualDoubleBufferDraw srcsfc tgtsfc 
          (save >> scale z z >> translate xtrans ytrans)
          (restore >> renderPanZoomWidget isTouchZoom Nothing pos)
      Panning b -> do 
        let cinfobox = getCanvasInfo cid xst               
            CanvasDimension cdim = canvasDim geometry 
            (xtrans,ytrans) = findPanXform cdim ((x0,y0),(x,y))
        let CanvasDimension (Dim cw ch) = canvasDim geometry 
            nposx | xw+x-x0 < -50 = -50 
                  | xw+x-x0 > cw-50 = cw-50 
                  | otherwise = xw+x-x0
            nposy | yw+y-y0 < -50 = -50 
                  | yw+y-y0 > ch-50 = ch-50 
                  | otherwise = yw+y-y0                             
            nwpos = if b 
                    then CvsCoord (nposx,nposy) 
                      runIdentity (boxAction (return.view (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetPosition)) cinfobox)
            ncinfobox = set (unboxLens (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetPosition)) nwpos cinfobox
            isTouchZoom = view (unboxLens (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetTouchIsZoom)) cinfobox 
        put (setCanvasInfo (cid,ncinfobox) xst)
        virtualDoubleBufferDraw srcsfc tgtsfc 
          (save >> translate xtrans ytrans) 
          (restore >> renderPanZoomWidget isTouchZoom Nothing nwpos)
    xst2 <- get 
    let cinfobox = getCanvasInfo cid xst2 
    liftIO $ boxAction (doubleBufferFlush tgtsfc) cinfobox

-- | 
togglePanZoom :: CanvasId -> MainCoroutine () 
togglePanZoom cid = do 
    modify $ \xst -> 
      let cinfobox = getCanvasInfo cid xst 
          ncinfobox = over (unboxLens (canvasWidgets.widgetConfig.doesUsePanZoomWidget)) not cinfobox
      in setCanvasInfo (cid,ncinfobox) xst 
    invalidateInBBox Nothing Efficient cid 

-- | 
touchStart :: CanvasId -> PointerCoord -> MainCoroutine () 
touchStart cid pcoord = boxAction chk =<< liftM (getCanvasInfo cid) get
    chk :: (ViewMode a) => CanvasInfo a -> MainCoroutine () 
    chk cinfo = do 
      let cvs = view drawArea cinfo
          pnum = (PageNum . view currentPageNum) cinfo 
          arr = view (viewInfo.pageArrangement) cinfo
      geometry <- liftIO $ makeCanvasGeometry pnum arr cvs 
      let triplet = (cid,cinfo,geometry)
          oxy@(CvsCoord (x,y)) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord
          owxy@(CvsCoord (x0,y0)) = view (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetPosition) cinfo  
          obbox = BBox (x0,y0) (x0+100,y0+100) 
      xst <- get
      if (isPointInBBox obbox (x,y))     
        then do 
          let changeact :: (ViewMode a) => CanvasInfo a -> CanvasInfo a 
              changeact = over (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetTouchIsZoom) not 
              ncinfobox = selectBox changeact changeact . getCanvasInfo cid $ xst
          put (setCanvasInfo (cid,ncinfobox) xst)
          invalidateInBBox Nothing Efficient cid 
        else do 
          let b = view (settings.doesUseTouch) xst
              isZoomTouch = view (canvasWidgets.panZoomWidgetConfig.panZoomWidgetTouchIsZoom) cinfo
          if b 
            then if isZoomTouch then startPanZoomWidget TouchMode triplet (Just (Zooming,(oxy,oxy)))
                                else startPanZoomWidget TouchMode triplet (Just (Panning False,(oxy,oxy)))
            else do 
              let devlst = view deviceList xst 
              doIOaction $ \_ -> do
                setToggleUIForFlag "HANDA" (settings.doesUseTouch) xst
                -- ad hoc 
                let touchstr = dev_touch_str devlst
                when (touchstr /= "touch") $ do 
                  readProcess "xinput" [ "disable", dev_touch_str devlst ] "" 
                  return ()
                return (UsrEv ActionOrdered)
              waitSomeEvent (\e -> case e of TouchUp _ _ -> True ; _ -> False) >> return ()

toggleTouch :: MainCoroutine () 
toggleTouch = do 
    updateFlagFromToggleUI "HANDA"  (settings.doesUseTouch)
    xst <- get 
    let devlst = view deviceList xst 
    let b = view (settings.doesUseTouch) xst
    when b $ do 
      -- ad hoc 
      let touchstr = dev_touch_str devlst      
      when (touchstr /= "touch") $ do 
        liftIO $ readProcess "xinput" [ "enable", dev_touch_str devlst ] ""   
        return ()
      let (cid,cinfobox) = view currentCanvas xst 
      put (set (currentCanvasInfo. unboxLens (canvasWidgets.widgetConfig.doesUsePanZoomWidget)) True xst)
      invalidateInBBox Nothing Efficient cid   
      return ()