{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Coroutine.Select 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2015 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- selection-related coroutines  

module Hoodle.Coroutine.Select where

-- from other package 
import           Control.Applicative
-- import           Control.Category
import           Control.Lens (view,set,(.~),(^.))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Identity
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Data.Monoid 
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import           Data.Sequence (Seq,(|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq (empty)
import           Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.Matrix as Mat
-- from hoodle-platform
import           Data.Hoodle.Select
import           Data.Hoodle.Generic
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Generic
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util.HitTest
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.HitTest
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Device
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Commit
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.ContextMenu 
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Mode
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Pen
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Select.Clipboard
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Layer 
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Pen
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select.Transform
import           Hoodle.Type.Alias
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum
import           Hoodle.Type.Event 
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate
import           Hoodle.View.Draw
-- import           Prelude hiding ((.), id)

-- | For Selection mode from pen mode with 2nd pen button
dealWithOneTimeSelectMode :: MainCoroutine ()  -- ^ main action 
                          -> MainCoroutine ()  -- ^ terminating action
                          -> MainCoroutine ()
dealWithOneTimeSelectMode action terminator = do 
  uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get 
  case view isOneTimeSelectMode uhdl of 
    NoOneTimeSelectMode -> action 
    YesBeforeSelect -> 
      action >> pureUpdateUhdl (isOneTimeSelectMode .~ YesAfterSelect)
    YesAfterSelect -> do 
      pureUpdateUhdl (isOneTimeSelectMode .~ NoOneTimeSelectMode) 
      modeChange ToViewAppendMode

-- | common main mouse pointer click entrance in selection mode. 
--   choose either starting new selection or move previously 
--   selected selection. 
commonSelectStart :: SelectType 
                     -> PenButton 
                     -> CanvasId 
                     -> PointerCoord 
                     -> MainCoroutine ()
commonSelectStart typ pbtn cid = case typ of 
                                   SelectHandToolWork -> (\_ -> return ())
                                   _ -> commonPenStart selectaction cid >=> const (return ())

  where selectaction cinfo pnum geometry (x,y) _ = do
          itms <- rItmsInCurrLyr
          ctime <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime
          let newSelectAction _page = 
                  (do tsel <- createTempRender geometry [] 
                      case typ of 
                        SelectRectangleWork -> do
                          newSelectRectangle cid pnum geometry itms 
                            (x,y) ((x,y),ctime) tsel
                          return ()
                        SelectLassoWork -> do
                          newSelectLasso cinfo pnum geometry itms 
                             (x,y) ((x,y),ctime) (Sq.empty |> (x,y)) tsel
                          return ()
                        _ -> return ()
                      Cairo.surfaceFinish (tempSurfaceSrc tsel) 
                      showContextMenu (pnum,(x,y))
                  (return ())  
              action (Right tpage) | hitInHandle tpage (x,y) = do  
                let doesKeepRatio = case pbtn of 
                                      PenButton1 -> True
                                      PenButton3 -> False
                                      _ -> False
                case getULBBoxFromSelected tpage of 
                  Middle bbox ->  
                    maybe (return ()) 
                          (\handle -> startResizeSelect doesKeepRatio 
                                        handle cid pnum geometry 
                                        bbox ((x,y),ctime) tpage)
                          (checkIfHandleGrasped bbox (x,y))
                  _ -> return () 
              action (Right tpage) | hitInSelection tpage (x,y) = 
                case pbtn of
                  PenButton1 -> startMoveSelect cid pnum geometry ((x,y),ctime) tpage
                  PenButton3 -> do 
                    waitSomeEvent (\e -> case e of PenUp _ _ -> True ; _ -> False) 
                    showContextMenu (pnum,(x,y))                    
                  _ -> return () 
              action (Right tpage) | otherwise = newSelectAction (hPage2RPage tpage)
              action (Left page) = newSelectAction page
          uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get 
          let hdlmodst = view hoodleModeState uhdl 
          let epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst 
          action epage

-- | main mouse pointer click entrance in rectangular selection mode. 
--   choose either starting new rectangular selection or move previously 
--   selected selection. 
selectRectStart :: PenButton -> CanvasId -> PointerCoord -> MainCoroutine ()
selectRectStart = commonSelectStart SelectRectangleWork 

-- | 
newSelectRectangle :: CanvasId
                   -> PageNum 
                   -> CanvasGeometry
                   -> [RItem] 
                   -> (Double,Double)
                   -> ((Double,Double),UTCTime)
                   -> TempSelection 
                   -> MainCoroutine () 
newSelectRectangle cid pnum geometry itms orig 
                   (prev,otime) tempselection = do  
    r <- nextevent
    xst <- get 
    cache <- renderCache
    forBoth' unboxBiAct (fsingle r xst cache) . getCanvasInfo cid . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) $ xst
    fsingle r xstate cache cinfo = penMoveAndUpOnly r pnum geometry defact (moveact cache) (upact xstate cinfo)
    defact = newSelectRectangle cid pnum geometry itms orig (prev,otime) tempselection 
    moveact cache (_pcoord,(x,y)) = do 
      let bbox = BBox orig (x,y)
          hittestbbox = hltEmbeddedByBBox bbox itms
          hitteditms = takeHitted hittestbbox
      page <- getCurrentPageCvsId cid
      let (fitms,sitms) = separateFS $ getDiffBBox (tempInfo tempselection) hitteditms 
      (willUpdate,(ncoord,ntime)) <- liftIO $ getNewCoordTime (prev,otime) (x,y)
      when ((not.null) fitms || (not.null) sitms) $ do 
        let xformfunc = cairoXform4PageCoordinate (mkXform4Page geometry pnum)
            ulbbox = unUnion . mconcat . fmap (Union .Middle . flip inflate 5 . getBBox) $ fitms
            xform = mkXform4Page geometry pnum
            renderfunc = do   
              case ulbbox of 
                Top -> do                
                  cairoRenderOption (InBBoxOption Nothing) cache cid (InBBox page, Just xform) 
                  mapM_ renderSelectedItem hitteditms
                Middle sbbox -> do 
                  let redrawee = filter (do2BBoxIntersect sbbox.getBBox) hitteditms  
                  cairoRenderOption (InBBoxOption (Just sbbox)) cache cid (InBBox page, Just xform)
                  clipBBox (Just sbbox)
                  mapM_ renderSelectedItem redrawee 
                Bottom -> return ()
              mapM_ renderSelectedItem sitms 
        liftIO $ updateTempRender tempselection renderfunc False
      when willUpdate $  
        invalidateTemp cid (tempSurfaceSrc tempselection) 
                           (renderBoxSelection bbox) 
      newSelectRectangle cid pnum geometry itms orig 
                         tempselection { tempInfo = hitteditms }
    upact xstate cinfo pcoord = do       
      let (_,(x,y)) = runIdentity $ 
            skipIfNotInSamePage pnum geometry pcoord 
                                (return (pcoord,prev)) return
          uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xstate
          epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo (view hoodleModeState uhdl)
          cpn = view currentPageNum cinfo 
          bbox = BBox orig (x,y)
          hittestbbox = hltEmbeddedByBBox bbox itms
          selectitms = fmapAL unNotHitted id hittestbbox
          SelectState thdl = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          newpage = case epage of 
                      Left pagebbox -> makePageSelectMode pagebbox selectitms 
                      Right tpage -> 
                        let currlayer = view (glayers.selectedLayer) tpage
                            newlayer = set gitems (TEitherAlterHitted (Right selectitms)) currlayer  
                            npage = set (glayers.selectedLayer) newlayer tpage 
                        in npage
          newthdl = set gselSelected (Just (cpn,newpage)) thdl 
          ui = view gtkUIManager xstate
      liftIO $ toggleCutCopyDelete ui (isAnyHitted selectitms)
      uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl) uhdl)
      pureUpdateUhdl (const ((hoodleModeState .~ SelectState newthdl) uhdl'))
      invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient

-- | prepare for moving selection 
startMoveSelect :: CanvasId 
                   -> PageNum 
                   -> CanvasGeometry 
                   -> ((Double,Double),UTCTime) 
                   -> Page SelectMode
                   -> MainCoroutine () 
startMoveSelect cid pnum geometry ((x,y),ctime) tpage = do
    cache <- renderCache
    itmimage <- liftIO $ mkItmsNImg cache cid tpage
    tsel <- createTempRender geometry itmimage 
    moveSelect cid pnum geometry (x,y) ((x,y),ctime) tsel 
    Cairo.surfaceFinish (tempSurfaceSrc tsel)
    Cairo.surfaceFinish (tempSurfaceTgt tsel)
    Cairo.surfaceFinish (imageSurface itmimage)
    invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient 

-- | 
moveSelect :: CanvasId
              -> PageNum -- ^ starting pagenum 
              -> CanvasGeometry
              -> (Double,Double)
              -> ((Double,Double),UTCTime)
              -> TempRender ItmsNImg
              -> MainCoroutine ()
moveSelect cid pnum geometry orig@(x0,y0) 
           (prev,otime) tempselection = do
    xst <- get
    let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
    r <- nextevent 
    forBoth' unboxBiAct (fsingle r uhdl) (getCanvasInfo cid uhdl)
    fsingle r uhdl cinfo = 
      penMoveAndUpInterPage r pnum geometry defact moveact (upact uhdl cinfo) 
    defact = moveSelect cid pnum geometry orig (prev,otime) tempselection
    moveact oldpgn pcpair@(newpgn,PageCoord (px,py)) = do 
      let (x,y) 
            | oldpgn == newpgn = (px,py) 
            | otherwise = 
              let DeskCoord (xo,yo) = page2Desktop geometry (oldpgn,PageCoord (0,0))
                  DeskCoord (xn,yn) = page2Desktop geometry pcpair 
              in (xn-xo,yn-yo)
      (willUpdate,(ncoord,ntime)) <- liftIO $ getNewCoordTime (prev,otime) (x,y) 
      when willUpdate $ do 
        let sfunc = offsetFunc (x-x0,y-y0)
            xform = unCvsCoord . desktop2Canvas geometry
                    . page2Desktop geometry . (,) pnum . PageCoord
            (c1,c2) = xform (sfunc (0,0))
            (a1',a2') = xform (sfunc (1,0))
            (a1,a2) = (a1'-c1,a2'-c2)
            (b1',b2') = xform (sfunc (0,1))
            (b1,b2) = (b1'-c1,b2'-c2)
            xformmat = Mat.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 
        invalidateTempBasePage cid (tempSurfaceSrc tempselection) pnum 
          (drawTempSelectImage geometry tempselection xformmat) 
      moveSelect cid pnum geometry orig (ncoord,ntime) tempselection
    upact :: UnitHoodle -> CanvasInfo a -> PointerCoord -> MainCoroutine () 
    upact uhdl cinfo pcoord = 
      switchActionEnteringDiffPage pnum geometry pcoord (return ()) 
        (chgaction uhdl cinfo) 
        (ordaction uhdl cinfo)
    chgaction :: UnitHoodle -> CanvasInfo a 
              -> PageNum -> (PageNum,PageCoordinate) -> MainCoroutine () 
    chgaction uhdl cinfo oldpgn (newpgn,PageCoord (x,y)) = do 
      let hdlmodst@(SelectState thdl) = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst
          cvsid = view canvasId cinfo
      (uhdl1,nthdl1,selecteditms) <- 
        case epage of 
          Right oldtpage -> do 
            let itms = getSelectedItms oldtpage
            let oldtpage' = deleteSelected oldtpage
            nthdl <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cvsid thdl oldtpage' (unPageNum oldpgn)
            uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState nthdl) uhdl)
            return (uhdl',nthdl,itms)       
          Left _ -> error "this is impossible, in moveSelect" 
      let maction = do 
            page <- M.lookup (unPageNum newpgn) (view gselAll nthdl1)
            let currlayer = getCurrentLayer page
            let olditms = view gitems currlayer
            let newitms = map (changeItemBy (offsetFunc (x-x0,y-y0))) selecteditms 
                alist = olditms :- Hitted newitms :- Empty 
                ntpage = makePageSelectMode page alist  
                coroutineaction = do 
                  nthdl2 <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cvsid nthdl1 ntpage (unPageNum newpgn)  
                  -- let cibox = view currentCanvasInfo uhdl1 
                  --     ncibox = ( runIdentity 
                  --             . forBoth unboxBiXform (return . set currentPageNum (unPageNum newpgn))) 
                  --               cibox 
                  liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState nthdl2) uhdl1)
            return coroutineaction
      uhdl2 <- maybe (return uhdl1) id maction
      pureUpdateUhdl (const uhdl2)
      invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient
    ordaction uhdl cinfo _pgn (_cpn,PageCoord (x,y)) = do 
      let offset = (x-x0,y-y0)
          hdlmodst@(SelectState thdl) = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst
          pagenum = view currentPageNum cinfo
          cvsid = view canvasId cinfo
      case epage of 
        Right tpage -> do 
          let newtpage = changeSelectionByOffset offset tpage
          newthdl <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cvsid thdl newtpage pagenum 
          uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl) uhdl)
          pureUpdateUhdl (const uhdl')
        Left _ -> error "this is impossible, in moveSelect" 
      invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient 

-- | prepare for resizing selection 
startResizeSelect :: Bool   -- ^ doesKeepRatio
                  -> Handle -- ^ current selection handle
                  -> CanvasId 
                  -> PageNum 
                  -> CanvasGeometry 
                  -> BBox
                  -> ((Double,Double),UTCTime) 
                  -> Page SelectMode
                  -> MainCoroutine () 
startResizeSelect doesKeepRatio handle cid pnum geometry bbox 
                  ((x,y),ctime) tpage = do
    cache <- renderCache
    itmimage <- liftIO $ mkItmsNImg cache cid tpage  
    tsel <- createTempRender geometry itmimage 
    resizeSelect doesKeepRatio 
      handle cid pnum geometry bbox ((x,y),ctime) tsel 
    Cairo.surfaceFinish (tempSurfaceSrc tsel)  
    Cairo.surfaceFinish (tempSurfaceTgt tsel)      
    Cairo.surfaceFinish (imageSurface itmimage)
    invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient

-- | 
resizeSelect :: Bool    -- ^ doesKeepRatio
             -> Handle  -- ^ current selection handle
             -> CanvasId
             -> PageNum 
             -> CanvasGeometry
             -> BBox
             -> ((Double,Double),UTCTime)
             -> TempRender ItmsNImg
             -> MainCoroutine ()
resizeSelect doesKeepRatio handle cid pnum geometry origbbox 
             (prev,otime) tempselection = do
    xst <- get
    let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
    r <- nextevent 
    forBoth' unboxBiAct (fsingle r uhdl) . getCanvasInfo cid $ uhdl
    fsingle r uhdl cinfo = penMoveAndUpOnly r pnum geometry defact moveact (upact uhdl cinfo)
    defact = resizeSelect doesKeepRatio handle cid pnum geometry origbbox (prev,otime) tempselection
    moveact (_pcoord,(x,y)) = do 
      (willUpdate,(ncoord,ntime)) <- liftIO $ getNewCoordTime (prev,otime) (x,y) 
      when willUpdate $ do 
        let newbbox' = getNewBBoxFromHandlePos handle origbbox (x,y)      
            newbbox = 
              if doesKeepRatio 
              then let BBox (xo0,yo0) (xo1,yo1) = origbbox 
                       BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = newbbox' 
                       r = (yo1 - yo0) / (xo1 - xo0)
                   in if | xo1 == xo0 -> newbbox' 
                         | handle == HandleTL -> BBox (x0,y1+(x0-x1)*r) (x1,y1) 
                         | handle == HandleTR -> BBox (x0,y1+(x0-x1)*r) (x1,y1)
                         | handle == HandleBL -> BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y0+(x1-x0)*r)
                         | handle == HandleBR -> BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y0+(x1-x0)*r)
                         | otherwise -> newbbox'
              else newbbox' 
            sfunc = scaleFromToBBox origbbox newbbox
            xform = unCvsCoord . desktop2Canvas geometry . page2Desktop geometry . (,) pnum . PageCoord
            (c1,c2) = xform (sfunc (0,0))
            (a1',a2') = xform (sfunc (1,0))
            (a1,a2) = (a1'-c1,a2'-c2)
            (b1',b2') = xform (sfunc (0,1))
            (b1,b2) = (b1'-c1,b2'-c2)
            xformmat = Mat.Matrix a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 c2 
        invalidateTemp cid (tempSurfaceSrc tempselection) (drawTempSelectImage geometry tempselection xformmat)
      resizeSelect doesKeepRatio handle cid pnum geometry origbbox (ncoord,ntime) tempselection
    upact uhdl cinfo pcoord = do 
      let (_,(x,y)) = runIdentity $ 
            skipIfNotInSamePage pnum geometry pcoord 
                                (return (pcoord,prev)) return
          newbbox' = getNewBBoxFromHandlePos handle origbbox (x,y)
          newbbox = 
            if doesKeepRatio 
            then let BBox (xo0,yo0) (xo1,yo1) = origbbox 
                     BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = newbbox' 
                     r = (yo1 - yo0) / (xo1 - xo0)
                 in if | xo1 == xo0 || yo1 == yo0 -> newbbox' 
                       | handle == HandleTL -> BBox (x0,y1+(x0-x1)*r) (x1,y1) 
                       | handle == HandleTR -> BBox (x0,y1+(x0-x1)*r) (x1,y1)
                       | handle == HandleBL -> BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y0+(x1-x0)*r)
                       | handle == HandleBR -> BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y0+(x1-x0)*r)
                       | otherwise -> newbbox'
            else newbbox' 
          hdlmodst@(SelectState thdl) = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst
          pagenum = view currentPageNum cinfo
          cvsid = view canvasId cinfo
      case epage of 
        Right tpage -> do 
          let sfunc = scaleFromToBBox origbbox newbbox
              newtpage = changeSelectionBy sfunc tpage 
          newthdl <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cvsid thdl newtpage pagenum 
          uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl) uhdl)
          pureUpdateUhdl (const uhdl')
        Left _ -> error "this is impossible, in resizeSelect" 
      invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient
      return ()    

-- | 
selectPenColorChanged :: PenColor -> MainCoroutine () 
selectPenColorChanged pcolor = do 
    uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get 
    let cid = getCurrentCanvasId uhdl
        SelectState thdl = view hoodleModeState uhdl
        Just (n,tpage) = view gselSelected thdl
        slayer = view (glayers.selectedLayer) tpage
    case unTEitherAlterHitted . view gitems $ slayer of 
      Left _ -> return () 
      Right alist -> do 
        let alist' = fmapAL id (Hitted . map (changeItemStrokeColor pcolor) . unHitted) alist
            newlayer = Right alist'
            newpage = (glayers.selectedLayer .~ (GLayer (slayer^.gbuffer) (TEitherAlterHitted newlayer))) tpage 
        newthdl <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cid thdl newpage n
        uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl) uhdl)
        pureUpdateUhdl (const uhdl')
        invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient
-- | 
selectPenWidthChanged :: Double -> MainCoroutine () 
selectPenWidthChanged pwidth = do 
  xst <- get
  let uhdl = view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) xst
      cid = getCurrentCanvasId uhdl
      SelectState thdl = view hoodleModeState uhdl
      Just (n,tpage) = view gselSelected thdl
      slayer = view (glayers.selectedLayer) tpage
  case (unTEitherAlterHitted . view gitems) slayer of 
    Left _ -> return () 
    Right alist -> do 
      let alist' = fmapAL id 
                     (Hitted . map (changeItemStrokeWidth pwidth) . unHitted) alist
          newlayer = Right alist'
          newpage = set (glayers.selectedLayer) (GLayer (view gbuffer slayer) (TEitherAlterHitted newlayer)) tpage
      newthdl <- updateTempHoodleSelectM cid thdl newpage n          
      uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl) uhdl)
      pureUpdateUhdl (const uhdl')
      invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient 

-- | main mouse pointer click entrance in lasso selection mode. 
--   choose either starting new rectangular selection or move previously 
--   selected selection. 
selectLassoStart :: PenButton -> CanvasId -> PointerCoord -> MainCoroutine ()
selectLassoStart p cid coord = commonSelectStart SelectLassoWork p cid coord >> return ()

-- | 
newSelectLasso :: CanvasInfo a
                  -> PageNum 
                  -> CanvasGeometry
                  -> [RItem] 
                  -> (Double,Double)
                  -> ((Double,Double),UTCTime)
                  -> Seq (Double,Double)
                  -> TempSelection 
                  -> MainCoroutine ()
newSelectLasso cvsInfo pnum geometry itms orig (prev,otime) lasso tsel = nextevent >>= flip fsingle cvsInfo 
    fsingle r cinfo = penMoveAndUpOnly r pnum geometry defact (moveact cinfo) (upact cinfo)
    defact = newSelectLasso cvsInfo pnum geometry itms orig 
               (prev,otime) lasso tsel
    moveact cinfo (_pcoord,(x,y)) = do 
      let nlasso = lasso |> (x,y)
      (willUpdate,(ncoord,ntime)) <- liftIO $ getNewCoordTime (prev,otime) (x,y)
      when willUpdate $ invalidateTemp (view canvasId cinfo) (tempSurfaceSrc tsel) (renderLasso geometry nlasso) 
      newSelectLasso cinfo pnum geometry itms orig (ncoord,ntime) nlasso tsel
    upact cinfo pcoord = do 
      uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get 
      let (_,(x,y)) = runIdentity $ skipIfNotInSamePage pnum geometry pcoord (return (pcoord,prev)) return
          nlasso = lasso |> (x,y)
          hdlmodst = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          epage = getCurrentPageEitherFromHoodleModeState cinfo hdlmodst
          cpn = view currentPageNum cinfo 
          hittestlasso1 = hltFilteredBy (hitLassoItem (nlasso |> orig)) itms
          selectitms1 = fmapAL unNotHitted id hittestlasso1
          selecteditms1 = (concatMap unHitted . getB) selectitms1 
          hittestlasso2 = takeLastFromHitted . flip hltFilteredBy itms $ 
                            \itm-> (not.isStrkInRItem) itm 
                                   && isPointInBBox (getBBox itm) (x,y)
          selectitms2 = fmapAL unNotHitted id hittestlasso2
            | (not.null) selecteditms1 = selectitms1 
            | otherwise = selectitms2
          SelectState thdl = view hoodleModeState uhdl
          newpage = case epage of 
                      Left pagebbox -> 
                        let currlayer= getCurrentLayer pagebbox
                            newlayer = GLayer (view gbuffer currlayer) (TEitherAlterHitted (Right selectitms))
                            tpg = mkHPage pagebbox 
                            npg = set (glayers.selectedLayer) newlayer tpg
                        in npg 
                      Right tpage -> 
                        let currlayer = view (glayers.selectedLayer) tpage
                            newlayer = GLayer (view gbuffer currlayer) (TEitherAlterHitted (Right selectitms))
                            npage = set (glayers.selectedLayer) newlayer tpage 
                        in npage
          newthdl = set gselSelected (Just (cpn,newpage)) thdl 
      ui <- view gtkUIManager <$> get
      liftIO $ toggleCutCopyDelete ui (isAnyHitted  selectitms)
      uhdl' <- liftIO (updatePageAll (SelectState newthdl) uhdl)
      pureUpdateUhdl (const ((hoodleModeState .~ SelectState newthdl) uhdl'))
      invalidateAllInBBox Nothing Efficient