-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.Coroutine.VerticalSpace
-- Copyright   : (c) 2013-2015 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.Coroutine.VerticalSpace where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Category
import           Control.Lens (view,set,at,(.~))
import           Control.Monad hiding (mapM_)
import           Control.Monad.State (get)
import           Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import           Data.Foldable 
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as Cairo
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk
-- from hoodle-platform
import           Data.Hoodle.BBox
import           Data.Hoodle.Generic
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple (Dimension(..))
import           Data.Hoodle.Zipper (SeqZipper,toSeq) 
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.HitTest
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Util.HitTest
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.Accessor
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Commit
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Draw
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Page
import           Hoodle.Coroutine.Pen 
import           Hoodle.Device
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Page 
import           Hoodle.ModelAction.Select.Transform
import           Hoodle.Type.Alias 
import           Hoodle.Type.Canvas
import           Hoodle.Type.Coroutine
import           Hoodle.Type.Enum 
import           Hoodle.Type.Event
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Type.PageArrangement
import           Hoodle.Type.Predefined 
import           Hoodle.View.Coordinate
import           Hoodle.View.Draw
import           Hoodle.Util
import Prelude hiding ((.), id, concat,concatMap,mapM_)

-- | 
splitPageByHLine :: Double 
                 -> Page EditMode 
                 -> ([RItem],Page EditMode,SeqZipper RItemHitted) 
splitPageByHLine y pg = (hitted,set glayers unhitted pg,hltedLayers)
    alllyrs = view glayers pg
    findHittedItmsInALyr = hltFilteredBy (bboxabove . getBBox) . view gitems
    hltedLayers = fmap findHittedItmsInALyr alllyrs 
    unhitted = fmap (\lyr -> (\x->set gitems x lyr) . concatMap unNotHitted 
                             . getA . findHittedItmsInALyr $ lyr) alllyrs
    hitted = (concat 
              . fmap (concatMap unHitted . getB . findHittedItmsInALyr)
              . toSeq 
              ) alllyrs
    bboxabove (BBox (_,y0) _) = y0 > y 

-- |
verticalSpaceStart :: CanvasId -> PointerCoord -> MainCoroutine ()
verticalSpaceStart cid = commonPenStart verticalSpaceAction cid >=> const (return ())
    verticalSpaceAction _cinfo pnum@(PageNum n) geometry (x,y) _ = do 
      hdl <- getHoodle . view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get 
      cache <- renderCache
      cpg <- getCurrentPageCurr 
      let (itms,npg,hltedLayers) = splitPageByHLine y cpg 
          nhdl = set (gpages.at n) (Just npg) hdl 
          mbbx = (toMaybe . mconcat . fmap (Union . Middle . getBBox)) itms 
      case mbbx of
        Nothing -> return ()   
        Just bbx -> do 
          (sfcbkg,Dim w h) <- liftIO $ canvasImageSurface cache cid Nothing geometry nhdl 
          sfcitm <- liftIO $ Cairo.createImageSurface 
                               Cairo.FormatARGB32 (floor w) (floor h)
          sfctot <- liftIO $ Cairo.createImageSurface 
                               Cairo.FormatARGB32 (floor w) (floor h)
          liftIO $ Cairo.renderWith sfcitm $ do 
            cairoXform4PageCoordinate (mkXform4Page geometry pnum)
            mapM_ (renderRItem cache cid) itms
          ctime <- liftIO getCurrentTime 
          verticalSpaceProcess cid geometry (bbx,hltedLayers,pnum,cpg) (x,y) 
            (sfcbkg,sfcitm,sfctot) ctime 
          liftIO $ mapM_ Cairo.surfaceFinish [sfcbkg,sfcitm,sfctot]

-- |
addNewPageAndMoveBelow :: (PageNum,SeqZipper RItemHitted,BBox) 
                          -> MainCoroutine () 
addNewPageAndMoveBelow (pnum,hltedLyrs,bbx) = do
    bsty <- view backgroundStyle <$> get
    updateUhdl (npgact bsty) >> commit_  >> canvasZoomUpdateAll >> invalidateAll
    npgact :: BackgroundStyle -> UnitHoodle -> MainCoroutine UnitHoodle
    npgact bsty uhdl = do 
      case view hoodleModeState uhdl of 
        ViewAppendState hdl -> do 
          hdl' <- addNewPageInHoodle Nothing bsty PageAfter hdl (unPageNum pnum)
          sfcid <- issueSurfaceID
          sfcid2 <- issueSurfaceID
          let nhdlmodst = ViewAppendState (moveBelowToNewPage (sfcid,sfcid2) (pnum,hltedLyrs,bbx) hdl') 
          liftIO . updatePageAll nhdlmodst . (hoodleModeState .~ nhdlmodst) $ uhdl
        SelectState _ -> do 
          msgShout "addNewPageAndMoveBelow: not implemented yet"
          return uhdl
-- |             
moveBelowToNewPage :: (SurfaceID,SurfaceID)   
                      -- ^ sfcid: old page, sfcid2: new page
                   -> (PageNum,SeqZipper RItemHitted,BBox) 
                   -> Hoodle EditMode
                   -> Hoodle EditMode
moveBelowToNewPage (sfcid,sfcid2) (PageNum n,hltedLayers,BBox (_,y0) _) hdl = 
    let mpg = view (gpages.at n) hdl 
        mpg2 = view (gpages.at (n+1)) hdl 
    in case (,) <$> mpg <*> mpg2 of    
      Nothing -> hdl 
      Just (pg,pg2) ->  
        let nhlyrs = -- 10 is just a predefined number 
              fmap (fmapAL id 
                     (fmap (changeItemBy (\(x',y')->(x',y'+10-y0)))))
            nlyrs = fmap ((\x -> set gitems x (emptyRLayer sfcid)) 
                          . concatMap unNotHitted 
                          . getA ) nhlyrs 
            npg = set glayers nlyrs pg 
            nnlyrs = fmap ((\x -> set gitems x (emptyRLayer sfcid2))
                          . concatMap unHitted
                          . getB ) nhlyrs
            npg2 = set glayers nnlyrs pg2
            nhdl = ( set (gpages.at (n+1)) (Just npg2)
                   . set (gpages.at n) (Just npg) ) hdl 
        in nhdl 

-- |
verticalSpaceProcess :: CanvasId
                     -> CanvasGeometry
                     -> (BBox,SeqZipper RItemHitted,PageNum,Page EditMode)
                     -> (Double,Double)
                     -> (Cairo.Surface,Cairo.Surface,Cairo.Surface) 
                          -- ^ (background, item, total) 
                     -> UTCTime
                     -> MainCoroutine () 
verticalSpaceProcess cid geometry pinfo@(bbx,hltedLayers,pnum@(PageNum n),pg) 
                     (x0,y0) sfcs@(sfcbkg,sfcitm,sfctot) otime = do 
    r <- nextevent 
    uhdl <- view (unitHoodles.currentUnit) <$> get
    forBoth' unboxBiAct (f r) . getCanvasInfo cid $ uhdl
    Dim w h = view gdimension pg    
    CvsCoord (_,y0_cvs) = (desktop2Canvas geometry . page2Desktop geometry) (pnum,PageCoord (x0,y0))
    f :: UserEvent -> CanvasInfo a -> MainCoroutine ()
    f r cvsInfo = penMoveAndUpOnly r pnum geometry defact (moveact cvsInfo) upact
    defact = verticalSpaceProcess cid geometry pinfo (x0,y0) sfcs otime
    upact pcoord = do 
      let mpgcoord = (desktop2Page geometry . device2Desktop geometry) pcoord
      case mpgcoord of 
        Nothing -> invalidateAll 
        Just (cpn,PageCoord (_,y)) -> 
          if cpn /= pnum 
          then invalidateAll 
          else do 
            -- add space  within this page
            let BBox _ (_,by1) = bbx
            if by1 + y - y0 < h 
              then do 
                sfcid <- issueSurfaceID
                pureUpdateUhdl $ \uhdl -> do
                  let hdl = getHoodle uhdl
                      nhlyrs = fmap (fmapAL id (fmap (changeItemBy (\(x',y')->(x',y'+y-y0))))) hltedLayers
                      nlyrs = fmap ( (\is -> set gitems is (emptyRLayer sfcid)) 
                                     . concat . interleave unNotHitted unHitted ) 
                      npg = set glayers nlyrs pg 
                      nhdl = set (gpages.at n) (Just npg) hdl 
                      nhdlmodst = ViewAppendState nhdl
                      nuhdl = (hoodleModeState .~ nhdlmodst) uhdl
                   in nuhdl
              else addNewPageAndMoveBelow (pnum,hltedLayers,bbx)
    moveact cvsInfo (_,(x,y)) = 
        (verticalSpaceProcess cid geometry pinfo (x0,y0) sfcs)
        (\ctime -> do 
           let CvsCoord (_,y_cvs) = 
                 (desktop2Canvas geometry . page2Desktop geometry) (pnum,PageCoord (x,y))
               BBox _ (_,by1) = bbx                 
               mode | by1 + y - y0 > h = OverPage
                    | y > y0 = GoingDown
                    | otherwise = GoingUp 
               z = canvas2DesktopRatio geometry 
               drawguide = do 
                 cairoXform4PageCoordinate (mkXform4Page geometry pnum )
                 Cairo.setLineWidth (predefinedLassoWidth*z)
                 case mode of
                   GoingUp   -> Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.4
                   GoingDown -> Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.4 
                   OverPage  -> Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.4
                 Cairo.moveTo 0 y0
                 Cairo.lineTo w y0 
                 Cairo.moveTo 0 y
                 Cairo.lineTo w y
                 case mode of
                   GoingUp   -> Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.2 >>
                                Cairo.rectangle 0 y w (y0-y)                    
                   GoingDown -> Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.2 >>
                                Cairo.rectangle 0 y0 w (y-y0)
                   OverPage  -> Cairo.setSourceRGBA 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2 >> 
                                Cairo.rectangle 0 y0 w (y-y0)
           liftIO $ Cairo.renderWith sfctot $ do 
             Cairo.setSourceSurface sfcbkg 0 0
             Cairo.setOperator Cairo.OperatorSource
             Cairo.setSourceSurface sfcitm 0 (y_cvs-y0_cvs)
             Cairo.setOperator Cairo.OperatorOver
           let canvas = view drawArea cvsInfo 
           Just win <- liftIO $ Gtk.widgetGetWindow canvas
           liftIO $ Gtk.renderWithDrawWindow win $ do 
             Cairo.setSourceSurface sfctot 0 0 
             Cairo.setOperator Cairo.OperatorSource 
           verticalSpaceProcess cid geometry pinfo (x0,y0) sfcs ctime)