module Hoogle.Query.Suggest(suggestQuery) where import Data.TagStr import General.Code import Hoogle.DataBase.All import Hoogle.Query.Type suggestQuery :: [DataBase] -> Query -> Maybe TagStr suggestQuery db q | "google" `elem` map (map toLower) (names q) = Just $ Tags [TagHyperlink "" (Str "Google"), Str " rocks!"] suggestQuery db q | any f (names q) = Just $ Str "Can't think of anything more interesting to search for?" where f x = length x == 6 && "oogle" `isSuffixOf` x suggestQuery db q | isJust $ typeSig q = case suggestion db (fromJust $ typeSig q) of Nothing -> Nothing Just (Left s) -> Just $ Str s Just (Right t) -> Just $ Str $ "Did you mean: " ++ show t suggestQuery db q = Nothing