{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Console.Search(actionSearch) where import CmdLine.All import General.Base import General.System import System.Console.CmdArgs import Hoogle actionSearch :: CmdLine -> Query -> IO () actionSearch flags q = do (missing,dbs) <- loadQueryDatabases (databases flags) q unless (null missing) $ do n <- availableDatabases (databases flags) exitMessage $ ("Could not find some databases: " ++ unwords missing) : "Searching in:" : map (" "++) (databases flags) ++ [""] ++ (if null n then ["There are no available databases, generate them with: hoogle data"] else ["Either the package does not exist or has not been generated"] ++ ["Generate more databases with: hoogle data all" | length n < 100] ++ ["Found " ++ show (length n) ++ " databases, including: " ++ unwords (take 5 n) | not $ null n]) let sug = querySuggestions dbs q when (isJust sug) $ putStrLn $ showTag $ fromJust sug verbose <- isLoud when verbose $ putStrLn "= ANSWERS =" when (color flags) $ putStrLn $ "Searching for: " ++ showTag (renderQuery q) let res = restrict $ concatMap expand $ search dbs q if null res then putStrLn "No results found" else if info flags then do let Result{..} = snd $ head res putStrLns 2 $ disp verbose $ head res putStrLns 2 $ showTag docs case locations of (_,(_,p):_):_ -> putStrLn $ "From package " ++ p _ -> return () putStrLns 1 $ showTag self else putStr $ unlines $ map (disp verbose) res where restrict | start2 == 0 && count2 == maxBound = id | otherwise = take count2 . drop start2 where start2 = maybe 0 (subtract 1) $ start flags count2 = fromMaybe maxBound $ count flags showTag = if color flags then showTagANSI else showTagText expand (s,r) | null $ locations r = [(s,r)] | otherwise = [(s,r{locations=[p]}) | p <- locations r] disp verbose (s,Result{..}) = (case locations of (_,_:(_,m):_):_ -> m ++ " "; _ -> "") ++ showTag self ++ (if verbose then " -- " ++ show s else "") ++ (if link flags then " -- " ++ head (map fst locations ++ [""]) else "") -- Put out a string with some blank links following -- Do not put out the blank lines if no text output putStrLns :: Int -> String -> IO () putStrLns n xs = when (xs /= "") $ do putStr xs putStr $ replicate n '\n'