module Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.Result( module Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.Result, module Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.EntryInfo ) where import Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.TypeScore import Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.Binding import Hoogle.DataBase.TypeSearch.EntryInfo import Hoogle.DataBase.Instances import Data.Binary.Defer.Index import Hoogle.Type.All hiding (Result) import General.Base import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet type ArgPos = Int -- the return from searching a graph, nearly type Result = (Link EntryInfo,[EntryView],TypeScore) type ResultReal = (Link Entry, [EntryView], TypeScore) flattenResults :: [Result] -> [(Link Entry, [EntryView], TypeScore)] flattenResults xs = [(a,b,c) | (as,b,c) <- xs, a <- entryInfoEntries $ fromLink as] -- the result information from a whole type (many ResultArg) -- number of lacking args, entry data, info (result:args) data ResultAll = ResultAll Int (Link EntryInfo) [[ResultArg]] deriving Show -- the result information from one single type graph (argument/result) -- this result points at, argument, with such a score data ResultArg = ResultArg {resultArgEntry :: Link EntryInfo ,resultArgPos :: ArgPos ,resultArgBind :: Binding } deriving Show newResultAll :: EntryInfo -> Link EntryInfo -> Maybe ResultAll newResultAll query e | bad < 0 || bad > 2 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ ResultAll bad e $ replicate (arityResult + 1) [] where arityQuery = entryInfoArity query arityResult = entryInfoArity $ fromLink e bad = arityResult - arityQuery addResultAll :: Instances -> EntryInfo -> (Maybe ArgPos, ResultArg) -> ResultAll -> (ResultAll, [Result]) addResultAll is query (pos,res) (ResultAll i e info) = (ResultAll i e info2 ,mapMaybe (\(r:rs) -> newGraphsResults is query e rs r) path) where ind = maybe 0 (+1) pos info2 = zipWith (\i x -> [res|i==ind] ++ x) [0..] info -- path returns a path through the ResultArg's -- must skip badarg items -- must take one element from 0 -- must use res from ind path :: [[ResultArg]] path = f i set $ zip [0..] info where set = if ind == 0 then IntSet.empty else IntSet.singleton (resultArgPos res) f bad set [] = [[] | bad == 0] f bad set ((i,x):xs) | i == ind = map (res:) $ f bad set xs | i == 0 = [r:rs | r <- x, rs <- f bad set xs] | otherwise = (if bad > 0 then f (bad-1) set xs else []) ++ [r:rs | r <- x, let rp = resultArgPos r, not $ rp `IntSet.member` set , rs <- f bad (IntSet.insert rp set) xs] newGraphsResults :: Instances -> EntryInfo -> Link EntryInfo -> [ResultArg] -> ResultArg -> Maybe Result newGraphsResults is query e args res = do b <- mergeBindings $ map resultArgBind $ args ++ [res] let aps = map resultArgPos args s = newTypeScore is query (fromLink e) (aps == sort aps) b view = zipWith ArgPosNum [0..] aps -- need to fake at least one ArgPosNum, so we know we have some highlight info view2 = [ArgPosNum (-1) (-1) | null view] ++ view return (e, view2, s)