{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Hoodle.ModelAction.File 
-- Copyright   : (c) 2011-2015 Ian-Woo Kim
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC

module Hoodle.ModelAction.File where

-- from other package
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens (view,set)
import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import           Data.ByteString.Base64 
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import           Data.Maybe 
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
import           Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import           Graphics.GD.ByteString 
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Poppler.Document as Poppler
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Poppler.Page as PopplerPage
import           System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import           System.FilePath (takeExtension)
import           System.IO (hClose, hFileSize, openFile, IOMode(..)) 
import           System.Process
-- from hoodle-platform 
import           Data.Hoodle.Simple
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Background
import           Graphics.Hoodle.Render.Type.Hoodle
import           Text.Hoodle.Builder (builder)
import qualified Text.Hoodle.Parse.Attoparsec as PA
import qualified Text.Hoodle.Migrate.V0_2_2_to_V0_3 as MV
-- import qualified Data.Hoodle.Simple.V0_3 as V0_3
import qualified Text.Hoodle.Migrate.V0_3_to_HEAD as MVHEAD
-- from this package
import           Hoodle.Type.HoodleState
import           Hoodle.Util

-- | check hoodle version and migrate if necessary 
checkVersionAndMigrate :: C.ByteString -> IO (Either String Hoodle) 
checkVersionAndMigrate bstr = do 
  case parseOnly PA.checkHoodleVersion bstr of 
    Left str -> error str 
    Right v -> do 
      if ( v <= "0.2.2" ) 
        then T.traverse MVHEAD.hoodle2Hoodle =<< (MV.migrate bstr)
        else return (parseOnly PA.hoodle bstr)

-- | this is very temporary, need to be changed.     
findFirstPDFFile :: [Page] -> Maybe C.ByteString
findFirstPDFFile xs = let ys = mapMaybe f xs 
                      in listToMaybe ys
  where f :: Page -> Maybe C.ByteString
        f p = case page_bkg p of
                BackgroundPdf _ _ fi _ -> fi
                _ -> Nothing

findAllPDFPages :: [Page] -> [Int]
findAllPDFPages = catMaybes . map f
  where f p = case page_bkg p of 
                     BackgroundPdf _ _ _ n -> Just n
                     _ -> Nothing

replacePDFPages :: [Page] -> [Page] 
replacePDFPages xs = map f xs 
  where f p = let bkg = page_bkg p
              in case bkg of    
                   BackgroundPdf typ _ _ pdfn -> p { page_bkg = BackgroundEmbedPdf typ pdfn }
                   _ -> p
-- | 
embedPDFInHoodle :: Hoodle -> IO Hoodle -- RHoodle -> IO RHoodle
embedPDFInHoodle hdl = putStrLn "embedPDFInHoodle is now bugful. I do not do anything here " >> return hdl
{-    let pgsWnum = zip [0..] (hoodle_pages hdl)
        mfn = findFirstPDFFile (hoodle_pages hdl)
        allpdfpg = findAllPDFPages pgs 
    case mfn of 
      Nothing -> return hdl 
      Just fn -> do 
        let fnstr = C.unpack fn 
            pglst = map show allpdfpg 
            cmdargs =  [fnstr, "cat"] ++ pglst ++ ["output", "-"]
        -- print cmdargs 
        (_,Just hout,_,_) <- createProcess (proc "pdftk" cmdargs) { std_out = CreatePipe } 
        bstr <- C.hGetContents hout
        let ebdsrc = makeEmbeddedPdfSrcString bstr 
            npgs = (IM.fromAscList . replacePDFPages pgs 
            nhdl0 = rHoodle2Hoodle . (gpages .~ npgs) $ hdl
            nhdl1 = nhdl0 { hoodle_embeddedpdf = Just ebdsrc }
        cnstrctRHoodle nhdl1
    let pgs = (IM.toAscList . view gpages) hdl  
        mfn = findFirstPDFFile pgs
        allpdfpg = findAllPDFPages pgs 
    case mfn of 
      Nothing -> return hdl 
      Just fn -> do 
        let fnstr = C.unpack fn 
            pglst = map show allpdfpg 
            cmdargs =  [fnstr, "cat"] ++ pglst ++ ["output", "-"]
        print cmdargs 
        (_,Just hout,_,_) <- createProcess (proc "pdftk" cmdargs) { std_out = CreatePipe } 
        bstr <- C.hGetContents hout
        let ebdsrc = makeEmbeddedPdfSrcString bstr 
            npgs = (IM.fromAscList . replacePDFPages) pgs 
        (return . set gembeddedpdf (Just ebdsrc) . set gpages npgs) hdl

makeEmbeddedPdfSrcString :: C.ByteString -> C.ByteString 
makeEmbeddedPdfSrcString = ("data:application/x-pdf;base64," <>) . encode

-- | 
makeNewHoodleWithPDF :: Bool              -- ^ doesEmbedPDF
                     -> FilePath          -- ^ pdf file
                     -> IO (Maybe Hoodle) 
makeNewHoodleWithPDF doesembed ofp = do 
  ocanonicalfp <- canonicalizePath ofp 
  let ofname = C.pack ocanonicalfp 
  let sizelimit = 10000000  
  siz <- do     
    h <- openFile ofp ReadMode
    s <- hFileSize h
    hClose h
    return s
  (nfp,nfname) <- if (siz > sizelimit) 
                    then do putStrLn $ "size is " ++ show siz ++ ", which is larger than " ++ show sizelimit
                            nfp' <- mkTmpFile "pdf"
                            let nfname' = C.pack nfp' 
                            readProcess "gs" [ "-q", "-dNOPAUSE", "-dBATCH", "-dSAFER"
                                             , "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-dCompatibilityLevel=1.3"
                                             , "-dPDFSETTINGS=/screen", "-dEmbedAllFonts=true" 
                                             , "-dSubsetFonts=true", "-dColorImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic"
                                             , "-dColorImageResolution=72", "-dGrayImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic"
                                             , "-dGrayImageResolution=72", "-dMonoImageDownsampleType=/Bicubic"
                                             , "-dMonoImageResolution=72", "-sOutputFile="++nfp'
                                             , ofp ] "" 
                            return (nfp',nfname')
                    else return (ocanonicalfp,ofname) 
  mdoc <- popplerGetDocFromFile nfname
  case mdoc of 
    Nothing -> do 
      putStrLn $ "no such file " ++ nfp 
      return Nothing 
    Just doc -> do 
      n <- Poppler.documentGetNPages doc 

      let createPageAct i = do 
            pg <- Poppler.documentGetPage doc (i-1) 
            (w,h) <- PopplerPage.pageGetSize pg
            let dim = Dim w h 
            return (createPage doesembed dim nfname i) 
      pgs <- mapM createPageAct [1..n]
      hdl <- set title nfname . set pages pgs <$> emptyHoodle
      nhdl <- if doesembed 
                then do 
                  bstr <- C.readFile nfp 
                  let ebdsrc = makeEmbeddedPdfSrcString bstr 
                  return (set embeddedPdf (Just ebdsrc) hdl)
                else return hdl 
      return (Just nhdl)
-- | 
createPage :: Bool         -- ^ does embed pdf?
           -> Dimension 
           -> C.ByteString 
           -> Int 
           -> Page
createPage doesembed dim fn n =
    let bkg   
          | not doesembed && n == 1 
            = BackgroundPdf "pdf" (Just "absolute") (Just fn ) n 
          | not doesembed && n /= 1 
            = BackgroundPdf "pdf" Nothing Nothing n 
          | otherwise -- doesembed 
            = BackgroundEmbedPdf "embedpdf" n 
    in Page dim bkg [emptyLayer]

-- | 
saveHoodle :: UnitHoodle -> IO UnitHoodle
saveHoodle uhdl = do 
    let hdl = (rHoodle2Hoodle . getHoodle) uhdl 
    case view (hoodleFileControl.hoodleFileName) uhdl of 
      LocalDir Nothing -> return uhdl 
      LocalDir (Just filename) -> action hdl filename 
      TempDir filename -> action hdl filename 
    action hdl filename = do 
      L.writeFile filename . builder $ hdl
      ctime <- getCurrentTime 
      return (set isSaved True . set (hoodleFileControl.lastSavedTime) (Just ctime) $ uhdl)

-- | 
makeNewItemImage :: Bool  -- ^ isEmbedded?
                    -> FilePath 
                    -> IO Item
makeNewItemImage isembedded filename = 
    if isembedded 
      then let fileext = takeExtension filename 
                 | fileext == ".PNG" || fileext == ".png" = loadpng 
                 | fileext == ".JPG" || fileext == ".jpg" = loadjpg 
                 | otherwise = loadsrc 
           in imgaction 
      else loadsrc 
  where loadsrc = (return . ItemImage) (Image (C.pack filename) (100,100) (Dim 300 300))
        loadpng = do 
          img <- loadPngFile filename
          (w,h) <- imageSize img 
          let dim | w < 612 && h < 792 = Dim (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
                  | w < 765 && h < 990 = Dim (fromIntegral w * 72 / 90) 
                                             (fromIntegral h * 72 / 90) 
                  | w >= h = Dim 300 (fromIntegral h*300/fromIntegral w)
                  | otherwise = Dim (fromIntegral w*300/fromIntegral h) 300 
          bstr <- C.readFile filename 
          let b64str = encode bstr 
              ebdsrc = "data:image/png;base64," <> b64str
          return . ItemImage $ Image ebdsrc (50,100) dim 
        loadjpg = do 
          img <- loadJpegFile filename
          (w,h) <- imageSize img 
          let dim | w < 612 && h < 792 = Dim (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)
                  | w < 765 && h < 990 = Dim (fromIntegral w * 72 / 90) 
                                             (fromIntegral h * 72 / 90)
                  | w >= h = Dim 300 (fromIntegral h*300/fromIntegral w)
                  | otherwise = Dim (fromIntegral w*300/fromIntegral h) 300 
          bstr <- savePngByteString img 
          let b64str = encode bstr 
              ebdsrc = "data:image/png;base64," <> b64str
          return . ItemImage $ Image ebdsrc (50,100) dim